Archives: News Items

Teresa Pezzi Will Join the MCAA Staff

MCAA extends a warm welcome to Teresa Pezzi, who will be joining the staff starting this week. She will be MSCA’s new Executive Director, learning the ropes from Barb Dolim before her retirement at the end of the year. Teresa comes to us with 14 years of experience in event production and management, and specializes in building and maintaining client relationships. She graduated from the University of California Santa Cruz in her home state, but has happily transplanted to the East Coast. Teresa has been working on events for MCAA/MSCA since 2019, including the inaugural WiMI conference. MCAA is pleased to welcome Teresa to the staff, and her husband, Tobin Coziahr, to the MCAA staff family.

Sloan’s Keys to a Successful Water Savings Project

You have probably heard about “the five Ps:” Proper planning prevents poor performance. This concept is particularly important when embarking on a commercial retrofit project to reduce water consumption.

Looking for More Smart Solutions?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.

MCAA and the UA Introduce Clean Energy Heat Pump Performance Training Program

Together with the United Association (UA), MCAA is excited to bring you a new Clean Energy Heat Pump Performance Program. Heat pumps provide clean energy that can reduce or eliminate carbon dioxide from energy sources, thus operating more efficiently. Numerous state and federal financial incentives make heat pumps beneficial to both building owners and contractors. Signatory contractors and UA members are uniquely qualified to get trained and perform the work to reduce the carbon footprint for any state or city. Email Raffi Elchemmas ( or Robert Vilches ( to sign up.

MEP Innovation Conference Returns to Tampa in January

Event Dates: January 24 – January 26, 2022 | Tampa, FL

The pace of innovation has not slowed down during the pandemic. COVID-19 forced contractors to digitize and mobilize their efforts and stay connected to projects while some work remotely. The industry adapted, sometimes quickly with whatever tools available. Now, contractors have a chance to step back, evaluate and compare their processes with other innovators from multiple construction trades.

The MEP Innovation Conference, powered by Trimble, returns in-person to Tampa, Florida, this time with added partners and collaborators. MCAA, NECA and SMACNA have partnered together to develop the 2022 MEP Innovation Conference, a showcase of the best ideas, processes, workflows and solutions for all of the MEP trades.  

Sessions at this year’s conference will be led by contractors from all three trade associations and include roundtable discussions, exhibitor demonstrations, breakout sessions and presentations. Sessions will be geared towards operation, VDC, project management, IT and estimating.

The most cutting-edge contractors from the industry will be there to share their solutions, network with peers, learn from thought leaders and position their companies to compete at higher levels.

“Mechanical and plumbing contractors have been leading in technology and innovation for years. With this conference, we are now able to gain insights from electricians and sheet metal contractors to accelerate our growth even more,” Armand Kilijian, MCAA’s President from O’Brien Mechanical stated. “Having NECA and SMACNA participate allows for us to have more valuable conversations and gain another perspective.” 

Registration for the conference will be limited due to COVID restrictions and will likely sell out fast. Please reserve your spot as soon as possible so that you can join us January 24-26, 2022 in Tampa, Florida for the 2022 MEP Innovation Conference



Resource Highlight: MCAA’s Successful Project Management Flowchart & Planning for Profitability Guide

Each week, MCAA will highlight one or more of the educational resources that are free to MCAA members as a benefit of membership. This week, we focus on MCAA’s Successful Project Management Flowchart and its companion guide. The Successful Project Management Flowchart is a comprehensive roadmap outlining the key components of mechanical project management, from project acquisition through post-job review. In addition to mapping each step, it identifies the key stakeholders who must be involved in each task.

The companion Planning for Profitability guide provides a detailed section-by-section walkthrough of how to plan for a project that will help a PM reduce surprises and minimize roadblocks in the project cycle, by means of preparation and forethought.

Download these Resources

Successful Project Management Flowchart
Planning for Profitability: Your Guide to Successful Preconstruction Planning

Have Questions or Need Personal Assistance?


