Organization: MCAA

Message from Mike Farrington, MS/C Chairman: Safe Water and Sound Solutions

This issue of Smart Solutions leads off with tips for contractors from Ferguson on making a smooth transition to full compliance with the federal Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act, which goes into effect January 4, 2014. The Manufacturer/Supplier Council supports the efforts to make drinking water safer that are embodied by the new regulations. You can learn more by downloading the Plumbing Contractors of America’s (PCA) Guide to the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act or watching PCA’s archived webinar about the legislation.

In this issue, you can also learn from experts at Siemens how to select the right damper actuators to get the most out of new or existing HVAC systems. Clients are increasingly concerned about improving energy-efficiency, and in this issue, you’ll learn about products to meet clients’ demands and grow your business. By using BuildingAdvice technology to demonstrate energy cost savings, TempControl Mechanical Service won contracts to provide comprehensive preventive maintenance services for multiple buildings. Industrial Cooling Corporation’s use of a BITZER scroll compressor for a recip retrofit took more time than a conventional replacement but reduced the unit’s power consumption. The choice of advanced plastic Delta Cooling Towers led to increased energy efficiency for a West Virginia hospital, along with better HVAC performance and fewer maintenance requirements.

Of course, increasing productivity remains a goal for contractors. In this issue, learn how A. D. Winston Corporation used Victaulic mechanical grooved systems and 3D renderings to complete its work on a New York City skyscraper in just 19 months. To meet a project timetable that was slashed from 24 months to 15 months, MLP turned to customized, engineered plumbing solutions from Zurn that dramatically cut down manhours. Nelson Stark Company also realized significant labor savings by installing Viega ProPress and using prefabrication techniques. De-Cal, Inc., found that using the PipeWorx Welding System from Miller Electric Mfg. Co. significantly improved productivity by as much as 30–40 percent. Using Wade’s HydroMax® siphonic roof drainage system saved installation time and material costs for a Wal-Mart in Illinois.

Finally, you can read why Doubl-Kold of Washington State selected BAC products to respond to the need for more cold storage when the state’s apple production blossomed and how the Sauer Group Inc. used Anvil’s pipe supports and rollers to support a massive water tower for a NASA rocket and spacecraft launcher. These are just a few examples of how our supplier partners can help you exceed your clients’ expectations.

Mike Farrington, Chairman

Wade HydroMax Siphonic Roof Drainage System Saves Costs, Installation Time

Using Wade’s HydroMax® siphonic roof drainage system, a Wal-Mart in Chatham, IL, reduced the number of large pipes needed from 14 to three, thus saving installation time and material costs. Mercy Hospital in Des Moines, IA, turned to Wade’s HydroMax siphonic system to solve a space conflict—there was no room left in the ceiling space for the drainage pipes needed.

Siphonic roof drainage systems operate under the principle of negative pressures. A siphonic roof drain contains a baffle plate instead of the traditional dome. The baffle plate, when covered by a small amount of water ponding on the roof, prevents air from entering the piping system, which allows the storm water to flow at high velocity, using the entire diameter of the pipe to remove water from the roof.

Water ponding levels on a siphonic system are significantly less than ponding levels of a gravity drain for equal GPM (gallons-per-minute) discharges. A gravity system requires larger-diameter pipe because it only uses approximately one third of the pipe diameter to evacuate water from a roof. The remaining two thirds is dedicated to allowing the air necessary for a gravity system to function. Smaller-diameter siphonic pipes translate into smaller hangers and couplings and less insulation.

With a siphonic system, pipe can be installed with no pitch. With storm piping being the only system in today’s crowded ceiling chase installed with a pitch, the no-pitch feature allows for storm drainage designs that historically were impossible. The technology also reduces the client’s storm drainage costs up to 40 percent.

Working with Wal-Mart

When Wade first started work with Wal-Mart, the store used 14 12” or 15” gravity pipe systems dropping through the store rooms, interfering with the desired racking configuration and eliminating valuable racking space. The Wade HydroMax siphonic system used only three 12” rainwater pipes located in corners to allow continuity and increase racking space. As a result, Wal-Mart saved money on materials. Installation was quicker because there were fewer pipes, and the ponding depths on the roof were lower. Moreover, because the system required fewer connections, the job required less below-grade pipework.

Solving Hospital Headaches

Mercy Hospital faced major coordination problems in the heavily-serviced ceiling space, which was congested with ductwork, fire sprinklers, electrical, and plumbing components as well as hospital gas lines and other specialty services. It needed to route a sloping gravity rainwater pipe from the roof drain locations to the service cores, but no space was available.

Mercy Hospital used the Wade HydroMax siphonic roof drainage system where the pipework ran completely flat, so it did not need to be installed in the ceiling, which was already congested with traditional and hospital-specific building components.

Mercy used the Wade HydroMax siphonic roof drainage system where the pipework (approximately half the diameter of the gravity-designed system) ran completely flat. This solution meant the pipework could be zoned for coordination and find a winding route to the services core, where the pipe could then drop to below grade. Not only did the system solve the problem, but cost of the storm drainage system to Mercy was reduced, and the hospital realized all the technical benefits, such as self-scouring and lower ponding on the roof.

Saving with Siphonics

In addition to cost savings, contractors can save time and money and provide solutions for complex situations by using siphonic drainage systems:

  • Smaller-diameter pipework (approximately half that of gravity systems) means lower materials costs.
  • Horizontal pipes can be installed flat, without grading.
  • Pipes self-scour by running fullbore with higher velocities.
  • Below-grade drainage is significantly reduced (the common range is from 20 to 60 percent).
  • Rainwater down pipes can be routed to the engineer’s preferred locations, freeing up valuable building space.
  • Routing rainwater down pipes to the perimeter of buildings eliminates below-grade drainage under the building floor.
  • Services can be easily coordinated because pipework runs flat.
  • Fewer pipes means reduced construction time and cost.
  • Rainwater pipes can be routed to pond retention or used in rainwater harvesting.
  • Efficient water flow reduces ponding on the roof.

Wade HydroMax has also been used successfully for rainwater harvesting schemes where the pipes can be routed directly to rainwater harvesting tanks. The architectural benefit of no-pitch piping allows water from all areas of the roof to be routed to the collection tank location. Other uses include green roofs.

Siphonic roof drainage systems are an engineered solution. Any siphonic roof drain used in the United States must be tested in accordance with ASME 112.6.9:2005. All siphonic roof drain designs require the engineer of record to design the system in accordance with ASPE Plumbing Engineering & Design Standard 45:2007 – Siphonic Roof Drainage. IPC 2012 requires siphonic roof drains to be in compliance with ASME 112.6.9:2005 and the designs in accordance with ASPE Plumbing Engineering & Design Standard 45:2007.

Wade HydroMax offers design assistance to ensure a smooth progression from concept to the engineer sign-off. Communications between the manufacturer to the engineer of record and then to the mechanical contractor are important to ensure proper installation at the jobsite. The cost savings and simplified installation of siphonic roof drainage create a win-win for the contractor and the building owner.

For more information, visit

With Miller’s PipeWorx System, De-Cal Welders Work Twice as Fast as Stick Welders

To meet growing demand, Michigan based De-Cal, Inc., opened its own fabrication shop with four multiprocess pipe welding systems (the PipeWorx Welding System from Miller Electric Mfg. Co.), along with a series of weld positioners. The speed and ease of use of the PipeWorx welding process has helped De-Cal refine its pipe welding processes to significantly improve productivity by as much as 30–40 percent and grow business.

Located in Warren, MI, De-Cal has worked since 1992 to establish itself as one of the premier mechanical contractors in the Mid-Atlantic states. With additional locations in Youngstown, OH, and Pittsburgh, PA, De-Cal finds itself in the heart of steel country, as well as the region’s burgeoning oil and gas industry.

The company added a new element to its business in 2011 when it built a fully functional fabrication shop at its Youngstown location. The expansion was designed initially to support the needs of their own mechanical contracting business but quickly grew to take in work from other companies as their capabilities fit a regional demand for welding and fabrication services.

When the fabrication shop opened, most of the local welding talent had been certified to the ASME codes using only the stick and TIG welding processes in fixed positions. De-Cal worked with UA Local 396 (plumbers, pipefitters, steamfitters, HVAC) to begin certifying welders in MIG and flux-cored processes to UA and ASME codes.

“The guys have bought into that real well,” said Ray Montgomery, manufacturing project manager for De-Cal. “Once I got one guy qualified, and I could have him work a job right next to a guy welding stick, I could show that he’s doing twice as much welding.”

