Mollenberg-Betz, Inc. Contributes to MCERF

April 1, 2017

H. Van Mollenberg, President of Mollenberg-Betz, Inc. of Buffalo, NY, has a message to the industry, “It’s an honor and pleasure to support our Foundation.” This message came after the company’s latest $3,000 contribution to MCERF, pushing their total to $8,000.  Mollenberg credits his Executive Vice President, Joe Kilijanski, for rallying the support there at M-B, Inc.

Joe, now in his third year of serving on MCAA’s Career Development Committee, which works hand-in-glove with the Foundation to identify and then fund major education efforts for MCAA, says, “I see the passion, commitment, and hard work the Foundation puts in to fund and support our many efforts with students and faculty; it’s something that I know Van is passionate about and so am I.  We are honored to help!”

MCERF President Mark Rogers thanked Van and Joe and everyone at Mollenberg-Metz for their support of the MCERF’s efforts.

For more information about MCERF, contact Dennis Langley.

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