Organization: MCAA

Current Mechanical Improves Efficiency and Bottom Line with Jonas Construction Software

By implementing Jonas Construction Software solutions in the back office and on the front lines of service, Current Mechanical has made operations more efficient across the board, boosting the bottom line. Current Mechanical ultimately selected Jonas after speaking with many existing Jonas clients, researching competitors, and experiencing several demonstrations. “The overall positive feedback we received from others we spoke to within and even outside our industry really sold us on the software,” said Ted Current, vice president and CFO of Current Mechanical.

Established in 1978, Current Mechanical is a family-owned, high-quality solution that offers a complete range of services to ensure that clients’ buildings and homes are healthy, comfortable, and energy efficient. Current Mechanical’s services range from preconstruction consultation to custom fabrication in their prefabrication shop to annual preventive maintenance. Their mission is to solve customers’ problems by finding the right solutions for each unique customer. So, it is fitting that Current Mechanical took the time to find the right solution for themselves.

User-Friendly Software

Since putting the Jonas software in place, Current Mechanical is running a more efficient and integrated business. With the user-friendly nature of the software, real-time reports are easier and quicker to create, and the ability to create a new job is now seamless. On the service side, Current Mechanical is fully operational on Jonas eMobile, so technicians can perform and complete jobs directly from the field using their tablet devices.

“Before we had eMobile, we were using a lot more pen and paper, which was definitely less efficient,” stated Current. “Now, since implementing Jonas eMobile, our techs are able to complete jobs from the field and no longer have to return to the office to drop off their paperwork on a weekly basis, which has really allowed us to have access to more timely information.”

In addition, Current Mechanical no longer needs to run reports for every single aspect of their business. Instead, they can go directly into the Jonas system and access information in real time.

Faster Billing, Less Paperwork

The benefits to the business have been tremendous. Current Mechanical is now able to bill much quicker and has been able to reduce payroll processing time.

“Jonas has allowed us to significantly reduce our manual data entry, thanks to their mobile solutions and fully integrated nature, which has allowed us to save about half a day of data entry for our payroll staff,” Current said.

Seamless Transitions

Current Mechanical recently acquired two businesses on the residential side, and both were using QuickBooks. Both have since seamlessly transitioned off of QuickBooks and on to Jonas, allowing Current Mechanical to operate with only one accounting system and centralize all of their data. Current Mechanical was also using Trimble ConstructJob software, which has now been replaced with Jonas’ Project Management solution.

“By transitioning off both QuickBooks and ConstructJob and only using Jonas for all our functional business areas, we have been able to reduce our overall software costs and improve our bottom line,” said Current.

“Jonas has allowed us to significantly reduce our manual data entry, thanks to their mobile solutions and fully integrated nature, which has allowed us to save about half a day of data entry for our payroll staff.”

— Ted Current, Vice President, CFO, Current Mechanical

As a whole, Current Mechanical has been able to grow their business without having to add any back-office personnel, all while running on Jonas. They have also seen an increase in employee satisfaction, as several of their staff are now using Jonas who were not using the old software.

Growing Together

While the decision to make the switch to Jonas involved a lengthy and exhaustive search, Current is sure it was the right decision. “We really find Jonas to be a quality software solution, and we are very confident that as we grow, Jonas will be there to grow with us,” he said. In making the decision to invest in Jonas, Current Mechanical has been able to take their business to new heights and are now positioned for even greater success as they continue to grow and evolve.

For more information, visit

Herman Goldner Increases Efficiency, Customer Satisfaction with Key2Act’s MobileTech

Company Cuts Manual Input Time in Half

The Herman Goldner Company expected that adopting Key2Act’s MobileTech would help them streamline processes and become more efficient. The mobile approach has also helped make technicians more independent, because they can rapidly exchange information with the home office, and it has reduced manual scanning and archiving.

Customers are seeing the impacts too. “The number-one positive feedback was that customers are getting their call summary report electronically delivered much quicker, and it’s a nicer presentation, as opposed to a handwritten copy,” said Tony Le, system administrator for the company.

The Roots of a Relationship

While many mechanical contracting companies can boast decades of service to their community, few can date their history as far back as The Herman Goldner Company. Founded in 1887, the company recently celebrated its 130th year in business. The company goes so far back, in fact, that when founder Herman J. Goldner started the business in his Philadelphia basement, he delivered supplies to his jobs using a wheelbarrow and a horse-drawn cart.

Ever since those humble beginnings, Herman Goldner has been providing mechanical services to the Philadelphia area and the Greater Delaware Valley. The company, which specializes in HVAC and plumbing systems, provides quality craftsmanship with an emphasis on customer service to the commercial, industrial, and residential sectors.

In 1998, Herman Goldner began using Key2Act’s Signature Service Management and Job Cost solutions to help manage the company’s service and project needs. Over the past 20 years, Key2Act’s solutions have helped Herman Goldner adapt and change through periods of extensive growth. Key2Act became a true partner to the company, so when the Herman Goldner team started looking into mobility solutions a few years ago, they did not have to look far.

Why Go Mobile?

