Archives: News Items

Braconier Contributes to MCERF

The Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation (MCERF) received a $2,500 contribution from the Braconier Plumbing & Heating Company, Inc. (Englewood, CO), raising its total contributions to $12,750.

The MCERF Board of Trustees is very grateful for the generous contribution which will help the Foundation continue its support of education and research programs that keep our industry growing, thriving and advancing.  Find out more about MCERF programs and activities and then consider making a donation.

Visit for more information.

Plumbing Podcast #6 Focuses on BIM

PCA Chairman and MCAA Board of Directors member Armand Kilijian joined the Plumbing Podcast to discuss the importance of Building Information Modeling (BIM) to plumbing contractors.

The podcast covers plumbing contractors’ increasing use of BIM on job sites, strategies for starting and optimizing a BIM department within a company and how to leverage the data from the BIM model through fabrication, project coordination and total stations.

Listen to the Podcast.

MCAA Leaders Learn to Strengthen Their Leadership Effectiveness as Plans Form for the Coming Year

MCAA’s Board of Directors met July 15-16 to consider the association’s program and financial priorities for the coming year. Dr. Scott Taylor of Babson College started off the meeting with a session aimed at helping MCAA’s leaders maintain and build on their leadership effectiveness despite the press of professional and personal obligations that can prove overwhelming and distracting.

Board members and past presidents also reviewed reports on MCAA’s finances, its advocacy efforts to win Phase 2 of multiemployer pension reform, the activities of its committees and subsidiaries, plans for upcoming conferences, webinars and podcasts and plans for MCAA 2017. Board members also learned about a new initiative to enhance the WebLEM. Members also previewed MCAA’s newly redesigned website. The Board of Directors will next meet in conjunction with MCAA’s 2017 convention in San Diego, CA.

MCAA-Backed Small Business Subcontracting Protections Added to SBA and FAR Regulations

The latest regulatory notice affecting the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) provides 11 changes to the small business subcontracting plan procedures required of prime contractors on covered prime contracts ($1.5 million or more), the most significant of which is the subcontractor listing and payment protections.

The prime contractor must make demonstrable good faith efforts to use the same small business subcontractors they relied on in preparing and presenting their bid, proposal and small business utilization plan to the contracting agency for approval.

If the prime contractor fails to utilize the relied-upon small business subcontractors, the prime must provide a written explanation to the contracting agency within 30 days of contract completion. Failure to use the named subs can be the basis for future adverse prime contract performance evaluations and responsibility determinations.

The regulations also prohibit prime contractors from attempting to bar small business subcontractors from discussing subcontract plan compliance or prime contract payment problems with the contracting agency directly.

The regulations also require that prime contractors notify the contracting officer in writing if they pay a small business subcontractor a reduced amount or if payment is held more than 90 days after the prime has been paid.

And, any record of payment violations is to be recorded in the prime contractors’ past performance evaluation in the Federal Awardee Past Performance information System (FAPPIS).

MCAA testified in support of these provisions on May 23, 2013 before the House Small Business Committee. Read the testimony here.

Access the new regulations.

MCAA’s New Management Resource Will Help You Improve Employee Reviews

Employee reviews are a management asset that can strengthen administrative relationships and improve employee productivity and satisfaction.

MCAA’s latest management resource—Employee Reviews—provides information about how to prepare for and conduct employee reviews effectively so that supervisors and employees benefit from the experience.

Helpful forms are also provided to guide you through the review process.

This latest bulletin is a product of MCAA’s Management Methods Committee, but was prepared by an Advanced Leadership Institute Course 15 project team. The bulletin received an award for the best management resource produced by an ALI team.

MCAA/MSCA members can download this valuable management asset now!

MCA of New York Contributes to MCERF

The Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation (MCERF) received a $2,500 contribution from the MCA of New York, which raised it’s total contributions to $135,000.