The great bulk of material that comes through the De-Cal fab shop is carbon steel and stainless steel. One recent project—an extensive piping system for coke production—featured both. The first phase involved schedule-80 carbon steel pipe from 6” to 16” in diameter, while the second phase involved 10” to 16” schedule-80 stainless steel pipe. De-Cal has standardized, for the most part, on .035” solid wire for the root pass and .045” flux-cored wire for the hot and cover passes in both applications.

A few customers still prefer TIG and stick and are reluctant to consider change, but De-Cal has achieved numerous certifications under ASME Section 9 that included extensive radiographic and bend testing to prove the quality of these processes.

“We’ve had instances where a customer has given us a job to quote and given us a spec that says, ‘no MIG, no flux-cored,’ and I’ve been able to go back to them and say, ‘We want to perform welding using the same procedures that are approved under our ASME code program,’” said Montgomery. “And just about in every instance, I’ve got approval to do that.”

One of the primary contributors to this success has been the conversion of most root pass applications to the regulated metal deposition (RMD®) process. RMD is a modified short-circuit MIG process in which the welding system anticipates and controls the short circuit, then reduces available welding current to create a consistent metal transfer. Precisely controlled metal transfer provides uniform droplet deposition, making it easier for the welder to control the puddle. The smooth metal transfer also compensates for high-low misalignment between pipe sections and creates more consistent root reinforcement on the inside of the pipe than other short-circuit MIG processes. The process also maintains a consistent arc length regardless of electrode stick-out. It compensates for operators that have problems holding a constant stickout, and it enables a better view of the weld puddle—making the process much easier to learn than TIG welding.

“The RMD process is by far the biggest advancement that I see,” said Montgomery. “Being able to easily do a root weld, get full penetration, have a nice appearance on either side without the welder having to struggle is, to me, the biggest thing.”

Similar improvements in productivity occurred as the shop transitioned over from stick to flux-cored welding for the fill and cap passes. Fluxcored welding provides a number of benefits over stick welding that help improve productivity and quality, including faster travel speeds, increased deposition rates, and increased deposition efficiency— which ultimately means that less filler metal is wasted in the process.

“By using this process and utilizing weld positioners, a welder can routinely weld a continuous pass without stopping,” said Montgomery. “It’s much more efficient, the welders like doing it, and the weld appearance is very uniform.”

For more information, visit

Using BuildingAdvice Technology, TCMS Demonstrates Savings, Secures Building Portfolio Maintenance Contract

Technology Illustrates Rapid Return on Investment to Clients

Temp-Control Mechanical Service (TCMS) was confident that the BuildingAdvice™ suite of energy services from AirAdvice would help them win a preventive maintenance (PM) contract and deliver measurable energy cost savings to The Avamere Group, a family of more than 40 senior living facilities in the Pacific Northwest. In their first meeting with Avamere, TCMS uncovered concerns about operating costs and a less-than-robust PM program implemented by onsite staff with little HVAC experience. To demonstrate their capacity, TCMS proposed an action plan that included surveying, benchmarking, and collecting cost data at three of Avamere’s facilities.

Survey data were presented to the engineer and the administrators at each of the facilities. One location, the Pearl, was chosen as the first building to test the efficacy of TCMS’ PM program and its ability to deliver energy savings. The premise was that a robust PM program should pay for itself in measurable energy cost savings. TCMS submitted a PM contract proposing approximately $11,000 worth of maintenance work for the Pearl’s 40,000-square-foot facility.

“The power of definitively proving that our PM pays for itself in less than eight months is an absolute differentiator in our market.”

— Bill Moore, TCMS Principal

With BuildingAdvice, TCMS monitored a relatively new facility and pinpointed some reasons for its poor energy performance, such as overventilation in the hours when the building was unoccupied.

TCMS benchmark data demonstrated that the Pearl, a relatively new building, was performing poorly. Equipment and systems had indeed suffered the ill effects of poor PM. The building scored a 21, indicating that 79 percent of building types in the same category nationally performed better. More importantly, the Pearl was spending over $17,000 more annually on energy bills than average-performing buildings, suggesting that the PM program would pay for itself in less than one year.

“Our final decision [to move forward with the PM proposal for the Pearl] was based on TCMS’ ability to measure the actual operational cost savings their program generated, something their competitors were unable or unwilling to do,” said Rickard Miller, chairman of The Avamere Group.

Using the BuildingAdvice platform, TCMS began to assess control issues in the facility. Having already collected schedule information, the wireless sensor arrays included with the BuildingAdvice system allowed TCMS to compare temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, and light readings during occupied and unoccupied times for over one week. Using graphs to display how a facility’s systems actually operate, especially during unoccupied times, has a tremendous impact on owners and operators who have very little idea what happens when no one is there.

The data provided valuable clues about sources of waste that could be easily remedied. Poorly installed economizers proved to be a significant opportunity for improvement. TCMS used the BuildingAdvice system to create an energy model for the building that could help forecast the savings generated by each measure and by the PM in total. As it turns out, the scope of needed energy measures identified by the BuildingAdvice audit matched the scope of work proposed for the PM program.

“The BuildingAdvice program, especially the reporting, really helped us engage the customer in meaningful discussions about their facility,” said TCMS Principal Bill Moore. “The reports made it tangible for them. From the benchmark report that clearly showed their building performing below average to the audit, which forecasted savings by measure, the reports created a storyboard. Avamere saw how their practices created waste and that, working together, our PM and their ongoing diligence could drive sustained savings. It moved them from being an observer to a participant, and that is likely to spill over to the rest of the portfolio.”

TCMS began implementing their PM program in late November 2012 and completed their efforts by mid-December. To measure and prove their effectiveness, TCMS tapped another BuildingAdvice reporting system, SavingsTracker, to track the actual energy savings generated by TCMS’ sustainable PM program. The results were immediate.

In less than three months, the PM yielded $5,562 in savings, almost 18-percent savings on utility bills compared with the prior two-year average. In just over six months the program generated over $10,000 in measurable savings. In fact, Avamere achieved a complete return on its investment in the initial PM program for the Pearl within seven months. “The power of definitively proving that our PM pays for itself in less than seven months is an absolute differentiator in our market,” said Moore. “We now use this SavingsTracker graph in all of our first meetings to drive this message home in our sales process.”

TCMS used BuildingAdvice technology to illustrate how an effective PM program would reduce energy use and save the client money.
With the SavingsTracker from BuildingAdvice, TCMS demonstrated exactly how much clients saved as a result of TCMS maintenance. The ability to show that their work pays for itself rapidly gives TCMS a strong competitive advantage.

Early success prompted Avamere to engage TCMS to benchmark and survey 20 more buildings in their portfolio to determine whether the buildings could realize similar savings. TCMS has already been awarded contracts for three additional buildings, and more candidates are in the queue.

TCMS sales teams will use previous studies (benchmarks, assessments, and audits) to inform their quarterly PM process to ensure waste is continually eliminated and to systematically identify retrofit opportunities that meet Avamere’s capital investment guidelines. They will use the SavingsTracker reporting system when they meet with the customer quarterly to remind them how much they are saving and to begin positioning projects uncovered through the audits.

TCMS attributes their success with Avamere to 1) a well-executed quarterly PM program that included measurement to identify waste, 2) a comprehensive scope of work that corrected that waste, and 3) a continuous monitoring program that documents actual savings results that the customer believed. The credibility that BuildingAdvice added positioned TCMS for an ongoing, long-term revenue stream in a growing portfolio of buildings.

For more information, visit

Delta’s Advanced Plastic Cooling Towers Are the Cure for Hospital’s HVAC Ills

Quiet, Energy-Efficient Products Meet Client’s Demanding Specs

To overcome recurring cooling tower-related HVAC performance problems, Davis Memorial Hospital of Elkins, WV, recently purchased two high-density polyethylene (HDPE) cooling towers, manufactured by Delta Cooling Towers, to support its two 300-ton chillers. The new towers were selected to meet the hospital’s demanding specifications for high performance, minimal maintenance, and minimal noise.

Hospitals Have Unique Requirements

Hospitals contain diverse, demanding environments that require dependable performance of the HVAC system. Operating rooms, critical care facilities, data centers, imaging centers—plus worker productivity—all, to some extent, depend on the reliable operation of the HVAC system, particularly in warm weather. When cooling towers are sluggish or out of service for maintenance, added stress is placed on chillers, and, in turn, the performance of the HVAC system often decreases.

Such was the case with Davis Memorial Hospital. A subsidiary of Davis Health System, the 160,000-square-foot hospital was founded in 1904, fully renovated in 1994, and is now undergoing an expansion of 72,000 square feet. The modern hospital includes a 90-bed medical facility, with nine intensive care and 36 telemetry (monitored) beds, with services ranging from emergency treatment to acute inpatient care, cancer treatment, diagnostic services, pulmonary rehabilitation, women’s health services, and many types of surgery

Like many building owners, the hospital management was looking for more advanced cooling tower technology that would optimize performance while minimizing maintenance requirements.