Over the past few decades, Herman Goldner has become almost completely paperless, which has helped the company streamline processes and created multiple efficiencies. However, the Herman Goldner leadership team knew that mobility was the next logical step toward providing the best service to its customers. “We understand that now we’re in a marketplace where mobile is the platform that everybody uses, so we had to get into it,” said Le.

MobileTech, from Key2Act, was the company’s first and only choice. MobileTech connects field staff with the back office, enabling field workers to manage service calls and job appointments, access full customer and equipment history, and capture opportunities for additional work.

Best of all, MobileTech fully integrates with Signature. “It was the only product we ever looked at, because we wanted it to integrate with our ERP [enterprise resource planning system],” Le said.

Smooth Rollout

Herman Goldner introduced MobileTech to the company’s technicians at a deliberately slow pace. “We started small,” Le said. “We started with five, and those five were selected based on their past experience with mobile, from either a previous employer or just their own personal understanding of mobility. They were our champions. They were the ones who worked out all the bugs.

“Once they got over the learning curve, they were able to share that experience and the knowledge with their fellow techs. It went really smooth. We added groups of five, 10, then the last couple batches were a lot larger. It was really, really smooth,” Le said.

Strong Results

Now that all of Herman Goldner’s techs are using MobileTech, the company has a good picture of the improvements facilitated by the mobility solution. “We really didn’t understand what we didn’t have; you know, the old saying is, ‘You don’t know what you don’t know,’” Le said. “By having MobileTech now, we’ve really extended the systems out to the field.”

One of the biggest observations Le has made about MobileTech’s impact is that it has made Herman Goldner’s technicians more independent, largely due to the quantity of additional information the techs can now access. Information is also exchanged much more quickly between the office and the technicians than it was in the premobility era.

Efficiencies enabled by MobileTech have been felt by the back office as well. Job-related documentation can now be submitted by the techs through the solution. “We get the email to index the documents right away,” Le said. “Before, it would be manual scanning and archiving, which was double work.”

Le expects that as Herman Goldner continues to use MobileTech, the solution will help the company strengthen relationships with its customers. “It is a very relationship-based industry,” Le said. “I’m sure the customers will be happier that we can respond quicker, we can be dispatched faster.”

Overall, Le is excited about the success that Herman Goldner has achieved with MobileTech and is looking forward to discovering new efficiencies through the solution. “I think MobileTech is a game changer,” Le said. “Mobility is really becoming the standard. To stay ahead of the market, then you really need mobility.”

For more information, visit

Wilkes & Company Sees Rapid Return on Investment with MobiliForms from iBusiness Technologies

By switching to iBusiness Technologies’ MobiliForms mobile solution, Wilkes & Company simplified its reporting and reduced costs so much that the entire system paid for itself within 12 months. The rapid return on investment was particularly welcome, as a previous attempt to upgrade its software was wreaking havoc on the company during the first six months of implementation.

“MobiliForms eliminated lost paperwork and optimized everyone’s time, simply and cost-effectively,” said Wilkes Owner Glen Ginesi.

Ginesi attended the MSCA conference in October 2017 with the very specific goal of finding a mobile field solution to replace the new software his company had installed not long before. Glen’s decision was tough, because a lot of time and money had been invested in the new software that failed to deliver on its promises. He focused on MobiliForms after hearing about its simplicity and successes.

For years, Wilkes had found itself buried in stacks of time cards, daily reports, and safety inspections for each site. Also, strict Mine Safety and Health Administration guidelines require that Wilkes’ mining-related work be meticulously documented for safety and conformance reasons. MobiliForms eliminated volumes of paperwork, reduced costs, and derisked Wilkes’ mining work by simplifying required reporting.

“MobiliForms eliminated lost paperwork and optimized everyone’s time, simply and cost-effectively.”

—Glen Ginesi, Owner, Wilkes & Company

“We now know where everything is, completely eliminating lost paperwork,” said Ginesi. “Everything goes to the MobiliForms Cloud and then attaches to customer records. We were also tired of trying to adapt our workflows to software; MobiliForms conforms to how we run our business.”

Additionally, electronic drawings are easily distributed to and read on Apple® iPads®. The system paid for itself within one year and continues to yield dividends daily across Wilkes’ 25 field employees and office personnel.

MobiliForms runs on Apple’s iPad, a top choice for contractors seeking battle-tested mobile devices. Apple’s underlying iOS deployment platform simplifies managing devices and streamlines content distribution.

For more information, visit or contact Steve Metzman at 215-850-5565 or

Design Flexibility of Daikin Applied Solutions Ensures Comfort, Efficiency for New York School

Built in the 1950s, White Plains High School in New York has stood the test of time, so when an HVAC upgrade was needed, school administrators wanted to keep it simple—and minimize cost and downtime. They selected Daikin Applied variable refrigerant volume (VRV) solutions to replace their aging systems with new, more efficient ones that fit the bill. Now, the school not only has a comfortable climate but also a more energy-efficient, quieter, and healthier classroom environment.

Because of structural beams blocking condenser airflow, White Plains High School used Daikin Applied’s VRV IV heat pump condensers to reject heat in a remote location. The units’ compact footprint provided multiple options for placement at ground level, where they could be installed with short, noninvasive refrigerant pipe runs.

