Archives: News Items

Improve Your Welding Business at the NCPWB 2022 Annual Technical Conference/Committee Meeting

This event is a combined NCPWB Technical Conference and Technical Committee meeting. If you are interested in learning and sharing knowledge on the impact of supply chain chaos on welding; improving your welding business through technology; safe pressure testing of piping systems; building a digital manufacturing fab shop — not to mention networking with friends, colleagues, and new acquaintances — then don’t miss the NCPWB Annual Technical Conference April 24 – 26, 2022.

In addition to the conference, the NCPWB Technical Committee meets annually to resolve technical welding issues, develop and approve welding procedures, review various code activities, and educate chapter administrators about the policies and procedures involved in the operation of their chapters.

To register or get more information, please click the buttons below.

Get Real-Life Tips & Tools for Success on the Job Site at MCAA’s Field Leaders Conference

Attendees at MCAA’s Field Leaders Conference will hear from dedicated industry professionals who will share their real-life tips and tools for success on the job site, including ways to professionally control crucial job site conversations. Those who attend will leave this 3-day conference with actionable education. Learning from some of the industry’s best, they will be inspired to take this knowledge and apply it to better themselves at work, and in life. Register today and join us May 11 – 13 in Rochester, NY.

Field leaders will have plenty of time to discuss their companies, their projects, and the challenges they face, and will leave with a new network of peers. In sharing their own experiences and listening to others, attendees build new relationships that allow them to exchange advice, support and a different perspective long after they leave.

Register Now!

We look forward to seeing you this Spring.

Resource Highlight: MCAA’s Business Transition Options for the Mechanical Contractor

Each week, MCAA will highlight one or more of the educational resources that are free to MCAA members as a benefit of membership. This week, we focus on MCAA’s Business Transition Options for the Mechanical Contractor bulletin and podcast, which reviews the various options for transferring ownership of a company and showcases the advance planning and analysis needed for a successful transfer.

In the related podcast, host Bob Lindbloom and co-host Rob Armistead discuss Exit Strategy Planning with Mario Vicari, business advisor to privately-held companies at Kreisher Miller. Play the podcast directly from the WebBook, or listen and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Google Play.

Have Questions or Need Personal Assistance?

Contact MCAA’s Frank Wall.

Ali Brown Has Joined the MCA-Omaha Staff

Ali Brown has joined the staff at MCA-Omaha as the Associate Executive. She replaces Michele Hoffman, who is now MCAA’s Director, Career Development. Ali’s background made her a good fit for the role. She explains, “I am no stranger to MCA-Omaha; I was a part of our student chapter throughout my time in college.” MCA-Omaha Executive Vice President Kelsey Johnson said, “I am so excited to have Ali fill the role of Associate Executive at MCA-Omaha. It was an amazing opportunity to “go full circle” with a member of our student chapter. Ali has the first-hand knowledge and expertise from being a long-time and active member, and she will no doubt bring new and creative ideas to the already successful program.”

Ali expanded on her student chapter experiences, saying, “I worked with our contractors on different committees for local events and through our mentor program as well as spending some time with two of our contractors as an intern and in a full-time position.” She added, “I am incredibly excited to take on this role and continue working with our contractors in the Omaha area!”

Connect With the Latest Training from Victaulic and A.O. Smith at

The Manufacturer/Supplier Training area of MCAA’s website connects our contractor members with training opportunities available from the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new webinars and training opportunities across their product lines, services, solutions or web pages. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

From one-hour seminars to full-day events, Victaulic University Continuing Education courses provide training on key industry concepts, including piping movement design, grooving and installation fundamentals, and gasket technology, as well as Victaulic HVAC and fire protection solutions. Request an instructor-led course or enroll in an online course today!

A.O. Smith
We offer top notch training, available 24/7. You can learn about our Residential, Commercial, and even Tankless. Training includes items like How it Works, Installation, Application, & Service tips.

Interested in More Training from Our Supplier Partners?

Be sure to visit the Manufacturer/Supplier Training area for all the latest offerings.

THE CROSBY GROUP Issues Remove from Service Notice for Select Screw Pin Anchor Shackles

THE CROSBY GROUP has issued a remove from service and arrange for return and replacement notice for a selection of screw pin anchor shackles. These shackles may have a condition that can reduce the ultimate load capacity from the published catalog values. The shackle bow may have a previously undetected indication, and continued use may result in loss of load, property damage, severe injury, or death.