“I researched various cooling tower technologies on the Internet and found a unique line of cooling towers that features a seamless plastic shell,” explained Steven Johnson, director of Davis Memorial Support Services. “The one that attracted my attention was a line that was made of HDPE, manufactured by Delta Cooling Towers. Of course, there were a lot of other models available, but most of them seemed to be the metal-clad design.”

For many cooling tower users, metal-clad models have become outmoded because they are vulnerable to corrosion from salt air, industrial gasses, and even the chemicals used to treat the recirculating water. Conversely, HDPE cooling tower shells are virtually impermeable to corrosive elements, including water treatment chemicals such as chlorine, as well as ultraviolet rays.

A Closer Look at New Technology

Johnson and engineers from Davis Memorial decided to visit the Delta Cooling Tower manufacturing site for a plant tour so that they could get a closer look at the design and building of the manufacturer’s product line, which includes models ranging from 10 to 2,000 cooling tons.

“We were all impressed with the plant tour,” Johnson said. “Not only was management helpful in explaining the features and benefits of various product models, but they also helped us confirm our preliminary specs for the cooling towers we had in mind. We were quite surprised to learn that this line of cooling towers was about 20 percent less expensive than many conventional designs.”

Johnson was also pleased with the standard warranty offered on all products. While many metal-clad cooling towers are warranted for only one year, the HDPE-based cooling tower shells from Delta carry a standard 15-year warranty. The Davis Memorial team selected a 250- ton TM Series unit and a 180-ton Paragon Series tower.

Efficiency, Noise Reduction Impressive

While avoiding downtime and unscheduled cooling tower maintenance were critical requirements for Davis Memorial Hospital, other features of the Delta design also had significant value.

“The variable-speed, direct-drive motors that run the fans on our new towers also provide unexpected benefits,” Johnson said. “First of all, these drives are far more efficient than we initially realized. The fan motors on our old towers were 30 horsepower each and consumed considerably more energy than the new ones, which are only seven horsepower each and at least 50 percent more energy-efficient.”

Johnson explained that the hospital’s old fan motors were either on or off. With the new variable-speeds drives, they are set up so that they only run at 100 percent on hot days.

“The new direct-drive fans are usually running at about 40 percent,” Johnson noted. “Running at 100 percent, they are only pulling four amps, which is much less energy than before.”

Johnson added that the new direct drives are also far less maintenance intensive, which results in even greater savings. With no belts, shafts, bearings, or other external parts to service, the direct-drive motors are virtually maintenance free.

Another important benefit of the new direct drive cooling towers is that they run quietly. “Drives using belts often require adjustments, or you will hear them squeal,” Johnson explained. “We’re a hospital, so quiet is expected. Also, we’re located right in the middle of a residential community. In the past, we received complaints from people in the neighborhood if the belts were squealing, particularly if it happened at night when they were trying to sleep. That was a serious problem, so our maintenance people often had to fix the belts in the middle of the night. With the direct-drive fan motors, we don’t have that problem.”

Johnson said his new cooling towers have not only solved his chiller and HVAC problems, but have exceeded expectations. “These new cooling towers have virtually eliminated unscheduled emergency maintenance,” he said. “That not only makes us happy, our chiller maintenance contractor is also very pleased.”

John Flaherty, president of Delta Cooling Towers, estimated that with the hospital’s combined savings on energy, water usage, maintenance, and chemicals, the payback for the new cooling towers should be within two years.

For more information, call 800-BUY-DELTA (289-3358) or visit

Siemens Provides Contractor Tips on Selecting Damper Actuators That Make the Most of HVAC Systems

In recent years, HVAC trade magazines have cited that more than one third of the commercial HVAC systems in the United States are broken. They also point out the poor state of HVAC equipment across much of the K–12 market. Installing upgraded HVAC equipment and effective building control systems in new and existing buildings significantly improves occupant comfort and productivity, but it is the damper actuators that move the equipment and allow the user to deploy control strategies. Because damper actuators enable HVAC systems to deliver measurable, sustainable energy savings, Siemens offers these tips on selecting the right product for your project.

As you upgrade facilities with improved environmental building controls, check damper actuator operation to ensure you maintain your system’s energy savings. If you need to replace the actuator, consider the following:

  • How much torque is required to move the equipment?
  • For retrofits or new installations, how much torque is required from the actuators?
  • What are the characteristics of the HVAC system?

The size, quantity, and ultimate selection of actuators required depend on the factors below:

  • Type of damper seals (standard, low, or very low leakage)
  • Number of damper sections
  • Approach air velocity
  • Static pressure
  • Control signal and other features required for operation
  • Quality and environmental operating conditions of the damper installation

Calculating Torque Requirements

Follow these steps to determine how much torque is needed to move the equipment:

  1. From the damper or equipment manufacturer, calculate the damper torque rating (DTR) for the damper at the most severe operating conditions. If it is not available, use the table below to estimate the leakage type, static pressure, and air velocity.
  2. Calculate the damper area (DA) in square feet (L×W) from the damper dimensions.
  3. Calculate the total damper torque (TDT) in pound-inches using the following formula: TDT = DTR × DA.
  4. Apply a safety factor to that torque (20 percent more than the calculation determined is advised).

Damper Actuator Selection Criteria

Given the required torque, decide the following damper actuator selection criteria:

Does the equipment need to close in the event of a power loss to stop cold air from entering the building or freezing other equipment?

If so, then a spring return (SR) actuator is needed where a physical spring or another mechanism like capacitors move the actuator/equipment position to the closed position in the absence of power. If the answer is “no,” damage to the equipment or building will occur in the event of a power failure, as in the case of an interior space, and a fail-in-place or non-spring return (NSR) actuator can be used.

What input power will the actuator need to operate: 24 VAC, 24 VDC, or 120 VAC? What type of control is needed for the equipment/application: two-position (open/closed), floating control, or modulating the equipment in signals of 0–10 VDC voltage or 4–20 mA current signals?

Once voltage and signal requirements are understood, determine what size connection is required to operate the equipment. A self-centering shaft adapter connection is especially useful when high torque actuation is required and provides many advantages over other shaft connection methods:

  • Save installation time through quick connection to the equipment shaf
  • No call-backs from slipping shafts
  • Long life and successful operation on a wide range of equipment shaft sizes

Other features to consider include using low-voltage plenum-rated product when local codes allow plenum-rated actuators to be installed without the need for conduit, saving cost and eventual metal disposal concerns. When proof of equipment closure is required, built-in dual adjustable auxiliary switches not only save time by eliminating a complicated installation but also can be set in five-degree increments for maximum control system adaptability. Also, consider protection of the actuator from outdoor elements and the connection methods needed when you cannot connect directly to the equipment shaft.

Finally, ensure the control system is deploying an efficient control strategy to the equipment and actuators in operation.

For more information, visit

Industrial Cooling Corporation Retrofits Reciprocating Compressor with BITZER Scroll

Project Saves Thousands, Lowers Power Consumption, and Reduces Noise

Industrial Cooling Corporation (ICC) of Metuchen, NJ, recently retrofitted a 10-ton reciprocating compressor with a BITZER scroll compressor (ESH736-4SU) to keep overall client costs down, reduce power consumption, and minimize noise. Replacing large, inefficient recips with high-efficiency screw compressors on chillers and rooftop units is standard practice in many areas, but it is unusual to convert smaller recips to scrolls.

Because scroll compressors are taller than recips, Daniel Greenhalgh, the job foreman, had to modify the sheet metal panel above the compressor compartment to gain 5”. Once the recip was removed and the scroll mounted in the cabinet, Greenhalgh mounted an APR valve on the left side of the new compressor. He then installed a solenoid valve on the APR outlet and electrically paralleled it with the liquid-line solenoid to allow the compressor to pump down. A discharge check valve was also installed for pumpdown and to make sure no liquid refrigerant backed up into the compressor dome.

Mike Chiovaro, ICC account executive, explained that the APR valve is a capacity modulation and dehumidification device for direct expansion A/C systems. By regulating refrigerant flow, it allows direct expansion systems designed for full load to maintain acceptable air quality during varying load conditions. He added that the active portion of the coil stays below dew point at all times, thereby keeping the system in the dehumidification mode and ensuring longer run-times.

Isolation refrigerant ball valves were installed on all three lines of the APR to allow for complete isolation. “This enabled us to be sure the system was charged and operating to the original specifications,” said Chiovaro. “After pulling down the system and charging with R22, we then opened the APR isolation valves and checked operation. We created a low load on the unit to make sure the APR reacted correctly.”