Overcoming Hurdles

White Plains High School’s B-Wing is one of two original structures on campus and leverages the common architectural design methods of the era in which it was built. Exterior structural beams have ensured the integrity of the 12,000-square-foot building over time. However, the original design posed some challenges when it came to updating the HVAC system.

School administrators knew they wanted a like-for-like replacement of the current unit ventilators (UVs) to minimize downtime, avoid the added expense associated with designing a new solution, and continue using the existing hot water system. In designing the replacement system, it was recognized that the exterior structural beams were blocking the free-air space for the new, more efficient compressorized UV design, which required higher condenser airflow than the older UV models.

To eliminate the need for condenser airflow, the school installed Daikin Applied UVs, which come with factory-installed electronic expansion valves (EEVs) and use remote Daikin VRV IV heat pump condensing units. These UVs can bring up to 100-percent outside air directly into the classroom, and without the need for condenser airflow, the existing louver opening was sufficient.

The VRV condensers were placed outside on ground level, where there is ample space and airflow to reject heat in cooling mode. The UVs were also able to use the existing hot water heating system during the cold New York winters. The UVs were ideal for the school because they allow for individual control of heating and cooling and direct integration of fresh air into the classroom.

The design included demand control ventilation, a feature which increased operating efficiency for the school and translates into dollars saved for the district. EEVs in the system modulate the precise amount of refrigerant to each zone, meeting the requested set point in a gradual and efficient manner. The demand control ventilation feature continuously monitors carbon dioxide levels in the classrooms and brings in fresh air accordingly, optimizing the volume of outside air supplied to the space and reducing energy waste.

The single air filter in each unit removes particulate from outside air before it is conditioned and supplied to the classrooms. The filter is easy to access and replace, easing the burden on facilities staff.

Comfortable and Quiet

Daikin’s ductless solutions also mean less noise in the school. The absence of ductwork removes potential audible distractions such as rattling, humming, and buzzing. The outdoor air processing capability bolsters indoor air quality, creating better learning environments Daikin VRV IV condensing units also played a large part in providing an environment that promotes productivity. The VRV IV’s compact footprint offered multiple options for placement, and the best choice was at ground level, where the units could be installed with short, noninvasive refrigerant pipe runs.

VRV condensers come with a corrosion-resistant coating, test-rated for 1,000 hours of salt spray, which makes the equipment suitable for harsh weather and coastal areas such as White Plains, NY. The hydrophilic coating also washes away dirt after rainfall, further extending the life of the system.

White Plains’ Director of Facilities, Frank Stefanelli, was pleased with the solution Daikin provided, adding that the students are the ones who are most thrilled. Before the upgrade, “We got many calls from students and teachers saying that the classrooms were too warm,” said Stefanelli.

“When I went to walk the B-Wing you could see the kids were sweating,” he continued. “Even in the winter, the rooms would get too warm from the lack of temperature control. It pained me to see the windows open on my way home from work.” This winter however, the windows have been closed, and students are thankful for the enhanced comfort delivered by Daikin.

For more information, visit MCAA thanks the Daikin Group for being a benefactor of MCAA19 and supplying beverages on Tuesday evening.

CNA’s Tips for Winter Driving

Fair or foul weather, driving always presents hazards. But winter months curse drivers with conditions that are far different than those they face during the summer. CNA offers these tips for safe winter driving and being prepared for emergencies on the road.

1. Make sure that you are able to see and be seen.

  • Clean all the snow and ice off of your windshield, other windows, outside mirrors, lights, and reflectors.
  • Make sure your vehicle is equipped with good wiper blades and that wiper arms are exerting enough pressure on the blades to ensure a clean sweep.
  • If moisture or ice builds up on the inside or outside of your windshield, stop and clean it off.

2. Tires with good, deep treads are essential for good cornering and handling on slippery roads. Check the air pressure frequently to maintain the manufacturer’s recommended pressure.

3. Drive at a speed that is safe for weather conditions. Snow- and ice-covered roads require speed adjustments—slow down.

4. Stretch your “following” distance.

  • Knowing that winter surfaces increase stopping distance three to 12 times, the smart driver increases his normal dry-road following distance.
  • Heavy trucks require a longer stopping distance on slippery roads than passenger cars.
  • Don’t tailgate.

5. Brake before curves.

  • All vehicles are particularly sensitive to overpowering, oversteering, and overbraking on curves.
  • Unseen hazards around the bend may require an evasive action, so turn your steering wheel slowly and smoothly, keep a constant speed in the turn, and tap your brakes carefully if it is necessary to slow down or stop.

6. Know whether your vehicle has an antilock brake system, and learn how to use it properly.

  • Antilock brake systems prevent your wheels from locking up during braking. If you have antilock brakes, apply firm, continuous pressure to the brake pedal.
  • If you do not have antilock brakes, you may need to pump your brakes if you feel your wheels starting to lock up, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Focus on safety: Winter driving tips.

7. Use proper lights.

  • Never drive with parking lights instead of headlights in winter’s early dusk and poor visibility. Parking lights can cause an oncoming driver to think you are farther away than you are.
  • Keep headlights clean; dirty ones can greatly reduce your own seeing distance at night.
To make sure you can see and be seen, clean all the snow and ice off of your windshield, other windows,
outside mirrors, lights, and reflectors.