The MCERF Board of Trustees is very grateful for the generous contribution which will help the Foundation continue its support of education and research programs that keep our industry growing, thriving and advancing.  Find out more about MCERF programs and activities and then consider making a donation.

Visit for more information.

West Michigan MCA Contributes to MCERF

The Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation (MCERF) received a $1,000 contribution from the West Michigan MCA.

The MCERF Board of Trustees is very grateful for the generous contribution which will help the Foundation continue its support of education and research programs that keep our industry growing, thriving and advancing.  Find out more about MCERF programs and activities and then consider making a donation.

Visit for more information.

FitzGerald Contractors Contributes to MCERF

The Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation (MCERF) received a $5,000 contribution from FitzGerald Contractors (Shreveport, LA), a payment on its pledge of $100,000.

The MCERF Board of Trustees is very grateful for the generous contribution which will help the Foundation continue its support of education and research programs that keep our industry growing, thriving and advancing.  Find out more about MCERF programs and activities and then consider making a donation.

Visit for more information.

OSHA Raises Civil Penalties for Violations

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) has raised civil penalties for violations of its rules. OSHA raised the penalties to account for the rate of inflation, which has increased since penalties were last raised in 1990.

The new Interim Final Rule, which was published in the Federal Register on July 1, will take effect on August 1, 2016 for violations that occurred after November 2, 2015.

The differences in the penalties are shown below:

Type of Violation         Previous Penalty Amount            New Penalty Amount

Willful or Repeat                     $5,000 to $70,000                           $8,908 to $124,709

Serious                                                           $7,000                                     $12,471

Other-Than-Serious                          Up to $7,000                               Up to $12,471

Failure to Correct                              Up to $7,000                               Up to $12,471

Violation of Posting                          Up to $7,000                                Up to $12,471


BuiltWorlds Recaps Highlights of MCAA Construction Technology Conference

Disruptive technology, robotics, drones, 3D printing, cloud computing and storage, BIM and much more were the hot topics at the MCAA Construction Technology Conference in June in Indianapolis. BuiltWorlds, MCAA’s technology partner that presented the exhibit of new construction devices and products at the conference, captured all the speakers and their presentations in a detailed article that not only described the technologies but also how contractors are using them in operations, such as fabrication shops, and projects to improve productivity, efficiency and profits. Read the article.

Did you Miss our Webinar on the BIM Software Analysis Report?

JBKnowledge’s latest research report in the MCAA Construction Technology Research Series – BIM Software Analysis – was featured in a webinar on June 23.

Josh Bone, the report’s principal author, led the webinar and offered insights into the study findings, explained the differences in the software tested and answered questions about BIM and virtual design and construction processes and systems.

If you missed this chance to learn more about the software available for these technologies and how they can help improve your business operations and projects, and you’re an MCAA or MSCA member, you can listen to the archived webinar as a benefit of membership.

You can listen to the webinar here and download the BIM Software Analysis Report here in our Resource Center. Questions about the study? Contact Sean McGuire.

Local Association Boards Support MCAA-PAC

The annual round of MCAA local affiliated association summer board meetings continues to bring strong support for the national MCAA Political Action Committee (MCAA-PAC).  All members of MCA of New Jersey’s board of directors just contributed to the MCAA-PAC. The MCA of Connecticut, ARCA-MCA, CPMCA and the MCA Kansas City, among others, also have 100% board participation.  Last year, the Association Executives Council (AEC) also responded with strong participation by local affiliate executives. The MCAA Board of Directors members have contributed generously to the MCAA-PAC. With multiemployer pension reform leading MCAA’s legislative priorities, participation levels have increased markedly.  Lend your support to MCAA advocacy efforts by contributing to the MCAA-PAC by making a contribution today.

JF Ahern Contributes to MCERF

Last week, the Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation (MCERF) received a $25,000 contribution from the JF Ahern Company (Fond du Lac, WI), raising its total contributions to $125,000. The MCERF Board of Trustees is very grateful for the generous contribution which will help the Foundation continue its support of education and research programs that keep our industry growing, thriving and advancing. Find out more about MCERF programs and activities and then consider making a donation.