Guardian Issues Immediate Stop Use & Inspect Notice on Select Self-Retracting Lifelines (SRLs)

Guardian has issued a Stop Use & Inspect Notice on a selection of Self-Retracting Lifelines (SRLs). This notice expands the scope of a previous notice (G-S006-A) and communicates immediate stop use and inspect information regarding a selection of Guardian SRLs with a cable lifeline and external energy absorber. In certain circumstances, the product’s energy absorber may not deploy and may cause serious bodily injury or death.

This notice only applies to the following SRL models:

  • Diablo Cable SRL-LE
  • Diablo Grande Cable SRL-LE
  • Diablo Big Block Cable SRL-LE
  • Velocity Cable SRL-LE
  • Halo Cable SRL-LE
  • Halo Big Block Cable SRL-LE
  • Private label versions of the models listed above

COVID-19 Workplace Safety Guidance for Federal Contractors and Subcontractors Issued September 24, 2021 by the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force

The Safer Federal Workforce (SFW) Task Force, established by President Biden in Executive Order 13991 (January 20, 2021), issued COVID-19 Safety Guidance on September 24, 2021, in furtherance of the Federal prime contractor and subcontractor vaccination mandate issued by the President in Executive Order (EO) 14042 on September 9, 2021. 

That EO also was accompanied by a Presidential order directing OSHA to create a similar (but not identical) vaccination and testing regime in an OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard that would cover all employers (irrespective of Federal contract status) with over 100 employees. And these parallel executive mandates operate in conjunction too with respect to COVID vaccination, testing and social distancing and masking rules that pertain to Federal agency personnel worksites, where covered private sector employers may be working.

Below is a digest of the SFW Task Force Guidance pertaining to direct Federal agency prime contractors and subcontractors (irrespective of employee numbers) at all lower tiers on covered Federal contracts. 

Contract Coverage

The Task Force Guidance requires COVID-19 vaccination of all Federal prime contractor and subcontractor personnel working on or in relation to direct Federal contracts with Federal agencies above the current Federal Simplified Acquisition Threshold of $250,000. It applies to contracts entered into on solicitations issued on or after October 14, 2021, and to contract extensions or options exercised on existing covered contracts issued on or after that date.

Regulatory Procedure

Coincident with release of the SFW Task Force Guidance, the OMB exercised its ratification of the regulatory purpose called for in EO 14042.

In a release dated September 24, 2021, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Deputy Director for Management, Jason Miller, declared: “Pursuant to the order [EO14042], the Director of the Office of Management and Budget has determined that compliance by Federal contractors and subcontractors with the COVID-19 workplace safety protocols detailed in the Task Force’s Guidance will promote economy and efficiency in Federal contracting. These safeguards will decrease worker absence, reduce labor costs, and improve the efficiency of contractors and subcontractors performing work for the Federal government.”

The Guidance is now subject to regulatory action by the Federal Acquisition Regulatory (FAR) Council, which has until October 8, 2021, to issue FAR contract language implementing the Guidance, which is to be included in FAR contract solicitation and contract extensions and option renewals beginning on October 14, 2021. The requirements will apply to new contracts awarded on or after November 14, 2021. Covered employers and employees will have until no later than December 8, 2021, to become “fully vaccinated.”  After December 8th, all covered employees must be fully vaccinated on the first day of performance of a covered new contract, or extension or option on an existing covered contract. (As of this date, “fully vaccinated” means initial approved one- or two-shot regime – currently, booster shots are not included.)

Specific Requirements

The Guidance requires the following three primary elements:

  • Full vaccination of all covered employees. Exception noted only for narrowly defined legal accommodations. The Guidance says a covered contractor may be required [emphasis added] to provide an accommodation if the employee claims a medical/disability bar to vaccination or expressed opposition to vaccination based on a sincerely held religious belief. The type of accommodation is not spelled out. Testing is not specifically mentioned.
  • Masking and social distancing – The Guidance sets out specific masking and social distancing as applied to covered workplaces.
  • Appointment of specific compliance personnel – The Guidance requires covered employers to appoint specific compliance personnel to implement the requirements.