In Case of Accidents or

1. Be prepared in case your vehicle breaks down or slides off the road. Have the following items on hand:

  • Charged cell phone
  • Working flashlight
  • Shovel
  • Ice scraper
  • Blankets
  • Critical medications
  • Water and food

2. Stay with your vehicle. Make sure the exhaust pipe is clear, and only run the vehicle as much as necessary.

3. Place a bright marker on the antenna.

For additional information and emergency preparedness resources, call 866-262-0540 or visit MCAA thanks CNA for being a benefactor of MCAA19, sponsoring the final program, and cosponsoring the dessert party. The information, examples, and suggestions presented in this material have been developed from sources believed to be reliable, but they should not be construed as legal or other professional advice. CNA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of this material and recommends the consultation with competent legal counsel and/or other professional advisors before applying this material in any particular factual situations.

BIM Workstations Are Expensive, But Report Shows Investing in the Right System Can Be Valuable

MCAA has released its latest report in its Technology Research Series, focusing on BIM Workstation Configurations. With the integration of Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) into our business, the computer workstations required to run BIM software need to be faster, stronger and more durable, but most executives do not have the computer science degree necessary to fully understand our needs. The MCAA Technology Committee teamed up with JBKnowledge to help MCAA members better understand the needs and value of BIM Workstations.

Put simply, underperforming computers cost MCAA members money.  Excessive processing times not only lead to long periods of idleness, but also slow down the design, coordination and communication of projects. This reduces the productivity of some of the most highly paid workers in the company.

This report guides member companies’ IT staff or fractional IT support through the process of performing benchmark tests. It also provides guidance in making hardware purchases.

MCAA Mourns the Passing of Past President John E. Ahern

John E. Ahern, Jr., MCAA’s President in 1995 and Chairman Emeritus of the J.F. Ahern Company in Fond du Lac, WI, passed away on February 12, 2019. He will be sorely missed and fondly remembered by the entire MCAA family.

In addition to his service to our industry, John was passionate about giving back to his community. He served in leadership roles for several community organizations as well as his church.

An avid golfer and family man, he will be remembered not only for his public service, but also for quietly helping others through countless acts of kindness.

Visitation will be held on Thursday, February 21, 2019 from 3:00 to 7:00 PM at the Zacherl Funeral Home and on Friday, February 22, 2019 from 11:00 AM to 12:45 PM at Holy Family Catholic Church.

A Memorial Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at the church at 1:00 PM on Friday, February 22, 2019. A celebration of John’s life will be held at a later date in Naples, FL.

KOH Mechanical Saves Up to 40 Percent with Anvil’s Gruvlok Products

For KOH Mechanical Contractors, Inc., the labor savings realized with Anvil® International’s Gruvlok© Products made them the clear choice for keeping a hospital remodel on schedule and on budget. “Depending on the environment, the labor savings are anywhere from 30 to 40 percent,” according to Larry Hanson, vice president of KOH Mechanical, based in Riverton, UT. “If we would have been required to provide a welded system, we would have had to work the employees overtime in order to finish the project on time.”

Intermountain Riverton Hospital is a 350,000-square-foot medical campus made up of four connected buildings. KOH secured the plan-and-spec job of remodeling the 80,000-square-foot outpatient facility with a new mechanical system, chiller plant, and air handling penthouse.

KOH Mechanical has been in business since 1985 and has extensive experience with plan-and-spec, new and retrofit, and design-assist jobs as well as design-build projects to achieve Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards. They specialize in commercial and industrial projects, including office buildings, institutions, multifamily dwellings, central utility plants, and medical facilities. KOH has built and maintained several other hospitals in the Salt Lake City area over the years.

Working closely with Anvil and other partners kept the focus on meeting the project’s nine-month deadline. KOH’s local suppliers front-loaded the job, delivering about 80 percent of the rough-in materials at the start. This approach kept costs down, because KOH did not have to wait for products or deal with price fluctuations. The remaining products were sent over in small orders as needed. Gruvlok products used include 2″ to 8″ couplings, fittings, and butterfly valves.

Faster installation is not the only way Gruvlok products kept costs down, nor was front-loading the jobsite. KOH Mechanical credits Anvil with helping make this project a success “by products being readily available, costs of products being very competitive, and labor savings that reduce our biggest risk,” said Hanson.

Hanson also noted, “With the sales rep’s getting the Gruvlok products preapproved with the engineering firms, it speeds up the submittal review process.”

KOH Mechanical plans to use Anvil products for future projects.

For more information, visit MCAA thanks Anvil International for being a major sponsor of MCAA19 and supporting the Annual Fun Run/Walk.

Notre Dame Scores with State-of-the-Art SLOAN Products

The University of Notre Dame and SLOAN have a 113-year-long relationship, so the university chose SLOAN products as the basis of design for the expansion and renovation of their athletic complex. As a result, Notre Dame is conserving water, saving money, improving hygiene, and paving the way for easy maintenance in the long term.

Upgrading an Icon

One of the most iconic sporting venues in collegiate athletics, Notre Dame Stadium is not only at the center of Notre Dame’s campus in Indiana, but also the center of the college football universe. Starting in 2014, the university began a 4-year campaign to transform the 88-year-old athletic complex and its surrounding areas into a year-round epicenter for academic and student life.