After completing the startup procedures, the BITZER scroll was running at full load (no APR operation) with 75° F intake air and 50° F discharge air and only using 13 amps. The scroll used 2 amps less than the second-stage recip compressor beneath the scroll that was running unloaded with the same temperatures and voltage.

When the customer walked into the room to inspect the installation, he commented on how quiet the new scroll compressor was compared with the old recip model. He did not hear it running at all, because the recip compressor below it was also running.

Chiovaro said the installation required more time to retrofit, but the overall cost was thousands less than installing a “drop-in,” and the customer benefited by seeing lower power consumption and lower sound levels in his data center.

Steps in the Retrofit

  1. Reclaim the R22 refrigerant (to be reused at completion).
  2. Remove and dispose of failed compressor.
  3. Modify sheet metal panel, located above stage-one compartment.
  4. Install mounting plate and set new BITZER scroll compressor (model ESH736-4SU).
  5. Modify refrigerant piping to meet compressor discharge and suction connections.
  6. Provide and install one new liquid line filter drier.
  7. Provide and install one new discharge check valve.
  8. . Provide and install one new APR valve.
  9. Provide and install all needed piping, fittings, refrigerant solenoid, and ball valves to install the APR.
  10. Install a new contractor.
  11. Terminate and reconnect power.
  12. Evacuate and charge circuit with reclaimed refrigerant.
  13. Start up system and record pressures, amperage, voltage, superheat (adjust if needed), and sub-cooling.

For more information, visit

BAC Proves a Fruitful Choice for Doubl-Kold

Contractor Meets Needs of Record Northwest Apple Harvest

Washington State had a record apple harvest in 2012, so Double-Kold of Yakima, WA, stepped up to expand storage capacity rapidly for growers across the state by relying on Baltimore Aircoil Company’s (BAC) products. After apples are harvested in the fall, they need to be stored in cold rooms for several months to supply various markets for the entire year.

In 2012, the apple crop in the east was very low, and most of Michigan’s apple crop was damaged by hail storms. Washington, however, had perfect weather—a warm summer with just enough rain and a mild spring with nearly no frosts. Additionally, many of the orchards in Washington were redesigned to be high-density orchards. Therefore, Washington State provided two thirds of the apples for the entire United States in 2012, a 20-percent increase from its previous record high.

As a result of the high crop yield, available cold storage rooms for the apples were maxed out. Doubl-Kold, a leader among industrial refrigeration contractors in the Pacific Northwest, has been serving and providing solutions to the area’s fruit industry for over 30 years. They are noted for their expertise in cold storage designs and installations. Together with their local BAC representative, Doubl-Kold has been integral in the overall expansion of cold storage availability. In addition to new construction cold storage, Doubl-Kold has stepped in and offered advice in making existing cold storage rooms more efficient. They recognize that Washington farmers need an evaporative condenser that is easy to maintain and has high capacity.

From November through April, Doubl-Kold purchased several hundred tons of BAC’s VCA evaporative condensers as part of the refrigeration system for these apple orchard cold rooms. Doubl-Kold selected the VCA because of its wide tonnage range in capacity (87 to 1,443 R-717 tons in a single unit), reliability, and ease of maintenance. This industry workhorse is made of heavy-duty, hot-dip galvanized steel panels. With options ranging from equipment controls to access packages, the VCA was designed with the operator in mind. The many access options make it easy to maintain and inspect. Also, the entire drive system is located at the base of the unit, providing unrestricted access to the premium efficient independent fan motors, axial fans, and bearings. Two large access doors are standard with every sideblow VCA, and one door is included on end-blow units.

According to Ken Adams, vice president of sales at Doubl-Kold, “At the average apple orchard there are six to 20 cold storage rooms, and each room needs an evaporative condenser. Some of the apple orchard cold rooms are over 40 years old and have BAC condensers that are over 20 years old. This year, due to the apple harvest increase, many of my customers upgraded and replaced condensers in order to increase their capacity.

“In 2012, the apple harvest yielded approximately 130 million boxes of crops; in 2013, it is projected there will be 150 million boxes of crops,” Adams continued. “To keep the apples cool for the 2013 season, there will need to be a 20-percent increase of cold storage facilities to 800 cold rooms.” Adams also noted that not building new cold rooms—or not cooling them as efficiently as possible—could potentially result in a loss of up to $500 million for all of the apple orchards in the Pacific Northwest region.

Doubl-Kold is using its expertise in industrial refrigeration along with shrewd market analysis to anticipate client needs. Using BAC products helps Doubl-Kold meet its customers’ unique needs.

To learn more about BAC products or to contact your local BAC representative, visit

Sauer Group Selects Anvil Products to Support the World’s Tallest Launch Pad Water Tower

To support a massive water tower for a NASA launch pad, Sauer Group Inc. employed Anvil pipe supports and rollers for their durability and history of quality manufactured products. When rockets and spacecraft launch from NASA’s flight facility at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Spaceport (MARS) on Wallops Island, VA, the engine exhaust generates an enormous amount of heat and vibration. To keep the launch pad cool, stable, and safe, a special deluge system pumps water from a 307-foot water tower, the tallest in the world. The Sauer Group’s support structure keeps the deluge system safe during tumultuous takeoffs.

The Sauer Group relied on custom-built pipe slide assemblies—Anvil Figure 439s—to support the deluge piping system as it branched off of the launch pad water tower. The slide assemblies were attached to structural frame supports.

For previous projects, Anvil pipe rollers were used to accommodate lateral movement in horizontal pipe applications. The 48” vertical header on the launch pad water tower required 360-degree support after the header turned 90 degrees to horizontal and was threaded through a welded steel channel structural support system. Four custom pipe rollers were at each of the support points inside the channel frames.

Sauer Group employed Anvil’s Figure 76SD fabricated roller for large-diameter pipe and custom-built Anvil Figure 439 structural H slide assembly, shown here, to support the deluge system pipe for the launch pad water tower.

The other pipes in the deluge system ranged in size down to 8” in diameter and also required custom slide assemblies (Anvil Fig. 439). Anvil worked with engineering to design the supports and provided assistance during installation, demonstrating their flexibility and willingness to go above and beyond to meet these unique customer needs. Anvil piping products used on the project were specially fabricated pipe rollers (Anvil Fig. 76SD) and structural H slide assemblies (Anvil Fig. 439). Missions will launch from MARS to resupply the International Space Station.

For more information about Anvil’s products, visit

With Timetable Shortened Dramatically, MLP Turns to Zurn Plumbing Solutions

Customized Products Help Contractor Minimize Installation Time, Save Client Millions in Financing

In urgent need of more space, Erie County Medical Center Corporation (ECMCC) shortened the construction timeline for its new long-term care facility from two years to 15 months. MLP Plumbing & Mechanical, Inc., of Cheektowaga, NY, met the challenge by relying on Zurn products. Zurn Industries, LLC, helped MLP eliminate contractor hours by providing customized, engineered solutions to fit jobsite dimensions and install easily. As a result, the ECMCC saved millions of dollars financing its $103-million project.

The existing 87-year-old Erie County nursing home was running out of space. The compressed schedule enabled ECMCC to open its new, 390-bed Terrace View Long-Term Care Facility in Buffalo, NY, in February 2013. The new facility is grouped into small, 12-bed households, each with its own living room, fireplace, kitchen, and dining areas. Each floor has a large outdoor terrace and an indoor terrace lounge.

“I chose Zurn products because I was looking to save time on a necessarily fast-paced job,” says Chad Krajewski, MLP plumbing foreman, who worked with two MLP colleagues on this project: Mike Balon, foreman, and Bill Quefflec, project manager.

“Many construction projects are now ‘hurry-up’ and clients want them to be completed in record time while still significantly cutting labor costs,” Krajewski said. “Zurn solutions are a great option for contractors.”

Zurn Industries supplied five labor-saving products for the ECMCC project:

Z1231-EZ Lavatory Carriers are concealed arm lavatory carriers pre-assembled at the factory. Onsite, the scale on the adjusting bar allows the installer to quickly set centerline dimensions. Krajewski said these carriers were significant time-savers.

The -TC Neo-Loc Test Cap Gaskets for drain outlets allowed workers to set the drains, then prepare and pressure test the line without additional test balls. The gaskets also acted as a seal for drain outlets, protecting the system from infiltration of loose debris or waste. Once testing was finished, the gaskets were easily removed

Z415-BZ and Z1400-BZ Leveling Drains and Cleanouts enabled the contractor to adjust leveling and height of drains and cleanouts after the pour was complete, eliminating the need to break up a floor to fix a drainage problem. MLP Plumbing estimates this saved them anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour per drain or cleanout.