Employee Coverage

The Guidance covers both full and part time employees working on or in relation to covered contracts – in construction that would be the job site and off-site home office personnel. The vaccination requirement also applies to employees working at home who are employed to work on or in relation to the covered contract – masking and social distancing would not bear on that home work location.

The Guidance does not address the question of payment for the vaccine, or any time off for adverse physical reaction to the vaccination.  The Guidance does not offer regular weekly testing as an explicit alternative to testing or as an accommodation for valid exceptions.  Neither does the Guidance address paid time off for testing, if that is allowed as an acceptable accommodation, or payment for that testing. 

Some or all of these issues are present in the OSHA ETS development. MCAA has taken the position that paid time off for testing, if and when it may be allowed in lieu of vaccination, is entirely counterproductive to the goal of maximizing vaccination of the entire workforce. Both paid time off for testing, and employer pay for testing, is a disincentive to widespread vaccination acceptance – which is the goal of the recent Executive actions, and fully in line with the UA/MCAA Message on vaccination.

Specifics on Vaccines

The Guidance requires covered employees to be “fully vaccinated” by the effective date of performance. “Fully vaccinated” is defined as two weeks after a one- or two-shot course of a currently  approved vaccine under US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or World Health Organization approvals – set out as: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson/Jansen, AstraZeneca/Oxford, and one trial vaccine candidate – Novavax COVID-19.

The vaccination rules apply to outdoor work. Prior COVID infection or proof of COVID antibodies is not a permissible exception. Worker attestation of vaccination is not acceptable documentation. Documentation of vaccination is to be presented in provider vaccination cards or vaccination records from health department records.

Other Potential Issues and Clarifications

The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section of the Guidance raises some key complicating issues and the need for ongoing regulatory clarification.

For example, Question 16 of the Guidance Frequently Asked Questions (p. 12 of the Guidance, asks:  If the Safer Federal Workforce Task Force updates the Guidance to add new requirements, do those requirements apply to existing contracts?  A.  Yes.  Covered contractors are required to, for the duration of the contract, comply with all Task Force Guidance for contractor of subcontractor workplace locations, including any new Guidance where the OMB Director approves the Guidance and determines that adherence to the Guidance will promote economy and efficiency in Federal contracting. The Task Force and OMB plans to ensure any workplace safety protocols reflect what is necessary to decrease the spread of COVID-19.”

This element of the Guidance raises the current question of whether and how the Government agency should equitably compensate contractors for COVID impact costs, imposed either before or after contract award. MCAA has been advocating for a COVID impact cost equitable adjustment mandate from OMB to Contracting Officers on existing contracts entered into pre-COVID and performed post- COVID. MCAA also is pressing for a FAR COVID cost escalation adjustment contingency clause in all contracts going forward to avoid across-the-board bid contingencies anticipating just such post-award added COVID compliance mandates on Federal contract and subcontract work performance.

These issues too are raised in Question 20 – Can a covered contractor comply with the workplace safety requirements from the Occupational Safety and  Health Administration, including pursuant to any forthcoming Emergency Temporary Standard related to COVID-19, instead of the requirements of the guidance?  A. No. Covered contractors must comply with the requirements set forth in this Guidance regardless of whether they are subject to other workplace safety standards.

This answer sets up the same issues with regard to paid time off for testing.  If the OSHA ETS permits testing in lieu of vaccination (the Task Guidance does not permit testing in lieu of vaccination) – and then should go on to require that OSHA ETS covered employers (100+ employees) must  pay for the testing and time off for testing, then the question is would that cost be recoverable under the FAR COVID cost contingency clause (if there is one in the FAR contract) since it’s required by OSHA – not the Federal Contract Guidance directly. Ideally, the Federal contracting COVID cost recovery equitable adjustment measure MCAA is pressing for should – in the extension of the equitable recovery – permit recovery of the OSHA ETS costs incurred by covered Federal prime contractors and subcontractors.