The result was the Campus Crossroads Project (CCP), the largest building initiative in the school’s illustrious history. It was designed to place Notre Dame Stadium at the intersection of research and student life while also serving as an event and hospitality space. A total of 2,105 SLOAN products were specified as part of the CCP, including water closets, urinals, Royal® and ECOS® flushometers, BASYS® and Optima® faucets, and soap dispensers in both new construction and renovations.

“The Campus Crossroads Project was a historic endeavor for the University,” said Mark Hummel, the university’s assistant director of utilities. “We’re thankful that SLOAN was a part of it and excited about its presence in so many of the exciting new facilities on campus.”

Efficient, Hygienic Solutions

SLOAN’s Optima sensor faucets (EAF-100 LT ISM) provided water-efficient and hygienic solutions for the majority of the CCP installations. SLOAN’s BASYS (EFX-200) faucets were specified for the remainder of the CCP projects, installed in buildings such as McCourtney Hall, Jenkins/Nanovic Hall, and parts of the stadium. The BASYS faucets have a water flow rate of 0.5 gallons per minute and sensor-based, touch-free operation. These faucets also allowed for above-deck access for maintenance and adjustments. In addition, they have customized, engraved crowns sporting the Notre Dame logo. SLOAN’s ESD-300 soap dispensers were installed throughout the stadium.

SLOAN Royal (186-0.125 ESS TMO) sensor urinal flushometers and SU-1009 urinals were installed across each phase of the CCP, delivering water savings and hygienic benefits to the Duncan Student Center, Notre Dame’s music department in O’Neill Hall, and more. The sensor-activated urinal flushometer only uses one eighth of a gallon of water per flush (gpf) and limits false flushes with an eight-second arming time, which together reduce maintenance and operation costs. This type of durability and water conservation are especially critical in high-traffic facilities like the Student Center and the Smith Center for Recreational Sports.

ECOS Dual-Flush Sensor-Activated Flushometers were specified for the third and final phase of the CCP—the renovation of Notre Dame Stadium. Matched with SLOAN’s ST-2459 (wall-hung) and ST-2029 (floor-mounted) water closets, the ECOS 8111 automatically provides 81,000 Fighting Irish fans a full flush (1.6 gpf) or a reduced flush (1.1 gpf), based on the time spent in sensor range, to reduce water use by up to 30 percent.

Notre Dame was challenged to keep its vitreous china water closets and urinals clean due to high traffic and the use of well water. SLOAN provided its unique and proprietary SloanTec® Hydrophobic Glaze on all of the fixtures. SloanTec uses nanotechnology to create a liquid-repelling surface that is seven times more effective than other glazes, making it easier to clean—and to keep clean longer. It also eliminated rust stains that had previously been difficult for the Notre Dame janitorial staff to clean.

For more information, visit MCAA thanks SLOAN for being a benefactor of MCAA19 and sponsoring Awards of Excellence Speaker Theo Epstein.

Starting from Behind, Poole and Kent Partner with Victaulic Design Team to Finish Early

Taking over a project months into the schedule and facing an extremely tight deadline, The Poole and Kent Corporation managed to complete work 15 days early by teaming up with Victaulic’s Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) team. The Victaulic VDC team’s expertise and use of BIM software allowed Poole and Kent to plan and coordinate so that they could make up for lost time on a new Baltimore apartment building.

Tight Schedule, Tight Space

The Poole and Kent Corporation, headquartered in Baltimore, was responsible for the fast-track installation of the HVAC infrastructure at 414 Light Street, a new, 44-story, 394-unit luxury apartment complex in Baltimore’s historic Inner Harbor in the heart of the city. The building includes an urban park on the seventh floor, a skyline swimming pool lined with cabanas, a private fitness club, and a yoga and movement studio.

Over the past 70 years, Poole and Kent has established a reputation as an expert in commercial mechanical design and construction services. They have managed an impressive range of projects, including biotech research facilities and hospitals, mixed-use commercial buildings, mission-critical data centers, energy plants, hospitality and gaming sites, and sports arenas.

The first challenge facing Poole and Kent on this project was a demanding timeline. “We took over the project from another mechanical contractor,” explained Donald Campbell, senior vice president at Poole and Kent. “We were brought onto the project six to eight months later than is typical for a project of this size and scope.”

For Poole and Kent, that meant the project was immediately behind schedule; in fact, they only had 10 months until the first residents were scheduled to move in and 65 days to complete the mechanical room. As their team nailed down near-term needs and prioritized work, they realized their need for a design partner to assist with the preconstruction modeling of the penthouse mechanical room, allowing them to continue with other tasks.

According to Campbell, the mechanical room posed several challenges, including its limited size, the number of systems and the large-diameter piping that needed to be installed within it, and the fact that the architect had placed it on the top floor. Poole and Kent had to take all of these factors into account during both the layout and construction.

“We realized very quickly Victaulic had the technical capability and resources to provide the services necessary,” said Campbell. Leveraging the company’s VDC team, Poole and Kent “looked to Victaulic as a strategic partner.”

Victaulic products, including these vibration isolation pump drops, and close collaboration with Victaulic’s design team helped Poole and Kent finish the mechanical room installation for the new Baltimore high-rise apartment complex in only 50 days, 15 days ahead of schedule.

