MCAA President Kilijian Encouraged Members to Network & Share Ideas

March 15, 2022

MCAA President Armand Kilijian kicked off MCAA22 with an inspirational speech highlighting the value of MCAA. “Most of all,” he said, “the MCAA gives us the opportunity to network with our colleagues who share their time and good advice. There’s no price tag for that kind of colleague-to-colleague experience.” The session also included a tribute video honoring John Gentille’s 24 years as MCAA’s CEO and the presentation of the Distinguished Service Award, MCAA’s highest honor, to Brian Helm.

He invited his family to join him on stage, then recognized another member of the MCAA family – former MCAA CEO John Gentille, who led the association for 24 years.

MCAA Past Presidents, members of MCAA’s Board of Directors attending the convention, and the members of MCAA’s 2021 – 2022 Executive Committee were all recognized.

Armand then thanked the members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council who support MCAA’s programs throughout the year noting that, “MCAA would not be the educational and technological leader that we are without their ongoing contributions.”

MCAA22 attendees paused to remember those who have left us since our last convention. Armand noted that, “This is something we do every year, but these past two years have felt so different – and in some ways, so personal. So, I thought it would be appropriate that we do something different and personal. The duduk is a classic Armenian instrument, whose simple sound has been used to honor lives for generations. I am honored to bring its sound to you as we remember all those who live on in our memory.”

President Kilijian presented the Distinguished Service Award (DSA), the association’s highest award, to MCAA Immediate Past President Brian Helm. The statue for the DSA award, embodying the infinity loop – the never-ending loop of learning, succeeding and giving back to others is MCAA’s core value.

Attendees also heard from Marcus Lemonis, a business visionary and self-made entrepreneur who shared his story and insights gained from overcoming many challenges.

The event was the beginning of what will be a week packed with education and celebration. Find additional information about what’s planned on the MCAA22 website.

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