Note: The Guidance encourages agencies to apply the requirements to contracts for products (currently not covered) and to otherwise covered contract actions below the $250,000 threshold. It should be noted that the Guidance applies to all covered firms irrespective of employment levels; the OSHA ETS has a 100 plus employee threshold. Regular testing in lieu of vaccination is not an option under the Guidance, but it is under the OSHA ETS executive action. Who pays for that testing and time to take the tests remain to be determined in the OSHA rulemaking. Certainly, paid time off for testing in lieu of vaccination would not be in line with the regulatory rationale under the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act underlying the Guidance – promoting economy and efficiency of Federal contract performance.


The enforcement regime for the COVID-19 vaccination mandate on Federal contracts is the same as it is for any other FAR mandate and flow-down clause.  In the first instance the Contracting Officer has oversight of the prime contractor performance, and the flow-down to subs and sub-subs is left to the lower tier parties. This is stated in the Guidance FAQ as follows: 

“Q. What is the prime contractor’s responsibility for verifying subcontractors are complying with the mandate? A. The prime contractor is responsible for ensuring that the required clause is incorporated into its first-tier subcontracts in accordance with the implementation schedule set forth in Section 6 of the order [EO 14042 is the Effective Date schedule]. When the clause is incorporated into a subcontract, a subcontractor is required to comply with this Guidance and the workplace protocols detailed herein. Additionally, first-tier subcontractors are expected to flow the clause down to their lower-tier subcontractors in a similar fashion so that accountability for compliance is fully established throughout the Federal contract supply chain for covered subcontractor employees and workplaces at all tiers through application of the clause.”

Note: The Guidance does not require flow-down to material supply (products) providers on covered contracts. There is some speculation that the FAR regulations might do that. Also, further specificity on some of these issues might come out in the FAR regulations due October 8.

Below are links to the SFW Task Force Guidance (including the Frequently Asked Question elaboration) and related OMB announcement of ratification.

MCAA will continue to track and report regulatory developments on these issues affecting MCAA member forms as developments warrant.

MCAA will be presenting a webinar on these issues shortly after the FAR regulations are released. Watch for an announcement.

MCAA MICROLEARNING SAFETY VIDEO: Workplace Violence Protection

MCAA believes the timing is right to release a microlearning safety video on Workplace Violence Protection. This stand-alone microlearning safety video highlights the vital course of action to protect yourself and your co-workers in the event of a workplace violence incident, such as an active shooter.

If you have any microlearning safety video topics that you would like to offer, please reach out to our safety team at


Connect With the Latest Training from Viega and Aquatherm LP​ at

The Manufacturer/Supplier Training area of MCAA’s website connects our contractor members with training opportunities available from the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new webinars and training opportunities across their product lines, services, solutions or web pages. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

Discover how Viega’s press technology can help drive profitability and efficiency. Book a Viega Works session today with our technical consultants who offer real world experience and industry knowledge.

Aquatherm LP
As the leader in polypropylene piping systems, Aquatherm offers comprehensive heat-fusion installation training at our Utah HQ, at partner sites and jobsites across North America, and virtually upon request.

Interested in More Training from Our Supplier Partners?

Be sure to visit the Manufacturer/Supplier Training area for all the latest offerings.

MCAA’s 2021-2022 Student Chapter Competition is Underway!

The project was released this afternoon to the student chapters participating in MCAA’s 2021-2022 Student Chapter Competition. The project this year, provided by Mollenberg-Betz, Inc. in Buffalo, NY, will require students to work through a lot of logistical challenges as they contribute to a Lake Placid Olympic Center Revitalization job.

Once again this competition will be run through MCAA’s member company, Procore. Additionally, for the second year in a row, MCAA’s Career Development Committee partnered with Trimble, one of MCAA’s Manufacturer and Supplier Member Companies, offering students the use of Trimble’s new estimating software, Trimble Estimation MEP, for the Student Chapter Competition. 