Close Collaboration

The spatial constraints were a particular challenge for Poole and Kent’s Building Information Modeling (BIM) Manager, Jeff Bishop, who said the low ceiling heights complicated the design. “We used Autodesk software to overcome some of the constraints, using clash detection spatial coordination throughout the trades,” he said. According to Bishop, working with Victaulic’s VDC team was like working with an extension of his own.

Moving quickly to the fabrication stage was critical. “We knew we needed to utilize a software platform that would enable us to expedite some of the coordination processes so we could begin fabrication and get caught back up with the original schedule,” said Campbell.

As experts in the field, Victaulic’s VDC team put Navisworks and Revit to work, along with the company’s proprietary software, Victaulic Tools For Revit®, to create models within a tolerance of 1/16″. The software also enabled easy file transfers to the Poole and Kent team, streamlining the preconstruction process. All components installed in the mechanical room—including vibration isolation pump drops, strainers, triple-duty valves, and the connections used for the heat exchanger—were Victaulic products.

Victaulic’s BIM Piping Coordinator, Josh MacMurray, explained that accuracy was only one of the many benefits provided by the software. “It allowed us to be efficient,” he said. “Our product families and system preferences are designed into the software, which allowed Victaulic to turn drawings around quickly.”

Campbell recognized that Victaulic’s experienced team and their strong communication with Poole and Kent contributed to keeping the project on track from the beginning. “We had regular meetings to share models and work out any conflicts that existed between the drawings along the way,” he said. “Working with Victaulic VDC on this job was a seamless process. We were in constant communication regarding delivery dates, meeting project needs, and identifying potential areas for equipment placement.”

This communication allowed the VDC team to identify and prevent several potential issues during the drawing process. It also eased the piping installation in the mechanical room, as VDC delivered designs optimized for constructability and maintainability.

Victaulic’s VDC team used Autodesk programs Navisworks and Revit, along with their proprietary Victaulic Tools For Revit®, to create models within a tolerance of 1/16”, so Poole and Kent were able to keep the luxury apartment building on schedule despite the limited size of the mechanical room and the number of systems and the large-diameter piping that needed to be installed.

Poole and Kent Superintendent Tom Major was glad to have a partner that could handle the project’s restrictive timeline. “We had 65 days to finish a mechanical room that normally would have been done in 10 months,” he said. “We successfully completed it in 50 days in the field. Victaulic positively impacted our build schedule—they were able to provide timely drawings and material spools, and we were able to get the material cut, packaged, labeled, and ready for the jobsite.”

“The general contractor and owner were not convinced it was going to be possible to meet such a short deadline,” said Major. “But we were able to make it happen with the help of Victaulic.”

For more information, visit MCAA thanks Victaulic for being a major sponsor of MCAA19 and co-sponsoring the golf tournament.

MCAA congratulates Victaulic on their 100th anniversary.

Message from Joseph Pikus, M/SC Chair: Productive Partnerships

In this issue of Smart Solutions, you can read about MCAA supplier partners and member contractors who take partnering seriously. For example, The Poole and Kent Corporation took over a project months late in the game but managed to complete work 15 days early by teaming up with Victaulic’s Virtual Design and Construction team. The University of Notre Dame’s relationship with SLOAN goes back to the company’s founding in 1906; for its expanded, renovated athletic complex, the university chose SLOAN products that are saving money and water.

Time Is Money

With Viega ProPress, Devine Brothers, Inc. completed an historic building renovation without resorting to torches or soldering—and saving 15 percent in labor. KOH Mechanical Contractors, Inc., estimated saving 30 to 40 percent in labor by using Anvil® International’s Gruvlok© Products for a hospital renovation. Like any good partner, CNA has excellent advice to offer—this time on safe winter driving—that will help you save time and money by avoiding accidents and injuries.

Seamless Solutions

Thanks to careful planning and prefabrication, Integrated Facility Services put in new, easy-to-install Marley NC cooling towers from SPX Cooling Technologies Inc., at a government building while ensuring no disruption in essential services. A New York high school replaced their aging HVAC systems with new, more efficient Daikin Applied solutions that minimized the school’s cost and downtime. To meet new, stricter Occupational Health & Safety Administration standards on silica dust, McGilvray Mechanical made a seamless transition to MILWAUKEE TOOL’s productivity-focused dust collection solutions.

Taking Advantage of New Tech

Indoor Environmental Services of California is using XOi Vision technology, paired with Key2Act’s MobileTech, to standardize its lead process, cutting out layers of review and reducing lead follow-up time from weeks to days. By switching to iBusiness Technologies’ MobiliForms mobile solution, Wilkes & Company simplified its reporting and reduced costs so much that the entire system paid for itself within 12 months.
Herman Goldner Company adopted Key2Act’s MobileTech to streamline processes and become more efficient. Current Mechanical implemented Jonas Construction Software solutions in the back office and on the front lines of service, making operations more efficient across the board and boosting the bottom line.

Find Your Partner

Please visit our supplier partners at MCAA19, where you can see innovations and new ways to take on the challenges that lie ahead. This is your opportunity to gain new insights and knowledge about growing your business with technologies, products, and services that cut costs, time, and errors and put you on a path to new levels of success.

