MCAA Shares Mental Health Resources In Honor of National Suicide Prevention Month

September 1, 2024

Construction continues to be a hard and high-stress profession with one of the highest rates of death by suicide of all industries in the United States. In honor of National Suicide Prevention Month this month and Construction Suicide Prevention Week from September 9-13, MCAA is highlighting resources and training to help you to start or continue the conversation with your teams.

Available resources include:

  • MCAA’s award-winning Mental Health Awareness & Suicide Prevention Video highlights the success story of an industry veteran, with appearances from MCAA president Robert Beck, the UA’s Jen Massey, industry expert Dr. Sally Spencer Thomas, and MCAA member Ricky Reams. English and Spanish versions are available to MCAA members via The public video, available to all, can be found at or directly here in English or Spanish.
  • Over the last year, MCAA has partnered with the UA, NECA, SMACNA, and TAUC to distribute over 150k 988 awareness hard hat stickers and chips highlighting the 988 National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Both items include the UA and MCAA logos.
    • MCAA members can order stickers here. To order chips, contact Lindsay Korpiniski at and reference the MCAA and UA 988 Chips. Both manufacturers employ union labor, and the chips and stickers carry the union label. Those with questions can contact Raffi Elchemmas (
    • UA members can order right from the UA’s webstore. Those with questions can reach out to Nicole Jeup (
  • The UA/MCAA Mental Health Toolbox Talks are easy to reference, quick to use, and a great way to start or continue the conversation on mental health awareness and suicide prevention in construction at your company. They are available in English and Spanish.
  • COMING SOON: MCAA’s newest education opportunity, the Construction Mental Health Summit will take place January 13th, 2025, in Fort Lauderdale, FL, in conjunction with the MCAA/TAUC/SMACNA Safety and Health Conference. Developed in partnership with the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention (CIASP), the half-day Construction Mental Health Summit will focus on the importance of understanding and leading through vulnerability, courage, connection, and compassion. Participants will join in this interactive experience to discuss the importance of courage, connection, and compassion in our personal and professional values. There are many things we can do to take care of ourselves at a deeper level as well as take care of those we lead at a deeper level. Additional information and registration will be available in the coming months at
  • MCAA members are invited to attend a Suicide Prevention in the Construction Industry webinar put on by CPWR – The Center for Construction Research and Training, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), CIASP, and the Laborers’ Health & Safety Fund of North America (LSHFNA). The webinar will be held September 5 at 2:00 PM ET. Learn more and register here.

With these resources, we hope that your teams will spend time discussing this important industry issue. By learning how to support one another, they just may save a life.

If you have questions, please contact Raffi Elchemmas, MCAA’s Executive Director of Safety, Health, and Risk Management.

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