Trimble Estimation MEP is an easy-to-use, web-based estimating software that combines document storage, graphical takeoff, Trade Service material pricing and MCAA labor into one solution. Trimble Estimation MEP is straightforward and intuitive as it walks users through the process of creating an estimate step-by-step, making it the perfect tool for the students to use. While using Trimble Estimation MEP is not a requirement for the project, Trimble has generously made the software available to all MCAA student chapters for free.  

MCAA would like to thank all partnering member companies for their support in this year’s competition. If your student chapter would like access to the project in Procore or access to Trimble Estimation MEP, please email Megan Walsh at

Find the Latest from Tyler Pipe & Coupling and Marking Services, Inc. in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show

MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show connects our contractor members with the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new products, product lines, services, solutions or web pages of particular interest. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

Tyler Pipe & Coupling
Tyler Pipe & Coupling produces quality cast iron soil pipe and fittings and no-hub couplings in the heartland of America. Visit our website to see how quality cast iron is made right here in the USA.

Marking Services, Inc.

MSI’s AIM Mobile Technology delivers on-demand 24/7 access to critical asset information. Our QR coded tags provide instant access to critical documents in the field. AIM will greatly increase productivity and efficiency in the field providing Asset and Document Management (O&M, Commissioning, Startup, Warranty, Submittals, etc.) to meet your turnover package needs.

Need Something Else?

Find many more smart solutions in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show!

Speaking of Smart Solutions

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website to learn how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with cost-saving and productivity-enhancing applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

This section of our website also includes tips and ideas to help your company save money and enhance your productivity. Don’t miss it!

Daikin Magnitude Chiller & Optimized Controls Save Hospital More Than $70,000 per Year

When it came time for Luminis Health Doctors Community Medical Center (LHDCMC) of Lanham, MD, to update its aging HVAC infrastructure, it quickly awarded the business to the Daikin Applied team in Washington, DC, which has helped the hospital meet its patient care and comfort needs for years. The project leads helped LHDCMC secure a $160,000 energy efficiency rebate from the local utility provider, and the updates will save the facility over $70,000 per year in energy costs. The work had to be completed in the midst of a shutdown necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Looking for More Smart Solutions?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.

Resource Highlight: MCAA’s Asbestos Awareness for the Mechanical Trades Safety Training Video & Materials

Each week, MCAA will highlight one or more of the educational resources that are free to MCAA members as a benefit of membership. This week, we focus on MCAA’s Asbestos Awareness for the Mechanical Trades Safety Training Video and its materials. This video will teach your workers to protect themselves from the hazards involved in working around microscopic asbestos fibers.

Your workers will learn:

  • What asbestos is
  • Where asbestos can be found on the jobsite
  • What the health hazards of asbestos exposure are
  • How to identify potential asbestos hazards
  • How to protect themselves from asbestos hazards

The video comes with a pocket guide that highlights key training points, a training documentation sheet, a 20-question multiple choice test, and a test answer key.

Download the Video and Accompanying Materials

 Video | Pocket Guide | Documentation Sheet | Test | Answer Key

Have Questions or Need Personal Assistance?

Contact MCAA’s Raffi Elchemmas.

Webinar: Ferguson Discusses Industry-Wide Material Shortages, Supply Chain Disruption and Price Escalation

While manufacturers are working to keep up with demand, unprecedented material shortages, product price increases and ongoing supply chain disruptions are impacting nearly every product category, supplier and consumer. Ferguson’s Vice President of Logistics Brian Sullivan and Director of Category Management Scott James, share insights into today’s challenging supply landscape from a global perspective and how MCAA members can use that information to aid in critical business decisions and business planning.

Brian Sullivan is the VP, Logistics at Ferguson Enterprises. Brian provides strategic direction and operational responsibility for all areas of transportation for Ferguson, which include contract carrier transportation, the dedicated fleet, parcel, international logistics and trade compliance. Before joining Ferguson, Brian was with Google where he was the Global Leader of Logistics, Distribution and Trade Compliance. In addition, Brian has worked for J. Crew and Bed Bath and Beyond, where he held leadership roles in global transportation, distribution and supply chain. 

