On the Hunt for New Hires? Post to the GreatFutures Job Board to Attract Spring Grads!

April 5, 2024

Graduation season is quickly approaching and students majoring in construction-related fields are searching for that perfect first full-time position. Many of these spring graduates have internship experience at home, but are looking to explore a new geographic location. The GreatFutures Job Board is a tool to help match these students from 40 colleges and universities across the U.S. and Canada with MCAA members looking to hire. Post your full-time, entry-level positions today to attract qualified students ready to start their career in mechanical contracting!

How to Post an Entry-Level Job or Internship 

  • Login with an MCAA username and password
  • Click on the job board within the Career Development page
  • Click Manage My Jobs and Add a Job to create your posting
  • Jobs remain active for 1 month to ensure postings stay fresh
  • When the job is set to expire, a reminder will be sent for you to either “mark as filled” or “duplicate” and repost for another month
  • Interested students can view postings and submit their contact information and resume
  • Your office will be notified via email when interested students submit their resume
  • From there, your office is encouraged to continue with your company’s application and interview process

Hired an Intern? Submit an Internship Grant 

Already have an intern? Don’t forget to submit your Intern Grants for 2024! Part 1 applications are $1,000 for 1 intern or up to $2,000 for 2 or more interns. Then once you hire an intern full-time, come back and submit Part 2 for a $500 gift card to present to your new hire. 

Part 1:

  • Submit an application for each intern (Interns must be listed on a Part 1 application to be eligible for Part 2)
  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis
  • Companies with one intern are eligible for a $1,000 grant OR companies with two or more interns may receive a $2,000 grant

Part 1: Internship Grant Application

Part 2:

For companies successfully converting an intern from their Part 1 list to a full-time new hire, a $500 gift card will be mailed to the company to present to their new hire. New hire conversions are unlimited, but the name must be included on a Part 1 list from an MCAA member company. Submit the form below to notify MCAA of a new hire conversion.
• Part 2 application may not be submitted until after the full-time start date.

Part 2: Internship Grant Application

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