Devine Brothers Rely on Viega ProPress for Safety and Speed in Historic Opera House Renovation

Anticipating the challenges that historic buildings pose, mechanical contractor Devine Brothers, Inc. made sure that Viega ProPress was part of the plumbing design for the renovation of the Philadelphia Metropolitan Opera House (MOH) from the beginning.

“This is an old building,” said Rich Devine, president and CEO of Devine Brothers. “We didn’t want to use torches and have to worry about soldering or fire watch. There are plaster ceilings, too, and it’s a lot easier to get a pipe in there and press instead of getting your hands in there in the nooks and crannies in the walls to have to solder.”

Devine continued, “ProPress makes sense because there’s the risk factor of soldering in an old wood building. Plus the speed is a big advantage.

“Our estimating software recognizes a 10–15 percent savings [with Viega], and when you get a job with large mains and large runs like this, it can go higher,” said Devine.

Devine Brothers said using Viega ProPress to install about 15,000’ of copper pipe for the massive replumbing of the Philadelphia Metropolitan Opera House saved time and money.

Speed, Safety Matter

Devine Brothers had previously worked with the co-owner and developer of the MOH and was brought in for the plumbing design for the massive building. They started work in October 2017 on the building, which opened in December 2018. Devine Brothers uses ProPress wherever they can. For the MOH, they used fittings ranging from 3/4″ to 4″ in size and sometimes had as many as 12 crew members on the project at one time.

About 15,000’ of copper pipe was run in the MOH for domestic water. In such a huge facility—it seats 3,500—there was a lot to plumb. “There’s a kitchen, multiple bars, and with five floors, there are a lot of bathrooms,” Devine said.

The entire building has undergone a massive restoration and renovation process. Because the MOH has been on the National Register of Historic Places since 1972, crews were careful to keep the building “bones” in place as it was renovated.

Renovating the Philadelphia Metropolitan Opera House required taking special precautions to avoid damaging the historic, 111-year-old structure. Devine Brothers used Viega ProPress to work in tight quarters and avoid the fire risks posed by welding.

Music Returns to MOH

The MOH was built in 1908, in just a few months, by Oscar Hammerstein. The largest theater of its kind in the world at the time, it was originally home to Hammerstein’s Philadelphia Opera Company but was sold to the Metropolitan Opera House of New York City in 1910 and renamed. Various opera companies used the building through 1934. For the next five decades, it was in constant use as a movie theater, a ballroom, a sports venue, and a church.

Vacant from 1988 to 1995, the building was declared imminently dangerous by city building authorities but was saved from demolition when it was purchased by a reverend to become the Holy Ghost Headquarters Revival Center. The church would spend millions of dollars attempting to stabilize the structure.

A co-ownership agreement was reached between the church and its current developer in 2017, when Live Nation signed its lease agreement to bring concerts to the revitalized opera house. The MOH reopened on December 3, 2018, with a concert by music icon Bob Dylan.

For more information, visit MCAA thanks Viega for being a benefactor of MCAA19 and sponsoring the student chapter activities.


Discover the Latest from Watts Water Technologies, AB&I Foundry and More in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show

MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show connects our contractor members with the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new products, product lines, services, solutions or web pages of particular interest. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

Watts Water Technologies - MCAA Virtual Trade Show
Watts Water Technologies

IntelliStation Jr. The affordable thermostatic mixing valve upgrade you’ve been waiting for. New to the IntelliStation® family, the IntelliStation® Jr. is the smart mixing valve that keeps you covered and connected through native BACnet and Modbus protocols.

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AB&I Foundry - MCAA Virtual Trade Show
AB&I Foundry
AB&I Foundry manufactures cast iron soil pipe & fittings for DWV Plumbing Systems. Visit the website to see how cast iron is made right here in America.

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Need Something Else?

Find many more smart solutions in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show!

Visit the Virtual Trade Show

Speaking of Smart Solutions

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website to learn how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with cost-saving and productivity-enhancing applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

This section of our website also includes tips and ideas to help your company save money and enhance your productivity. Don’t miss it!


OSHA Modifies Recordkeeping Rule for Large Employers

OSHA recently published a final rule modifying its recordkeeping regulation that required employers with 250 or more employees to submit recordkeeping forms 300 (log of work-related injuries and illnesses), 301 (incident report form), and 300A (annual summary of work-related injuries and illnesses). The new rule eliminates the obligation for employers with 250 or more employees to submit their forms 300 and 301. However,  they will still be required to submit their 300A annual summary forms. Employers with fewer than 250 employees are already required to submit 300A summary forms annually. The new rule also requires covered employers to electronically submit their Employer Identification Number along with the 300A  annual summaries.  The deadline for electronic submissions of recordable injury/illness information from 2018 is March 2, 2019.



17 Educational Sessions Power MCAA’s 2019 Safety Directors’ Conference

For the 16th consecutive year, attendance at MCAA’s annual Safety Directors’ Conference increased substantially. The conference was presented last week in Orlando, Florida to a record crowd of 286 attendees, who enjoyed 17 educational sessions addressing the most current mechanical industry-specific safety and health topics and issues. They also appreciated several networking and team building opportunities throughout the conference.