Scott James is the Director of Categories for Pipe Valve and Fittings for Ferguson Enterprises and has over 30 years of wholesale experience managing volatile commodity businesses. Scott has a diverse wholesale business background with an in-depth knowledge of plumbing, industrial, and mechanical/commercial products. Scott’s branch sales and management experience along with his broad industry knowledge have proven invaluable to him in his role as a member of Category Management. Scott’s work experience includes Category Management, Commodity Management, Program Management, Product Development, Vendor Management, Strategy Development, Procurement, Branch Management/Operations and Sales.  


At the beginning of the month, MCAA announced the launch of the NEW MCAA/CNA Microlearning Safety Video Series. Together with our partners in safety, CNA, we developed a series of easy-to-watch safety videos that are under 3-minutes! This week concludes the MCAA/CNA Microlearning Safety Video Series.

Please enjoy our fourth microlearning video on Refraining from Distracted Driving to Help Prevent Motor Vehicle Collisions.


Nominations Are Open for MCAA’s Board of Directors

The future of MCAA is fundamentally linked to the quality of the individuals who serve on its Board of Directors. MCAA members who would like to be considered for one of six vacancies are encouraged to learn more and complete the application. Applications should be returned no later than January 14, 2022. Candidates and their spokespersons will be scheduled for interviews at the 2022 MCAA Annual Convention. Those who are selected will begin their terms in March 2022.

Find the Latest from Harris Products Group and AB&I Foundry in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show

MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show connects our contractor members with the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new products, product lines, services, solutions or web pages of particular interest. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

Harris Products Group
MCAA contractors … stop wasting your time on the intricacies of gas systems. If you are designing a specialty gas system, you will find a perfect partner with Harris. Give us a call: 1.800.733.4043 ext. 2.

AB&I Foundry

AB&I Foundry manufactures cast iron soil pipe & fittings for DWV Plumbing Systems. Visit the website to see how cast iron is made right here in America.

Need Something Else?

Find many more smart solutions in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show!

Speaking of Smart Solutions

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website to learn how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with cost-saving and productivity-enhancing applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

This section of our website also includes tips and ideas to help your company save money and enhance your productivity. Don’t miss it!

Wayne Crouse, Inc. Cuts Installation Time with Marley Cooling Towers

Installing Marley® Cooling Towers from SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc., Wayne Crouse, Inc. shaved several days off of the schedule for a challenging project at a large university medical center in Pennsylvania. Extensive advance planning and coordination with the hospital, contractors, and trades was key.


Looking for More Smart Solutions?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.


MCAA’s Safety & Health Initiative Highlights OSHA & CMS Response to the Vaccination Mandates

MCAA’s Safety & Health Initiative explains how the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) are responding to the new vaccination mandates projected to affect two-thirds of American workers.

Last week the White House announced a national strategy to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. During the speech, President Biden announced two Executive Orders and certain administrative actions that will increase mandates for vaccination in both government and private workplaces. Altogether, the vaccine requirements announced on September 9, 2021, are projected to affect about 100 million Americans, or two-thirds of American workers.

What You Need to Know

  • Vaccination Requirements for Employers with 100+ Employees – OSHA is developing an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) to require all employers with 100 or more employees to ensure their workforce is fully vaccinated or require any workers who remain unvaccinated to produce a negative test result on at least a weekly basis before coming to work.
  • Vaccination Requirements for Federal Employees and Federal Contractors – Directs agencies to implement a program to require COVID-19 vaccination for all Federal employees by November 22, 2021.
  • Vaccination Requirements for Health Care Facilities – The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will require COVID-19 vaccinations for workers in most health care settings.

See the full memo, provided by our consultants at Alston & Bird, for the basic facts and an outline of the Biden Administration Executive Actions last week.