Got a great idea that helped your company overcome a challenge in the office, in the shop or in the field? Nominate it for the E. Robert Kent Award for Management Innovation.
Inspired by an industry legend, the E. Robert Kent Award honors innovations that solve management problems, bringing increased efficiency and productivity to either office, shop or field operations. Even more important, however, the innovation becomes part of our industry’s culture through the publicity generated. An issue that once stifled growth fades into the past or a new path to success becomes clear. The innovations may involve a more efficient project management system or a new, ingenious method of cutting or welding pipe that produces better products.
Great ideas become great when they’re shared. Take the first step to greatness by nominating your innovation for the E. Robert Kent Award. Complete the form below and send it to MCAA by October 6, 2017.
E. Robert Kent Nomination Form