The educational topics included:

  • The value of professional safety certifications
  • New video scanning technology to identify safety hazards
  • New back injury prevention techniques
  • Safety leadership and group dynamics
  • Telemedicine to help prevent recordable injuries
  • Virtual safety training technology
  • Traversing marijuana and post-accident drug testing traps
  • Exoskeleton technology
  • Construction safety tools
  • Fall arrest suspension trauma
  • Open-topic discussions
  • How to make safety training messages memorable
  • The UA Standard for Safety
  • What’s working for mechanical industry safety professionals around the country
  • The most effective way to create a safe, healthy, productive workplace

Attendees also learned about new safety and health equipment and services at the annual Safety Directors’ Conference exhibit.

Planning for next year’s conference is already well underway. The conference will be presented January 21-23, 2020 in San Antonio.

Digital Integration Leads to a Sellout MCAA Technology Conference

While much of the country faced record cold weather last week, approximately 250 MCAA members made their way to Tampa, Florida for the MCAA’s annual Technology Conference.  The three day conference has evolved into an event where contractors are able to learn about the latest techniques, products, and software and connect with peers in similar roles across the country. One of these roles is an emerging position that many contractors have started developing in their companies over the last few years. As MCAA President-Elect Brian Helm from Mechanical, Inc. put it, “Every year, this conference grows bigger and gets better, but the comforting thing to me is seeing an emergence of a new group of construction technologists and how they are developing their own network in our association.”

Construction Technologists (or ConTech for short) are individuals responsible for researching, testing and implementation of new software, tools and hardware for their companies. While the construction industry has been lagging behind in R&D spending, some MCAA members are beginning to invest in both budget allocation on R&D and the personnel to roll it out. While this role varies widely across the membership, the emergence of  ConTechs has helped contractors research and implement processes that bring productivity gains to the their companies.

Over three days and 20 sessions, construction technologists, operations managers, BIM specialists and service contractors were able to catch up on the tools and techniques driving the industry forward. Next year’s conference is expected to be even bigger. Plan to join us in San Diego, California, January 29-31, 2020.


Find the Latest from Carrier Corporation, Tyler Pipe & Coupling and More in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show

MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show connects our contractor members with the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new products, product lines, services, solutions or web pages of particular interest. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

Carrier Corporation - MCAA Virtual Trade Show
Carrier Corporation

Carrier’s new Ecoblue technology is the industry’s first beltless direct-drive vane axial fan system for select rooftop models designed to improve performance and efficiencies while decreasing maintenance and installation costs.

Learn More

Tyler Pipe & Coupling - MCAA Virtual Trade Show
Tyler Pipe & Coupling
Tyler Pipe & Coupling produces quality cast iron soil pipe and fittings and no-hub couplings in the heartland of America. Visit our website to see how quality cast iron is made right here in the USA.

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Need Something Else?

Find many more smart solutions in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show!

Visit the Virtual Trade Show

Speaking of Smart Solutions

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website to learn how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with cost-saving and productivity-enhancing applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

This section of our website also includes tips and ideas to help your company save money and enhance your productivity. Don’t miss it!


MCAA’s Advanced Institute for Project Management Class 16 Graduates 38

MCAA’s Advanced Institute for Project Management (AIPM) Class 16 took place in sunny Austin, TX. After six intensive days of studying everything from customer relationships and finance, to legal issues and operations management, to claims and how to avoid them, 38 individuals from MCAA member companies became the newest group of AIPM graduates.

Thirty companies from across the country sent their best and brightest to AIPM 16. Participants brought both energy and enthusiasm to the classroom and beyond as they engaged with the industry experts, consultants, and professors who made up their faculty, as well as each with other.

As many of our new grads observed during the program’s concluding session, the connections built with peers at AIPM are perhaps as great a benefit as the many skills and tools developed while in class.

The AIPM is a once-a-year opportunity that prepares senior project managers, project executives, and operations officers for future advancement and increased responsibilities, providing them with essential senior-level project management skills.

AIPM Class 17 will take place January 23-28, 2021. You can find all the details here.

HVACR Webinars Now Updated and Converted Into WebBooks!

The ever popular HVACR Webinars have been updated and converted into WebBooks — this means you will now be able to read these courses, take notes, print sections, and share with colleagues! Each WebBook contains industry relevant course material along with a quiz at the end to ensure mastery of the material. Unlike a downloaded PDF, the WebBooks can be instantly updated from behind the scenes while your notes are preserved securely on your personal computer.

MSCA’s HVACR 101 curriculum gives non-trade personnel a better understanding of HVACR terms, basic systems and the visual tools they need for successful day-to-day interactions with customers and coworkers.
Created by industry experts, the modules include the most fundamental industry concepts, presented in a thorough real-world way that will help your workforce to better understand our business.

These WebBooks are free to MCAA/MSCA members. A certificate of completion will be sent out upon submission of all 10 quizzes in the series. Visit our portal to check out the current WebBooks. Modules will continue to be added as they are completed.  You must be logged in with username and password to access WebBooks.



What is HVACR?
Terminology and Slang Used in the HVACR Industry
HVACR Basic Sciences and Formulas
Air Conditioning Basic — Small Tonnage