This notice only applies to the following screw pin anchor shackles with Production Identification Codes (PIC) TXJ located on the shackle bow:

  • 1018534 1” 8.50t G-209 Shackle
  • 1018543 1” 8.50t S-209 Shackle

Find the Latest from Delta Cooling Towers, Inc. and eSUB Construction Software in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show

MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show connects our contractor members with the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new products, product lines, services, solutions or web pages of particular interest. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

Delta Cooling Towers - TM Series

Delta Cooling Towers, Inc.
TM Series – capacity from 250 to 2000 cooling tons – Engineered plastic tower provides longer life – Low Maintenance – CTI Certified.

eSUB Construction Software Mobile-Cloud

eSUB Construction Software
eSUB is the #1 mobile and cloud construction management software designed to PROTECT PROFITS and MITIGATE RISKS for Mechanical Construction subcontractors.

Need Something Else?

Find many more smart solutions in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show!

Speaking of Smart Solutions

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website to learn how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with cost-saving and productivity-enhancing applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

This section of our website also includes tips and ideas to help your company save money and enhance your productivity. Don’t miss it!

Update on Administration Executive Action: Worker Organizing and Empowerment & Project Labor Agreements

Early February saw the release of the first report related to Executive Order (EO) 14025, White House Task Force Report on Worker Organizing and Empowerment. MCAA and the UA provided joint input for the report. MCAA and the Construction Employers of America (CEA) also filed an amicus brief with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) on the topic of worker misclassification. February also marked the publication of an EO requiring project labor agreements (PLAs) on direct federal construction projects. MCAA’s partnerships ensure our members’ voices are heard.

Biden Administration Worker Organizing and Empowerment Agenda Notches Up

The Biden Administration’s worker organizing and empowerment agenda notched up with the release of EO14025, White House Task Force Report on Worker Organizing and Empowerment, on February 7, 2022. The report includes 70 recommendations across a broad range of government agencies and programs to broadly empower and support the nation’s policy to promote collective bargaining, declared in the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935.

The comprehensive report is a first installment of the task force’s ongoing work. A follow-on report is called for in six months.

MCAA and the UA filed several sets of comprehensive recommendations for the task force’s initial report. We will continue to participate in the process going forward.

Following are just a few of the many task force recommendations of particular interest to union-signatory construction industry employers.

Updating the regulations implementing the Davis-Bacon Act – MCAA provided comments on the Biden Labor Department’s initial draft regulations. A proposed set of new regulations has passed paperwork review and is expected out soon.

Inter-agency crackdown on worker misclassification – The task force report calls for renewed interagency efforts to crack down on the scourge of worker misclassification that is all too common in the construction industry. MCAA and the Construction Employers of America (CEA) filed an amicus brief with the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) on February 10, 2022, in the Atlanta Opera case asking the NLRB to return to the proper worker classification criteria to be applied to questions of employment status under the national Labor Relations Act as applied in the Board’s FedEx case standard, and overturning a more permissive rule that overemphasized pretextual “entrepreneurialism” under the Trump NLRB’s Super Shuttle decision.

The MCAA/CEA brief said: “. . . The incentives to misclassify construction industry employees across the broad range of labor and employment laws are great – and unscrupulous employers are assiduous in finding naked pretenses to cloak misclassification as some form of “entrepreneurialism.” The subterfuges used by unscrupulous employers in these schemes are as various as they are transparent. Airport taxi drivers working controlled shifts in leased company vehicles are no more modern-day Cornelius V Vanderbilts in waiting than are construction piece-work drywall installers likely to become international prime contractors. And if they are, they can just as readily make their starts as bona fide employees. The notion of entrepreneurialism in this context is a cynical pretense for exploitation – at the expense of workforce standards and workforce equity for the good of the economy overall.”

In its brief in the Atlanta Opera case, the MCAA/CEA called for a reconsideration of the recent NLRB Velox decision, and for adoption of a strict liability standard for worker misclassification under the NLRA, i.e., – misclassification alone without further charges is a per se violation of Section 7 employee rights to engage in protected concerted activity.

Specific Federal agency actions called for in government contracting– The task force calls on the Veterans Administration to use labor participation as a specific evaluation factor in its construction program awards. The task force also calls on the General Services Administration to provide training and listening sessions on the benefits of union representation for government contractor employees. Moreover, the task force report calls for the more robust deployment of labor policy advisors at all executive agencies. Some aspects of these broad contracting proposals would be implemented in robust use of the Project Labor Agreement (PLA) mandates issued in the Administration’s recent Executive Order on PLAs described below.