Pay Forward Your Business-Building Innovation

If a unique management idea helped your company overcome an office or project challenge and improved its bottom line, consider nominating that innovation for the E. Robert Kent Award for Management Innovation. Winning the award brings well-deserved industry accolades and publicity to the nominating company in MCAA and industry publications.

As important, however, the innovation becomes part of our industry’s culture, providing companies that may have been struggling with the same issues and challenges with a way to overcome them.

Last year’s winner was honored for PIPES (Process Information Portal Enabling Success) – developed by The BP Group (Glendale, N.Y.) and ATX Advisory Services. PIPES is an innovative tool that allows a company to easily view the entire workflow of its business while drilling into specific processes to see each step in the flow, the resources involved, the systems used, business policies, systems, procedures and links to forms, reports and other business intelligence used during the course of business.

It is essentially an online “how to” for the business with links into all its operations’ details for employees to use. Built on the foundation of MCAA’s “Planning for Profitability – Step by Step,[link to resource center doc]” PIPES is a template that MCAA members may use to map their business operations. It uses Microsoft® software products, including VISIO, is available in two forms to accommodate all versions of the software and comes with a Users’ Guide to assist with its installation. PIPES is available to MCAA members at no charge as a benefit of membership, so request your copy here..

Nominations for the next E. Robert Kent Award to be presented at MCAA 2017 in San Diego are due to MCAA by October 3. Commercial products are not eligible for this award. Click on the link below for more information and the nomination form.

Information and Nomination Form

It’s Not too Late to Find an Intern, and Get a Grant

MCAA_GREAT_FUTURESIf you are considering hiring an intern for this summer and you haven’t yet lined up candidates, go to MCAA’s website,

Over 200 resumes of well-qualified students from across the U.S. and Canada are posted and they’re eager to work for a mechanical, mechanical service or plumbing contractor to learn the business.

And, once you’ve hired someone, you can apply for a Student Internship Grant from the Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation (MCERF). The grants are $1,200 each and you may apply for up two grants (if you hire two interns).

View Resumes

Apply for a Grant

ASHRAE President Tim Wentz to Attend MCAA 2017

Timothy G. Wentz, associate professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, winner of MCAA’s highest honor – the Distinguished Service Award – and a three-time winner of MCAA’s Educator of the Year Award, became the 2016-2017 president of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) during its annual conference in St. Louis, MO June 25-29.

He’s been preparing for this leadership role for many years as chairman of ASHRAE’s Members Council and President-Elect Advisory Committee and a member of the Chapter Volunteerism and Engagement Ad Hoc Committee and the Building Performance Alliance Ad Hoc Committee.

During this past year, Wentz has traveled to all corners of the world visiting and speaking to ASHRAE chapters and attending technical conferences.

MCAA is honored that President Wentz will participate in MCAA 2017 in San Diego, CA!

Prompt Payment Requirements Now in Effect

Small business subcontracting payment protections supplement those already in place in the Federal Prompt Payment Acts of 1982 and 1988 for construction subcontractors.

Those requirements (Far Part 52.232-5) require the prime contractor to pay the subcontractor within seven days of the prime’s receipt of payment for the subcontractors’ work.

The law permits the prime to impose retainage on the sub and permits withholding for written cause for specific performance deficiency. Interest is payable on late payments after seven days; interest accrues on payments withheld for cause after seven days as well. The payment rules affect all subcontractors on the covered project.

In addition, the Obama Administration has issued supplementary guidance to the Prompt Payment Act (PPA) calling for accelerated payments to small business prime contractors and subcontractors within 15 days of the contracting agency’s receipt of an invoice (the PPA permits agencies to take 30 days from receipt to pay the prime).

Click below to access OMB memos extending the accelerated payment procedures through December 2016.

