Currently working in a fast-paced construction boom and doubling the company’s workforce in 2018, University Mechanical Contractors (UMC) exemplifies best-in-class safety excellence with the record to back it up. UMC just passed the tremendous safety milestone of one-million hours worked without a recordable safety incident.
The company has completely transformed its entire safety culture into a successful model of proud and empowered employees with astonishing results:
- More than one-million consecutive-safe hours
- 578 consecutive days recordable-incident-free company-wide
- Three years recordable-free – Major projects group
- More than one-fourth of reported incidents have been personal/non-work related – “keep small problems small”
“We established our new safety program to inspire the overarching principle that motivates UMC’s crews to work safely and to look out for one another—pride,” said Kirk Baisch, safety director and firm partner. Our “Pride-based Safety” program is based on knowing you’re doing the right thing at the right time for the right reasons, especially when no one is looking.”
Warmest congratulations to all UMC employees from all of us at MCAA.