Biden Administration Issues Executive Order Requiring Project Labor Agreements on Direct Federal Construction Projects 

On February 4, 2022, President Biden issued an Executive Order mandating use of project labor agreements (PLAs) on direct Federal construction projects of $35 million or more. The Biden EO revokes a previous EO on the matter issued by President Obama (EO 13502, issued February 6, 2009, which had remained in effect since then).

Threshold – The Biden EO applies to projects of $35 million or more, and contracting officers are required to provide a written report of any exceptions that might apply to exempt an otherwise covered project. The EO allows agency discretion to use PLAs on projects of lesser value if circumstances warrant. They likewise retain discretion to seek use of PLAs on Federally assisted projects if circumstances warrant.

Coverage – The PLA mandate applies to all prime contractors and subcontractors performing onsite work on covered projects. The EO does not require a PLA with any labor organization but does set out that a PLA must contain protections against strikes, lockouts, and other work stoppages and provide for uniform project dispute resolution methods. A preexisting signatory relationship is not required for prime contractors and subcontractors to bid and perform work on covered PLA projects.

Exceptions, transparency and periodic reporting – Senior agency procurement officials are authorized to grant exceptions from the EO’s mandate in written justifications for specific reasons (as follows: project of short duration, is a single craft job, there are a limited number of specialized firms to perform the job, the PLA requirement would based on market data frustrate free and open competition, and other limited factors). Agencies are required to file quarterly reports with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on use of PLAs and any exceptions that have been granted. Agencies also are required to publish that data on centralized public websites.

Effective dates, regulatory implementation, and contracting officer training – The EO directs the Federal Acquisition Regulatory Council to publish proposed rules implementing the EO within 120 days of February 4, 2022, and to become effective on solicitations issued on or after publishing final regulations promptly after public comments are processed. (However, the EO states that it is also effective immediately, and that agencies are encouraged to comply with the EO on covered contract solicitations issued on or after February 4, 2022, to the extent already permitted by law.) OMB is directed to issue regulatory guidance to agencies on the written exceptions and publishing data reporting on use of PLAs. The EO further directs the Secretaries of Defense, Labor, and the Director of OMB to design a training strategy for agency contracting officers to implement the EO within 90 days of issuance. Then, within 180 days of the publication of final FAR regulations, those same entities must provide a report to the Assistant to the President for Economic Policy and the Director of the National Economic Council on the content of that training strategy. 

On publication and release of the EO, MCAA CEO Tim Brink issued the following statement to the White House:

Moreover, in times of tight labor markets it is absolutely prudent for contracting officers to consider the manifold advantages of the building trades workforce development training and skills – as well as workforce deployment and nationwide portability advantages of the union sectors’ workforce development system as compared with the lack of that sophistication in the unorganized sector of the industry.

MCAA had long and consistently supported the Federal government construction program contracting officers having the same proprietary discretion judgments options with respect to project contracting matters – including labor policy and performance advantages – as private sector project owners enjoy.

Amanda Haneke Joins the MCAA Staff

MCAA is pleased to welcome Amanda Haneke to the MCAA staff. Amanda is the new voice answering the phones at MCAA. She took over the role from Melanie Thompson-Ott, who is now the Assistant Director, Registration and Conference Services. Amanda previously worked for Starbucks and Severn Bank (now Shore Bank). She lives on a farm in Davidsonville, MD (20 minutes from Annapolis) with her grandmother. When she isn’t busy taking care of her grandmother or five chickens, she is an avid gardener and canner. She grows vegetables and herbs and makes pickles, relish, jams, and other treats. Her passion is baking custom cakes. Join us in welcoming Amanda and her family to the MCAA staff family and congratulating Melanie on her new role.

Resource Highlight: MCAA’s Scheduling Best Practices

Each week, MCAA will highlight one or more of the educational resources that are free to MCAA members as a benefit of membership. This week, we focus on MCAA’s Scheduling Best Practices bulletin and podcast, which look at how contractors can adapt and improve skill and competency at scheduling, which is necessary to deliver the value that customers expect on time.

In the related podcast, host Bob Lindbloom and co-host Paul Alexander discuss scheduling best practices with Michael McLin and Brian Lightner of Maxim Consulting Group. Play the podcast directly from the WebBook, or listen and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Google Play.

Have Questions or Need Personal Assistance?

Contact MCAA’s Frank Wall.

Scott Strawbridge Recognized for IRC Service

The Industrial Relations Council (IRC) for the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry gathered recently to thank outgoing council member Scott Strawbridge for 22 years of faithful service.

Under Scott’s impartial administration, the IRC adeptly handled several challenging industry developments and forestalled several instances where disputes on novel bargaining challenges and grievance issues could have otherwise hampered industry adaptation and smooth operations.