OMB Memorandum

OMB Memorandum

PBGC Issues Reports on Future Status of its Multiemployer Plan Insurance Fund

The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) recently issued two reports underscoring its multiemployer plan insurance fund’s precarious position, predicting that complete insolvency is more likely than not by 2025, if not sooner.

The PBGC reports (PBGC MPRA Report, and FY2015 PBGC Projections Report) call for substantial if modulated minimum level premium increases as follows . . . “for the longer-term PBGC solvency scenarios, all four scenarios require a very substantial increase from the current $27 per participant premium rate, ranging from a 363 percent increase to a 552 percent increase.” They acknowledge that higher rate increases raise the likelihood of driving greater numbers of financially challenged plans into insolvency – compounding the need for further PBGC premium increases.

The reports offer some discussion of the Administration’s budget proposal for Congress to allow PBGC to set its own premiums, charge additional new risk-based premiums on multiemployer plans, and to charge an “exit” fee on sponsoring employers (not paid out of plan assets) to shore up PBGC resources.

In all this, there is little discussion on the impact of these measures on the competitiveness of plan sponsoring employers, or the tendency of PBGC premium issues and uncertainty to push sponsoring employers and plans out of the defined benefit system.

On these points, the PBGC MPRA report says: “Given the scale of the necessary premium increases, their design and structure are critical. A well-designed increase may encourage additional contributions, encourage continued participation in plans, and strengthen the multiemployer system. A poorly designed premium increase may encourage employer withdrawals and accelerate plan insolvency with a resulting cost to plan participants and a need for even larger premiums.”

House Education and Workforce Chairman John Kline (R-MN-2)(retiring), the leading proponent of the MCAA and NCCMP-backed composite plan proposal, cited the PBGC fiscal challenge as yet one more instance of the imperative need for Congress to modernize the multiemployer system. MCAA and the entire NCCMP Retirement Security Reform Coalition continue to press for new composite plan design options to be enacted by Congress.

Click here for the PBGC reports.

CEA Submits Construction Industry Priorities to National Party Platforms

Last week, the Construction Employers of America (CEA), of which MCAA is a member, submitted a list of construction industry policies to the national Democrat and Republican Parties to consider for inclusion in their platforms during their upcoming conventions.

In introducing these proposed policies, CEA explained that it “works to strengthen the construction industry and provide opportunities for top-quality construction workers to learn and maintain the skills they need to deliver highly productive, quality workmanship that provides the best value to project owners while earning high-value compensation and benefits for themselves, their families and their communities.”

The proposed policies would:

  • promote sound infrastructure policies;
  • modernize retirement plan options;
  • prepare the next generation of skilled workers;
  • invest in energy efficient buildings;
  • enhance manufacturing efficiency;
  • support responsible employers through bid listing; and
  • close the employee misclassification loophole.

Read the full policy proposals

Labor Department “Persuader” Rules Enjoined for Now

The Department of Labor (DoL)  issued new rules pertaining to reporting by labor relations consultants and counsel relative to “persuader” activity, which were to take effect on July 1, 2016.

Instead, a federal court issues a national injunction staying the rules for now while further challenges develop.

The Landrum-Griffin law previously required labor relations consultants hired by management to address employees in union organizing campaigns primarily to meet Landrum-Griffin reporting requirements. DoL has broadened those rules to conceivably include legal counsel advice to employer bargaining teams in collective bargaining negotiations, or representation at the bargaining table, beyond consultants’ basic role of addressing employees in an organizing context.

Prior legal challenges to enjoin the rules’ broader coverage of legal advice have failed, but legal challenges on eventual enforcement will continue. The reporting burden falls on the consultant and the association.

Most MCA and UA local agreements and relations are in the context of voluntary recognition construction prehire agreements, so the organizing context of the “persuader” rules are inoperative in the prehire agreement context. Check with your local labor counsel to determine whether this rule change might affect your working relationship with counsel for labor relations or collective bargaining. Click here to download a powerpoint from an Ice Miller webinar on the new requirements.