The Z1035-Q stabilizer held floor drains in place while concrete was poured and allowed the height of drains to perfectly match the floor thickness. This solution removed the need to “box out” to prevent the drain from moving. The pre-assembled stabilizers were “one of the most effective labor saving products used at this project,” Krajewski said.

“Many construction projects are now ‘hurry-up’ and clients want them to be completed in record time while still significantly cutting labor costs. Zurn solutions are a great option for contractors.”

— Chad Krajewski, Plumbing Foreman, MLP Plumbing & Mechanical, Inc.

The -DP Top-Set Deck Plate option enabled each roof drain to be installed by one worker instead of the traditional two. The Zurn deck plate allows a roof drain to be secured to a corrugated roof deck with an easy-to-install plate. It also reduced the need for a scissor lift, saving equipment rental costs. The plate saved MLP about 15–20 minutes per drain and effectively doubled the workforce by allowing one worker to do the job of two.

“As a foreman in the field,” Krajewski said, “it is comforting to know that Zurn provides a variety of customizations that help a product or installation meet specific site requirements.”

Zurn products collectively saved many manhours. Because of the sheer size of the project—about 275,000 square feet spread over five levels—every labor-saving solution had a big impact in terms of time and money.

Chad Krajewski, MLP plumbing foreman, installed the Zurn Z1209-F Water Closet Carrier, in a Buffalo, NY, nursing home—one of many Zurn products that helped MLP keep installation time to a minimum.

For more information about Zurn, visit

Popular Rental Equipment Can Meet Contractors’ Immediate Needs

The need for specialized equipment may arise so infrequently that a company cannot afford to purchase it. Moreover, storing, maintaining, and, in some cases, certifying equipment can create additional headaches. To meet their short-term needs, some contractors choose to rent equipment from sources such as Lifting Gear Hire Corporation (LGH). Some of the most popular rental equipment includes the following:

Modular spreader beams range in capacities from 24–1,000 tons and have spans ranging from 3’ to 100’. These beams are designed for one-man assembly. Most spreader beams can be manually handled onsite, reducing assembly time and the need for lifting equipment. They also have a variety of top and bottom rigging available.

Air chain hoists have capacities ranging from .5–50 tons. These hoists are designed for maximum strength-to-weight ratio. They function well in most working environments, use uncomplicated electronic controls, , and employ motors that function well in adverse working conditions. They can be chained to any height and can lift up to 50 times their own weight.

Come-a-longs are a versatile tool used for a variety of lifting or moving needs. They can be used in any angled position, even upside down. Come-a-longs are ideal for use in tight corners and have a capacity ranging from 0.75–9 tons. Come-a-longs are designed with low headroom and have a freewheeling capability that makes one-handed operation feasible. Because the braking mechanism is totally enclosed, the equipment is protected against dirt and moisture.

For more information, call 800-878- 7305, e-mail, or visit

Pyke Mechanical Chooses High-Efficiency BITZER Screw for Compressor Retrofit

When the Miami International University of Arts and Design needed to upgrade its chiller, Pyke Mechanical was able to install a new, high-efficiency BITZER Screw compressor at only marginally higher cost than rebuilding the original compressor. The conversion went so well that Pyke plans to install BITZER screws whenever an upgrade opportunity presents itself.

BITZER’s Senior Application Engineer Dave Streby used the system conditions to determine the best BITZER model to match the desired capacity and recommended BITZER’s CSH8553-110-4PU. It operates at 45° saturated suction temperature, and 120° condensing temperature provides 109.9 tons of air conditioning capacity. The model comes standard with a 4-1/8” suction service valve and a 3-1/8” discharge service valve and has an integrated oil separator. The compressor uses 460 volts, 136 run load amps, and 895 locked rotor amps with direct-on-line starting.

Pyke Mechanical’s technicians completed the retrofit conversion as follows:

Step 1:  Removed the existing screw compressor and external oil separator, including all components and piping. Removed all piping associated with the heat exchanger on this circuit, as the BITZER CSH screw compressor provided the required capacity without the use of an economizer.

Step 2:  Installed two 7’-long U channels for mounting the BITZER CSH screw. The channel was attached to the base frame by drilling 3/4” holes. The BITZER CSH was attached to the mounted channel with 5/8” bolts after holes were drilled to match the footprint.

Step 3: Repiped the existing suction and discharge connections from each end of the existing compressor to the top of the CSH8553-110-4PU screw compressor. The existing piping was only removed to allow one 90° elbow in the suction piping and two 90° elbows in the discharge piping.

Step 4: Removed the existing economizer piping to the original screw compressor, capped it off, and left it in place.

Step 5: Reused the existing suction and discharge pressure transducers. The suction transducer was reinstalled into the BITZER service valve. The discharge transducer was installed into the upper pipe plug underneath the BITZER discharge service valve. The upper connection allows for the system pressure to be read by the controller.

Step 6: Installed liquid injection oil cooling using the existing piping from the economizer. Pyke also used the existing solenoid valve and only required two feet of 5/8” copper tubing and 4-5/8” 90° elbows to allow 8” of tubing rise from the inlet to the compressor.

Step 7: Installed the liquid injection controller inside the control cabinet and drilled a 3/8” hole through the panel to route the sensor cable to the compressor. Mounted the liquid injection sensor 6” from the discharge service valve and insulated the sensor. With the existing operating parameters, liquid injection oil cooling is not required, but Pyke decided to install liquid injection to address a “worst case scenario.”

Step 8: Because the existing compressor used only one capacity control solenoid, Pyke installed a stand-alone controller to control the BITZER capacity control solenoids. A simple dual-set-point capacity controller is suitable. Pyke installed the BITZER capacity controller into the control cabinet and then installed the temperature probe into the same location as the existing system probe on the fluid outlet piping.

Step 9: Evacuated and charged the system, checked all the electricals, and then bump-started the compressor to ensure proper rotation.

Since this initial retrofit conversion, Pyke has installed two more BITZER retrofit screws at Miami International University of Arts and Design. John Marinello, vice president of Pyke, said that he and his technicians were impressed with how quietly a BITZER Screw runs.

For more information, visit

Weld Positioners Improve Productivity and Quality

The Team Industries positioner includes steel-hardened insert jaws with small-bore adapters to eliminate the need for modified C-clamps.

While most weld positioners will improve the productivity of a pipe welder, a positioner designed specifically for the pipe welding industry to reduce welder fatigue increases the quality of the welder’s work.

“Having a good positioner in a fabrication shop is a must regardless of shop size,” said Ned T. Hawkins of Michigan’s W. Soule. “A good positioner is like adding another fitter to your project without the added expense.”

Positioners designed for a broad market base do not meet the productivity and ergonomic needs of the pipe welder. Pipe welding requires a wide range of rotational speeds to suit the range of pipe diameters and welding processes involved with each project.

Team Industries, Inc., began building weld positioners designed exclusively for welding pipe in 1997. Their products include features that provide ergonomic advantages, such as programmable acceleration and deceleration, a bi-directional foot controller, air tool quick disconnects, variable rotation, and up to 135° tilt capacity. Several accessories can also be supplied with the positioner, including a universal gripper, self-centering quick disconnect jaws, thru-hole purge assemblies, and even a fan for welder comfort. Infinitely variable rotational speed control (.36 to 3.69 RPM) and a gear reduction option permit welding of piping of all sizes (small bore through large bore heavy wall). Thru-hole purging systems save welder time and reduce the cost of inert gasses.

The Team Industries positioner includes steel-hardened insert jaws with small-bore adapters to eliminate the need for modified C-clamps.

Team has also designed a variable height welding positioner that incorporates additional ergonomic features, such as a push-button hydraulically actuated system for smooth height adjustment and a self-leveling system. These features offer a huge advantage over manual height adjustment positioners, which require considerably more time and effort at each height change.

The workstation concept incorporated into Team’s positioners improves the safety of the working environment for the welder. For example, positioners are equipped with 120V power outlets and air inlet filter/lubricator for air tool quick disconnects, reducing the propensity for trip hazards when using the positioner.

For more information, visit

Auburn Mechanical Finds Aquatherm a Perfect Fit for Jail’s Tough Pipes

To fix a decades-old leaky piping system in Seattle’s King County Jail, Auburn Mechanical used Aquatherm’s polypropylene-random (PP-R) pipe systems to combat the aggressive water degrading the existing pipes. Aquatherm’s products not only provided an ideal solution but also cut installation time and cost when compared with copper piping.