Throughout Scott’s administration, there were no further legal challenges or ongoing disputes relative to IRC contract settlements or grievance resolution decisions.

MCAA thanks Scott for his dedicated service to our members.


Struck-by incidents are a leading cause of injury and death in the construction industry.

MCAA has partnered with CPWR – The Center for Construction Research and Training and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s (NIOSH) National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Work Group on Preventing Struck-By Injuries to research factors that contribute to struck-by incidents and ways to prevent them.

Participation in this voluntary and anonymous survey will aide the development of new resources and strategies designed to help reduce struck-by hazards and protect workers.

Please considering participating in this meaningful research initiative to protect construction workers and prevent struck-by injuries and fatalities.

If you have any questions, please contact MCAA’s Executive Director of Safety, Health, and Risk Management, Raffi Elchemmas, at

Find the Latest from LAARS, a Bradford White Company and Davisware, Inc. in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show

MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show connects our contractor members with the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new products, product lines, services, solutions or web pages of particular interest. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

LAARS, a Bradford White Company
The Laars MagnaTherm® FT high efficiency condensing boiler is equipped with a robust Laars CF-TechTM firetube heat exchanger, a precision high turndown (up to 20:1) combustion control and the Laars Tru Trac® oxygen trimming system all precisely controlled by the Laars Linc® touchscreen control. The Laars MagnaTherm FT was recently named Commercial Boiler of the Year by Contractor Magazine.

Guy with tablet

Davisware, Inc.
Davisware is committed to your success. We keep things moving – dispatched, tracked, counted, and connected. All-in-One business management software for Mechanical Contractors.

Need Something Else?

Find many more smart solutions in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show!

Speaking of Smart Solutions

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website to learn how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with cost-saving and productivity-enhancing applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

This section of our website also includes tips and ideas to help your company save money and enhance your productivity. Don’t miss it!

MEP Conference Honors Jeff Elwell, E.M. Duggan as Innovator of the Year

The MEP Innovation Conference honored members from each association for their contributions to innovation and research with a new award – The MEP Innovator of the Year. Leaders from MCAA presented the inaugural award to Jeff Elwell, Director of Innovation and Technology from E.M. Duggan Company in Boston, MA.

The innovator award was based on Elwell’s willingness to collaborate, share research and present at meetings like the MEP Innovation Conference. Elwell was selected for the award through his work on the MCAA’s Innovative Technology Committee and his multiple presentations at the MEP Innovation Conference. As Director of Preconstruction Services at The Waldinger Corporation and the committee’s chair, Stacy Zerr, described in her presentation, “[Jeff] has been great about not only giving clear and honest feedback on the phone, in meetings but also has stepped up repeatedly at conferences like this to present to the industry at large.”

NECA and SMACNA also presented innovation awards to members that exemplified similar attributes. Jared Christman from Big State Electric and Steve Hunt from Dee Cramer both earned the NECA and SMACNA awards, respectively.

If you would like to nominate a colleague for the award in the future, please send submissions to Sean McGuire at

AIPM 2022: Double The Congratulations!

After last year’s hiatus, the MCAA is thrilled to offer congratulations to graduates of the first-ever double-class of the Advanced Institute for Project Management! The Project Management Education Committee worked hard to use its pandemic-enforced ‘downtime’ to develop new sessions on both Leadership and Finance for this course. Consequently, the AIPM is back, and better than ever!

This unique, contractor-led program is specifically designed for Senior Project Managers, Project Executives, Operations Managers, and those who manage other project managers and multiple big, nasty jobs. The AIPM packed some serious instructor firepower, including leading claims consultant Paul Stynchcomb; legal expert Chip Mitchell; former ASHRAE President Tim Wentz; and MCAA Past President Greg Fuller (to name but a few!). But every instructor would tell you that it is the students who really make these classes the incredible learning experiences they are – through their questions, ideas, collaboration, and discussion-driven sessions that demonstrate a dedication to making their companies the best they can be.

The AIPM is a great example of how MCAA members are better together, and that bringing together the best and brightest in our industry is of benefit to all involved. We are excited for next year’s program – registration for the January 2023 AIPM will open at noon EST on October 1st, and will be done online via the AIPM webpage, where additional information on the program is also available.

Resource Highlight: MCAA’s Exposed: Keeping Your Data to Yourself After an IT Breach

Each week, MCAA will highlight one or more of the educational resources that are free to MCAA members as a benefit of membership. This week, we focus on MCAA’s Exposed: Keeping Your Data to Yourself After an IT Breach. This resource explains what company executives can do to protect their companies if their website is hacked and defaced, their files are held for ransom, or their Data Center goes offline with no estimate for restoration.

