McMaster University

Academic Program

The Mechanical Engineering program at McMaster University provides students with a diverse education involving the application of principles of physics for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. Over their four-year degree students complete a variety of projects developing essential project management, teamwork, and communication skills. Exposure to many open-ended and time-constrained problems allows students to develop problem-solving and time management techniques which are essential for success in the mechanical contracting industry. The program also offers a five-year option which includes a specialization in management allowing students to complete business courses increasing the diversity of their education.

Awards & Activities

1st place in the 2015 MCAA Student Chapter Competition
– Host project site tours
– Host a “Meet and Greet” which brings mechanical contractors and students together
– Participate in the MCA Canadian Student Summit
– Visit local schools to increase awareness of the mechanical contracting industry
– Participate in MCAA Student Chapter Competition