The King County Jail houses over 1,000 inmates and employs over 350 people in downtown Seattle. With three towers, each with 20’-high floors, the 385,274-square-foot facility is equivalent to a 17-story building. Built in the mid-1980s, the jail used copper for the distribution system, with 4” and 6” galvanized steel mains distributing water in the sixth floor mechanical rooms. After roughly 11 years, however, the building’s domestic water piping system began leaking.

Stephen Swinburne, architect and project manager for King County’s Facilities Management Division, said the county had been “band-aiding and selectively fixing leaking sections of pipe since the early 1990s.” In 2004, it was clear that a repipe was necessary, but the bids came in too high, and the project was shelved.

‘Hostile’ Water Takes its Toll

In 2009, pipe samples revealed that the hot water recirculating system was in the worst condition, followed by the hot water and cold water, respectively. The county embarked on a massive renovation project that included $3.6 million for repiping. Engineering tests found that the failures in the copper piping stemmed from aggressive water, high water velocity, and potential installation problems. So the ideal pipe system would be rust-, scale-, and corrosion-proof—and easy to install. Relatively new to North America, German-manufactured Aquatherm has been used in plumbing and HVAC applications in more than 70 countries for nearly four decades. Aquatherm’s heat fusion process involves no flames and is virtually leak-proof. The pipe and desired fitting are simply inserted onto an Aquatherm welding device and heated for a specified time (typically only seconds for the smaller sizes), then joined together. At the time of installation, copper prices were at all-time highs, so the PP-R pipe system cost less than soldered or press-fit copper.

The county selected Aquatherm for the project and Auburn Mechanical of Auburn, WA, to install the piping. Founded in 1975, Auburn provides a full range of preconstruction, mechanical, and building services. The firm was well suited to handle the live change-over job where the majority of water lines had to remain active and security was paramount.

Getting Up to Speed on the Job

Auburn’s field foreman, Brent Delvecchio, oversaw the Aquatherm installation, which began in June 2011. Delvecchio specializes in high-rise mechanical installations (typically using galvanized steel and copper), and he knew working with Aquatherm would be a learning experience.

Delvecchio and his staff completed the initial half-day Aquatherm factory-certified training, which is a prerequisite to offering the company’s 10-year, multimillion dollar insurance policy covering product liability, labor, personal injury, and property damage. The Auburn staff then gradually became adept with the fusion process, installing 6” and 8” Aquatherm Greenpipe® cold water mains and 4” hot water mains with 3” risers to all water closets and 1-1/2” to 3/4” branches for supply lines running to the individual cells.

“[Installation] has sped up over the time that we’ve been working with it. You’ve got to learn to work with it. It’s a lot like gas pipe (HDPE), and you can’t work yourself into a corner. You’ve got to plan ahead and learn the tricks,” Delvecchio said.

One such trick for connections in tight spaces is leaving the fitting on the welding iron longer than the pipe, which allows the fitting and pipe to be handled separately. The Auburn staff created some onsite Aquatherm-specific prefabrication stations, which also increased installation speed.

Facing Challenging Conditions

With all work occurring between 7 p.m. and 6:30 a.m., the Auburn staff had to adjust to working in a jail— and always had to be within sight of a jail officer escort. In the confined spaces, there were instances where making the heat fusion connections was challenging. “Working in the jail is like crawling into an attic and going down a long corridor, since the floors are 20’ slab-to-slab, and then you have to cut the ceiling out. You’re completely blocked, and it’s a totally tight space,” said Delvecchio.

“There have been four big water shutdowns on this job,” Delvecchio continued. “The flushometers on the toilets get stuck if you do a big shutdown, and even a 20-second shutdown would foul 80–150 flush valves, because the flakes in the galvanized steel would clog things up considerably. And you don’t want to go into 500 to 600 jail cells to fix all those stuck valves,” Delvecchio said.

Aquatherm Products Preferred

Swinburne said that despite the difficulty of fusing pipe in tight spaces, he is recommending Aquatherm for other county jobs on a case-by-case basis. “It has many benefits over copper and other alternatives,” he noted.

The construction team and county officials have been pleased with the project. Auburn Mechanical Principal Kim Johnson said, “My favorite thing about [Aquatherm] is that if you have a leak, it is not typically going to be a catastrophic leak. It will not completely blow apart because of the way it’s connected. That’s not the case with other types of pipe. We have had only three leaks on this whole project—and they have been because guys didn’t fuse it correctly, but for the most part that doesn’t happen.”

Asked about the pros and cons of Aquatherm, Delvecchio concluded, “It is far superior to other plastic products on the market for water distribution. This is going to revolutionize the commercial industry as we know it.”

For more information, visit

ACCO Builds on WennSoft Technologies to Increase Efficiency and Return on Investment

Move to Mobile Streamlines Paperwork, Saves Time

In 2012, ACCO Engineered Systems of Glendale, CA, trained more than 200 service technicians to use its new MobileTech system, tailored for ACCO by WennSoft, and immediately realized more benefits from the system than expected. The new technology speeds up and even eliminates some paperwork and improves communication. By using the streamlined, electronic quoting features, ACCO has already realized a return on its investment in MobileTech.

Laying the Foundation for Mobile Success

ACCO has long understood the value of mobile technologies and has been planning a mobile strategy for years. Their first step toward a mobile solution began in 2005, when the company implemented WennSoft Signature, built on Microsoft technologies, as its new operational software solution. Chris Leu, director of information technology enterprise applications for ACCO, said the ultimate goal of the switch was to go mobile. “WennSoft had a complete system,” he said. “Even back in 2005 they had a mobile strategy.”

At the time, however, ACCO was not ready to add mobile capabilities. Instead, the contractor planned to hold out for better device options. Leu said, “In 2005 we didn’t have tablets, Androids, or iPhones. Back then it was very expensive and challenging to put that technology together.”

The administrative staff once spent every Wednesday inputting labor from work orders. Now they simply double-check the information as it is submitted, freeing them to focus on more valuable tasks.

Implementing Mobile to Simplify Business

By the end of 2008, ACCO was ready to add WennSoft MobileTech to its existing WennSoft solution. The company conducted a pilot run through at the beginning of 2009, with several goals:

  • Incorporate maintenance contracts and service calls.
  • Speed up the payroll process by having techs electronically enter time at the end of each job, rather than completing a written work order.
  • Enhance the quoting process by having techs submit recommended work electronically rather than through a paper-based process.

Gathering valuable input from its service techs through the pilot program, ACCO worked with WennSoft to tailor the MobileTech solution to its needs. Leu said, “We worked with WennSoft to come up with a tailored screen, so the techs would see the same paperwork they were used to looking at for the last 25 years—just electronically.”

Increased Efficiency and Return on Investment

Following training of service techs throughout all locations in March 2012, ACCO saw the benefits of the switch to mobile. Because the electronic dispatch system automatically fills in the name and location for each job, the time to complete work orders was reduced. Many service techs can now process a work order in less than a minute, allowing more time to focus on customer needs.

When ACCO service techs identify a potential repair, they use WennSoft MobileTech to submit a quote directly to the appropriate person in the office, saving administrative time, eliminating the chance of losing paperwork, and enhancing the opportunity for new business.

Additionally, electronic dispatching reduced the number of calls in which the service techs arrived at an incorrect location. In the past, techs would rely on phone calls or pages to determine where to go. Phone calls were often misunderstood or pagers, limited to 240 characters, would not show the complete address, leaving the techs to guess the location.

Additionally, electronic dispatching reduced the number of calls in which the service techs arrived at an incorrect location. In the past, techs would rely on phone calls or pages to determine where to go. Phone calls were often misunderstood or pagers, limited to 240 characters, would not show the complete address, leaving the techs to guess the location.

Through MobileTech, ACCO has also met its initial goals. Service techs electronically enter their labor at the end of each job, rather than doing paperwork at their leisure and driving to the office to turn it in. “The techs can spend a minute on each job to enter labor, and with one click, it is sent to the office,” said Leu. “After that, they don’t have to worry about the call anymore. That’s a pretty big advantage.”

By entering labor in the field, service techs also relieve the billing team. The administrative staff once spent every Wednesday inputting labor from work orders. Now they simply double-check the information as it is submitted, freeing them to focus on more valuable tasks. “The company used to shut down from a service perspective every Wednesday,” said Leu. “It was a big weekly challenge to process payroll, especially when you have about a dozen locations and a couple hundred techs.”

With real-time information, ACCO can now bill on a daily basis, rather than its previous two-week schedule. The sales team also benefits—they can access information that they can act upon daily, rather than waiting 10 days for the information to become available. “It improves our visibility of what’s happening on a service call, so we can be a lot more proactive,” said Leu. “I know our sales team likes it, because I hear from them right away if the system ever goes down.”