You Might Also Like These Resources

Have Questions or Need Personal Assistance?

Contact MCAA’s Sean McGuire.

Registration is Now Open for MCAA’s May Field Leaders Conference

Registration is officially open for MCAA’s May Field Leaders Conference – May 11-13 in Rochester, NY.

Field leaders come to MCAA’s Field Leaders Conference prepared to discuss their companies, their projects and the challenges they face, but they leave with a new network of peers. In sharing their own experiences and listening to others, attendees build new relationships that allow them to exchange advice, support and a different perspective long after they leave.

As an attendee you will also hear from dedicated industry professionals who will share their real-life tips and tools for success on the job site, including ways you can professionally control crucial job site conversations. You will leave this 3-day conference with actionable education. Learning from some of the industry’s best, you will be inspired to take this knowledge and apply it to better yourself at work, and in life. 

Register Now!

We look forward to seeing you this Spring.

Connect With the Latest Training from Parker Hannifin and The Harris Products Group at

The Manufacturer/Supplier Training area of MCAA’s website connects our contractor members with training opportunities available from the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new webinars and training opportunities across their product lines, services, solutions or web pages. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

Parker Hannifin
Learn how ZoomLock MAX press technology for HVAC will improve your efficiency, adding to your bottom line. ZoomLock MAX fittings delivers secure, braze-free connections in a few simple steps while providing a safer environment for your team.

The Harris Products Group
Harris Products Group, maker of brazing and soldering equipment and consumables, provides NATE training on the basics of brazing, base and filler metals and fluxes, and torch safety. Includes brazing demonstrations and hands-on practice.

Interested in More Training from Our Supplier Partners?

Be sure to visit the Manufacturer/Supplier Training area for all the latest offerings.

Find the Latest from Morris Group International and LGH in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show

MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show connects our contractor members with the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Participating companies highlight and link to new products, product lines, services, solutions or web pages of particular interest. Here are just a few of the recent additions:

Morris Group International
Jay R. Smith Mfg. Co. Labor Saving Roof Drains are engineered to save installation costs and are designed to fit many different applications. The combination Roof and Overflow Drain eliminates the need for an underdeck clamp and needs just one rectangular roof penetration. The Adjustable Roof Drain allows for precise height setting, eliminating the need to buy drains in multiple heights.

LGH Logo

Since 1990, LGH North America has had tremendous success by supporting our customers with local representatives and growing to over 20 rental equipment facilities. With locations throughout North America, LGH can provide hoisting, pulling, jacking and rigging equipment to meet virtually every conceivable lifting or moving need.

Need Something Else?

Find many more smart solutions in MCAA’s Virtual Trade Show!

Speaking of Smart Solutions

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website to learn how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with cost-saving and productivity-enhancing applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

This section of our website also includes tips and ideas to help your company save money and enhance your productivity. Don’t miss it!

Collaboration and Shared Insights Featured at the MEP Innovation Conference

With modern building practices, mechanical, plumbing, electrical and sheet metal contractors must coordinate precisely in their design and building for jobs to be profitable.  In Tampa, Florida this week, members from MCAA, NECA and SMACNA extended that collaboration at the MEP Innovation Conference where they came together to learn from each other how new technologies are impacting their businesses.

From left, MCAA Innovative Technologies Committee Chair, Stacy Zerr, talks with MCAA President, Armand Kilijian, on stage at the MEP Innovation conference.

This was the first time all three associations have collaborated on the in-person event.  It brought together 450 attendees from the MEP trades to better understand different viewpoints, roles and responsibilities.  The benefits of having innovators from across the industry were immediate.  MCAA Innovative Technologies Committee Chair Stacy Zerr commented, “At Waldinger, we work all MEP trades and already knew how similar the challenges and solutions are between them.  At this conference, I learned just as much from the electrical and sheet metal presentations as I did from the mechanical presenters.”

Sharing insights and team building went further than the presentations.  As Travis Voss, Helm Group’s Leader of Innovative Technologies put it, “For years we have brought project managers and estimators from the mechanical and plumbing side to this meeting.  This year, we were able to bring in people from across all of our company to learn, cross train and team build.  When they attended sessions together, it gave them a better understanding of the process beyond their focus.” 

Plans are underway for the 2023 MEP Innovation Conference, and further education is in the works to bridge the gap between conferences.  Many of the sessions from the 2022 conference were recorded and will be repackaged into educational videos later this year.  These will be released online and available exclusively to MCAA members.