Withum COVID-19 Bill Update – 7/2/2020

July 2, 2020

New PPP Bill Passed by House and Senate:  The Bill that was introduced and passed by the Senate on Tuesday, June 30 has now been passed by the House and is headed to the President’s desk for signature.  This Bill extends the application deadline for the PPP an additional 5 weeks (recall that the deadline was June 30, 2020 and they still had about $130 billion in available funds).  It is unclear how valuable this additional time will be since most businesses that wanted funds have already received them.

New Stimulus Package in the Works:  Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told a House panel that the administration would support a new stimulus package if it was put forward. He also indicated that he is in discussions with the Senate about revising the PPP to provide additional support to hard hit industries such as restaurants, hotels, etc.  We are not sure yet how the P4 Bill that was passed by the House (which allows businesses to obtain a second PPP loan under certain circumstances) will fare if the Senate decides to take it up, but there appears to be bipartisan support to find a solution.

Reminder Section:  (what should I be doing):

  • Talk to your payroll company about claiming the payroll tax deferrals and employee retention credits that were made available in the CARES Act.
  • Talk to your payroll company about claiming the qualified sick/family leave refundable tax credits (from FFCRA, passed prior to the CAREs Act).
  • Consider speaking with your lender to discuss changes to terms of existing debt facilities.
  • If you have already received a PPP loan, start forecasting how you intend to spend the funds and how you can qualify for the highest amount of loan forgiveness possible. If you are not forecasting 100% loan forgiveness, then most likely you should seek assistance regarding your particular situation. Withum believes the vast majority of borrowers should expect and plan to receive 100% loan forgiveness.
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