New NCPWB Chapter Opens in Arizona

June 5, 2024

The National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau (NCPWB) is proud to announce the establishment of a new NCPWB chapter in Arizona, marking a significant development for the local contractors. This move is set to ensure seamless handling of welder certifications and continuity records, replacing PIPE, the previously responsible local group that no longer offers the services.

The NCPWB has a longstanding reputation for excellence in the development of welding and brazing procedures, and providing services that uphold industry standards. With the new Arizona chapter, the NCPWB aims to expand these standards, benefiting both welders and their employers in the region.

“We are excited to bring the NCPWB to Arizona,” said a representative of the newly formed chapter. “Our goal is to provide a smooth transition for our members, ensuring that certifications and continuities are managed efficiently and effectively.”

The transition from PIPE to NCPWB is expected to be smooth, with NCPWB’s extensive experience and robust framework paving the way for continued excellence. Local contractors who previously relied on PIPE for their certification and continuity record needs can look forward to the same high level of service under the new NCPWB chapter.

In addition to welder certifications and continuity records, the NCPWB chapter in Arizona also offer a range of resources through the national office to help contractors stay updated with the latest industry practices and technological advancements. 

The establishment of the Arizona chapter is a significant milestone that underscores the commitment to maintaining the joint UA/NCPWB certification program nationwide.  As the new chapter begins its operations, the local community of contractors can look forward to enhanced support services.

For more information about the NCPWB and the new Arizona chapter, please contact the local chapter office (818) 275-2890.

Additional information about national programs and resources is available on the NCPWB website. Contact Nick Nikpourfard or Ron King with any questions.

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