Furthermore, the solution streamlines the quoting process. Previously, service techs would fill out work authorization forms for recommended repairs they identified while on a job.

“The electronic quoting has paid for the entire project. The nice thing is we’ll get that return every year, minus maintenance and the cost of replacing equipment.”

— Chris Leu, Director of Information Technology Enterprise Applications, ACCO

The techs would then hand the forms to an administrator who, in turn, gave them to a project manager or sales member to analyze and discuss with the customer to get approval for the work. Now, when the techs electronically submit a quote, it bypasses the administrator and goes directly to the appropriate person. This saves administrative time, eliminates the chance of losing paperwork, and enhances the opportunity for new business.

ACCO hardly deals with paperwork through its fully integrated system. All documents are automatically filed in WennSoft’s document imaging system and immediately show up on sales reports, which saves the company the time of tracking down paperwork. “There’s almost no touching of a piece of paper,” said Leu. “We used to have nice, extensive filing systems at all our locations, but most of them have been shut down for two to three years.”

Through these efficiencies, ACCO has achieved a quick return on investment from its MobileTech solution. “The electronic quoting has paid for the entire project,” said Leu. “The nice thing is we’ll get that return every year, minus maintenance and the cost of replacing equipment.”

Overall, ACCO finds that the mobile solution adds value to the company. ACCO is growing without adding resources, and its staff is now dedicated to more valuable tasks rather than re-entering information or moving paperwork around the office. Leu said, “Ultimately, it improves what we can deliver to the customer.”

For more information, visit

Tweet/Garot Teams Up with Bidtracer for Renovation of Green Bay Packers’ Lambeau Field

To win the contract to renovate the Green Bay Packers’ Lambeau Field, Tweet/Garot of Wisconsin put Bidtracer’s invitation management software to work to solicit bids and organize proposals from vendor and subcontractors. Once awarded all of the mechanical work (HVAC, plumbing, and radiant systems) for the Packers’ $165-million South End Zone Project, Tweet/Garot turned to Bidtracer again for construction project management software for the submittal, request for information (RFI), and change-order process.

Tweet/Garot started using Bidtracer three years ago with the goal of increasing efficiencies in handling subcontractor proposals on the estimating side to the automated handling of the submittals process on the project side. They found that the software streamlines communication, saves time, and increases efficiency across the board.

‘Put a Bid Together from Anywhere’

Using Bidtracer’s bid estimating software, Tweet/Garot’s upper management can view monthly activity of how much bidding is taking place and easily see charts of the status of the bidding process, ensuring proper follow-up is taking place by the sales team. “Through Bidtracer, we are now able to view vendor quotes immediately upon upload,” said Ben Delcore, Tweet/Garot estimator. “No more running to the fax machine to check and see if a sub has their quote in. An estimator can now put a bid together from almost anywhere through Bidtracer.”

Delcore continued, “This has opened up communication among team members, when you have multiple people working on bids. The audit trail gives estimators more access and control of subs and also the option to add more subs/vendors at any time to get the best possible price on bid day. We are able to obtain and organize more vendor quotes from subs.”

Project Management Software Increases Efficiency

Bidtracer’s unique submittal tool has helped Tweet/Garot save time gathering, organizing, and tracking submittals on the Lambeau Renovation. In the past, typical submittals took a lot of phone calls trying to organize one submittal process. Now, the project team can access realtime documentation both in the office and for the team working at Lambeau Field from an iOS or Android tablet. Alan Van Mun, project manager and LEED Green associate for Tweet/Garot, pointed out, “The increase in efficiency, though not documented, is roughly threefold. The submittal module allows project players to upload and review all pertinent project documentation.”

Van Mun particularly likes the automatic reminders built into the software. “The automatic reminders notify vendors of upcoming submittal and operations and maintenance deadlines, streamlining project start-up and closeout. The automatic reminders allow me to focus on pertinent tasks, not spend time chasing vendors and subcontractors for information.”

Van Mun continued, “The best part is all the files are contained on the cloud, allowing access to specific information for all team members from the office, jobsite, or anywhere your job takes you.”

Tweet/Garot streamlines management processes and increases efficiency using Bidtracer software, such as Project Management software that shows the status of change order requests, including tentative changes [bar graph], and allows them to drill down for more details [pie chart].

Tracking RFIs and Change Orders

With Bidtracer, you can set a default response time so that the software automatically e-mails your customer, subs, or vendors when the RFI is overdue. “The RFI process is significantly shortened by giving the general contractor or construction manager the option to answer directly within Bidtracer,” said Van Mun. “This in turn eliminates the e-mail or paper transfer issue and allows us to reference the RFI during change-order processing. The reduction in processing time equates to more time spent effectively managing projects, resulting in increased profit.”

Tweet/Garot knows that when change orders fall through the cracks, the bottom line is affected. With Bidtracer, a potential change order is generated at the time of an RFI to avoid such oversights. “Tying a tentative change order to an RFI helps increase the potential of our projects and helps our project managers not miss any change orders, increasing our profitability,” said Van Mun.

Thanks in part to Bidtracer software, the Lambeau Field project has been a success for both Tweet/Garot and Packers fans, who are excited to enjoy the renovations in this upcoming NFL Season.

To chat online with a Bidtracer sales rep, click “Online Sales” at or call 888-708-0921, extension 105, to talk to a representative.

GRINNELL Grooved Couplings Provide Tight Seals Plus Noise Reduction

To address the challenge of vibration noise from pipes, GRINNELL Grooved Flexible Couplings reduce vibrations, minimizing the amount of noise distributed through a pipe system, while providing a tight seal to prevent leaks. In contrast, some elastomeric and braided metal flexible connectors designed to minimize vibration noise require you to install additional parts to pipe sections, perform extra welding, or add large, heavy flanges on pipe connections to accommodate the system’s lack of flexibility. These methods complicate the piping system and increase the risk of leaks.

GRINNELL Grooved Couplings provide an alternative solution to “one-purpose-only” elastomeric or braided metal flexible connectors, which can require additional time and resources to mitigate vibration and sound attenuation. GRINNELL Couplings not only reduce noise but also use an elastomeric pressure-responsive gasket to seal pipe joints tightly and work within the housing of the GRINNELL Flexible Coupling. This design creates additional features within joined pipes that address angular deflection and axial and rotational movement.

Evidence of Vibration Reduction

In tests, on average, a single GRINNELL Grooved Coupling displays the same impact on vibration and noise reduction as one braided metal flex connector. However, the coupling’s advantage becomes evident in systems with multiple connectors. Consistently, GRINNELL Couplings performed better as vibration attenuators as the number of couplings in the system increases. They also performed better at higher frequency levels.

In other tests comparing GRINNELL Grooved Couplings, rubber flex connectors, and braided metal flex connectors, all three systems performed similarly. However, when numerous grooved couplings were installed, the GRINNELL Couplings maintained a strong, tight seal and reduced vibrations when up to three couplings per pipe were used.

The Core Benefits

Vibration attenuation is a known challenge for developing piping systems. The right connectors are critical for attenuating vibration in pipes and reducing the resulting noise transmitted throughout the building. GRINNELL Grooved Couplings have been used successfully to address both issues without inhibiting a complete seal when joining pipes. They are especially effective when three or more are installed across a section of pipe. Also, they can help resolve minor angular offsets, simplify installation, and eliminate the need for specialized vibration attenuation components. As a result, contractors save money.

For more information, visit

MCAA thanks GRINNELL for being a benefactor of MCAA 2013.

Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co.’s Enviro-Flo Solves Arena’s Unique Drainage Problem

All stadiums and arenas tend to get dirty, but an arena floor covered in dirt poses a unique problem. Keeping such an arena clean is the challenge that Scottsdale, AZ, faced when it decided to undertake a $42.8-million expansion of the Tony Nelssen Equestrian Center at WestWorld—a challenge solved by an Enviro-Flo drain from Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co. In addition, the Enviro-Flo was easier to install than standard floor drains, resulting in cost savings.

The goal of the expansion project was to enclose the Equidome and introduce climate control. But the dirt floor means that during the course of a show, horses’ hooves kick dirt up into the air that floats into the grandstand, covering the stadium seating and floors in a fine coat of dust.

One might think people in dirt houses shouldn’t throw water, but that’s exactly what the WestWorld Equidome Arena employees do after each show. Thanks to the ingenious use of the Enviro-Flo drain, it turns out hosing down the stands is the fastest and easiest way to clean up without creating a larger mess.

