UA ITF Offers 2024 MCAA Field Leaders Conference Grants

March 25, 2024

MCAA’s Field Leaders Conference provides field leaders with the skills they need to be business- and results-oriented managers focused on growing company profits and brand, and now there’s another reason to attend – financial assistance from the United Association’s (UA) International Training Fund (ITF) in the form of a $5,500 grant. Registration is now open for the first 2024 Field Leaders Conference from June 17 – 19 in Philadelphia, PA.

The grant is available for all eligible U.S. local union education funds. Each UA/MCAA foreman administrator who attends one of the 2024 MCAA Field Leaders Conferences and meets the verification requirements is eligible to receive a grant. The purpose of the grant is to continue building UA foreman administrators’ growth as leaders in their locals and in the field.

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the grant through the local union training fund, the following conditions must be met:

  • The attendee must be an active UA Member.
  • The attendee must be a UA Foreman Administrator who has completed UA/MCAA Foreman Certification Course 2012 (formerly Course 443). These are UA members who, in addition to completing UA Course 2012, are also responsible for proctoring and maintaining the integrity and security of the UA Foreman Certification Examinations at their local union training center.

    UA Course 2012 is offered annually by the UA Education and Training Department each year at the Instructor Training Program, and is also occasionally available through the UA’s regional training course offerings.

  • The foreman administrator must hold a current UA/MCAA Foreman Certification. If the individual’s foreman certification has recently expired, but they are still actively working as a foreman, they are eligible to recertify. Click HERE for the UA/MCAA Foreman Recertification Form.
  • The attendee must attend all three days of the conference.

How To Apply

Grant requests are now being accepted through the UA ITF’s application system. Applications must be submitted by the local union education fund’s training coordinator. To submit the grant, the training coordinator can follow the below steps.

  • Once you complete the request module (survey, purpose, etc.), a second module for request options will display. Select Add Catalog Items, then scroll down to choose SPEC03 MCAA Field Leaders Grant.
  • Enter in the quantity, and then upload the required form (one form per attendee).
  • Add the item and submit the grant.

Credential Verification & Registration

Once each foreman administrator’s credentials are verified, the ITF will send MCAA account login information to the attendee. It will be the responsibility of the attendee to register with the MCAA and make hotel and travel arrangements.

Attendance Verification & Grant Payment

Following the completion of the MCAA Field Leaders Conference, attendance will be verified, and the grant will be approved. The grant will be made payable to the local union education’s fund.

The total grant per attendee will be $5,500 and includes the conference registration cost of $995.00. The grant is intended to cover 40 hours of wages and all travel related costs to attend the conference. Any unspent funds may be used by the local union education fund for other training program initiatives.

If you have any questions about the grant program, please contact Jocelyn Crowder, Fund Administrator, at or 410-269-2000, ext. 4010.

To learn the details of the June 17 – June 19, 2024 conference and register attendees, follow the link below. We look forward to seeing your field leaders in Philadelphia!

The conference will be offered again November 11 – November 13, 2024 in Atlanta, GA for those who can’t make it in June. Watch the MCAA website and MCAA’s National Update for details as the event gets closer.

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