MCAA’s MEP Innovation Conference Successfully Delivers the Content Members Need to Compete in a Digital Age

April 30, 2021

It takes a lot to compete in an industry that is constantly changing. Digital tools have integrated with the entire construction process. The contractors that are integrating more of their processes with these solutions are becoming the ones best positioned to compete going forward. 

MCAA’s MEP Innovation Conference delivered contractor-based case studies to over 1,300 attendees and demonstrated how members are using these tools to thrive in today’s industry. Over three days, 32 breakout sessions, 30 roundtables and more than 100 exhibitor demonstrations, contractors learned about the arsenal of new tools designed for a digital age. Sessions focused on real-world practical applications in use by contractors. 

This year, the conference was virtual. As Jeff Miller, Director of Virtual Construction at HFI put it, “I went into the roundtable sessions thinking that it was going to be another Zoom call that I had on in the background while I worked, but when we moved to smaller breakout rooms, and all of us were asked to turn on our cameras and have a face-to-face virtual conversation, it actually felt refreshing to talk and connect with some of the same people I would have been seeing in a live conference.”

Plans are already underway on the next MEP Innovation Conference, to be held in person next January in collaboration with NECA and SMACNA. Stay tuned for additional virtual mini sessions to keep you up to speed on more innovations the rest of the year. 

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