Avoiding a Mud Pit

The challenge was how to capture all the water coming out of 1-1/2” fire hoses used to wash down the stands, which was heading straight for the dirt floor of the arena. To avoid ending up with a mud pit, the arena needed a way to catch all that water and dirt and get it out of the seating area quickly.

Installing standard floor drains into the existing concrete structure would not do the trick. Not only would water have to be directed specifically to the drains, but also the drains would not get rid of the water fast enough. There was the potential for mud to build up and clog the drain, resulting in an overflow situation.

Instead, contractors installed a trench drain system around the entire perimeter of the arena at the bottom of the existing seating area. This system would allow WestWorld employees to hose down the stands from top to bottom and from any point in the grandstand. The Enviro-Flo from Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co. with a presloped (.6 percent) radius channel and smooth, uniform interior was selected to handle the high volume of water and dirt.

Water and dirt would flow down through the grandstand and go straight into the trench. The drains had the ability to deal with a rush of water and dirt moving down and out of the stands. The trench drains were able to capture the water and prevent it from reaching the dirt-covered arena.

Ease of Installation Reduces Costs

One reason for choosing the EnviroFlo was the cost savings due to easier installation. The lightweight, 100-percent polypropylene construction, along with the Enviro-Loc® mechanical interlocking joint and molded outlet connection, make the EnviroFlo contractor-friendly.

The new Enviro-Flo II promises to improve on the already easy installation process. The Enviro-Flo II now includes the standard rebar anchors that contractors have come to love. Furthermore, the new Rante-Arrow design enhances the installation process by allowing for side-to-side adjustment of the trench drain run.

For jobs similar to the Equidome where the trench drains have to cover a lot of ground, the Enviro-Flo II will be available in 20-meter sloped and 20-meter non-sloped configurations. The tongue-in-groove connection will also speed up installation because it requires no screws or channel clips. The new channel insert, also made of post-industrial recycled material, can be easily removed by the contractor after the concrete is poured.

Durability, Choice of Colors Add to Benefits

The Equidome project originally called for a fiberglass trench with a metal rail and cast iron grates in the horse stalls and wash-down areas. The Enviro-Flo with the poly grate was used there as well, because it would stand up to exposure to the water and  horse urine better than metal rail and cast iron grates, which would have rusted or deteriorated over time.

horse urine better than metal rail and cast iron grates, which would have rusted or deteriorated over time. But this job wasn’t only about the mechanics. Because the Equidome hosts some of the nation’s most prestigious equestrian and other events, like the Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Auction, the City of Scottsdale also wanted a drain system that was aesthetically pleasing. The Enviro-Flo had an added advantage because it was available in a choice of colors.

The city chose a grey finish that blended in perfectly with the surrounding concrete.

Several events have taken place since the Enviro-Flo installation, and the drains are performing well as expected. Crews have been able to wash down the stands and the arena has stayed dry.

For more information, visit

MCAA thanks Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co. for being a supporter of MCAA 2013.

Think You Don’t Need a DOT Number? Think Again!

There has been much confusion about who is required to have a U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) number. Many contractors feel it’s only needed for truckers hauling for hire, which is not the case.

A USDOT number is required for a commercial motor vehicle (49 CFR Part 390.5), which is defined as any self-propelled or towed motor vehicle used on a highway in interstate and/or intrastate commerce:

  • to transport passengers or property when the vehicle has a gross vehicle weight rating or gross combination weight rating, gross vehicle weight or gross combination weight, of 10,001 pounds or more, whichever is greater; or
  • to transport more than eight passengers, including the driver, for compensation; or
  • to transport more than 15 passengers, including the driver, without compensation; or
  • to transport material found by the Secretary of Transportation to be hazardous under 49 USC 5103 and transported in a quantity requiring placarding under regulations prescribed by the Secretary under 49 CFR, subtitle B, chapter I, subchapter C.

The USDOT number serves as a unique identifier when collecting and monitoring a company’s safety information acquired during audits, compliance reviews, crash investigations, and inspections. The following 31 states have laws agreeing to the enforcement of the federal USDOT regulations: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. The other states have state-based USDOT regulations (similar to federal OSHA vs. state OSHA regulations). Many think that the USDOT number does not apply here, but lack of enforcement does not equal “not applicable.” It is a federal regulation, and it applies to all subject commercial motor vehicles.

Vehicles that require USDOT numbers must have a name and USDOT number on both sides of the vehicle’s power unit, in a contrasting color, and visible from 50 feet away when parked. Currently, there is no cost to register for a USDOT number. You can visit and select the “FMCSA Registration and Updates” link to register.

Real-World Examples

The law applies to every risk with a single power unit over 10,001 GVW; the misunderstood portion is that it applies to every combination of truck and trailer that exceeds 10,001 pounds. If the insured owns a small pickup truck but has a heavy trailer, the combined weight of the truck and the trailer’s listed weight affects whether the rule applies. Also, a single pickup truck can be considered to be carrying hazardous materials, thus triggering the USDOT number requirement, by carrying, for example, one 100-pound propane tank; a 55-gallon drum of pesticide, herbicide, or fertilizer; or some acetylene tanks.

Why Should You Care?

First, noncompliant insureds are open to large fines for even the first violation. Second, violation of these rules may be used against a noncompliant insured in lawsuits.

The USDOT released a new Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) program for enforcement of the regulations, resulting in stepped-up enforcement. More information about the CSA program and resources are available at the website

For more information, visit

MCAA thanks CNA for being a benefactor of MCAA 2013.

Smith & Oby Combines Prefabrication and ERICO’s New CADDY ROD LOCK System to Cut Installation Time

In early 2011, Smith & Oby Company began work on a new office building in Cleveland, OH, that included 250 active chilled beams, which required an extensive amount of small-diameter copper pipe and multiple trapeze racking systems. To manage installation of approximately 28,000 linear feet of pipe in a 95,000-square-foot building, Smith & Oby turned to ERICO for an innovative and time-saving installation solution.

Having worked with ERICO on many projects in the past, Will Vranich, project manager at Smith & Oby, knew the company could supply the right products for this demanding project. So when ERICO suggested a newer product—the CADDY® ROD LOCK channel nut—Smith & Oby was willing to give it a try.

“ERICO is aggressive in adding new products in the marketplace,” said Vranich. “Not every item will be a hit, but it’s the best way to improve the industry.”

The Idea Behind CADDY ROD LOCK

Threaded rod is one of the most commonly used products by contractors of all trades, but it can be very difficult and tedious to work with. The ability of contractors to use pre-assembly for many high-volume applications is severely limited by how standard threaded connections are made. The CADDY ROD LOCK system, which includes a beam clamp, channel nut, and anchor screw, seeks to eliminate the need for contractors to rotate the threaded rod.

The CADDY ROD LOCK’s “push-to-install” design can dramatically reduce the installation time of threaded rod support structures when compared with conventional fasteners. “Contractors do not have to rotate a threaded rod into position,” said Eric Osborn, CADDY product development manager at ERICO. “Instead, assemblies can simply be pushed into position. This allows contractors to create modular assemblies in an efficient, safe way, saving huge amounts of time and money.”

For a large office building project, Smith & Oby is prefabricating copper racks in its shop, shipping them to the jobsite, inserting ERICO’s CADDY ROD LOCK into the strut, then lifting the racks in place to save labor and time.

So Much Pipe, So Little Time

By using ERICO’s CADDY ROD LOCK channel nuts for the office building project, Smith & Oby could prefabricate their complex assemblies and then easily lift and lock them into place at the jobsite by pushing the threaded rod supports into the channel nuts. The technology even works with threaded rod with minor burrs or imperfections, helping to eliminate clean-up time and the need to replace damaged threaded rod.

For the office building, Vranich said his process has been to prefabricate the copper racks in the shop and then ship the racks to the jobsite. “CADDY ROD LOCK is inserted into the strut, and once onsite, we lift the racks in place with some expected labor savings. The entire project includes about 350 racks of pipe.”

However, Vranich admitted that using CADDY ROD LOCK did take a little getting used to. “There is a learning curve in anything new,” he said. Initially, he saw that the installers were indifferent to using the product. “But indifferent is a really good reaction to new products, because they can often disregard new products quickly.”

The CADDY ROD LOCK channel nut was chosen for this project because of the potential labor savings in the field in conjunction with prefabrication. “Prefabrication is vital to this project both to deal with the delays and also to help manage the materials,” explained Vranich. “And, we expect labor savings by moving work into the controlled environment of the shop.”

For more information on the innovative CADDY ROD LOCK system, contact your local ERICO representative or visit

MCAA thanks ERICO for being a supporter of MCAA 2013.

MCAA’s 2013 Pre-Fabrication Conference includes a tour of Smith & Oby Company’s facilities in Walton Hills, OH.