The MCA of Cleveland has contributed $5,000 to the Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation (MCERF) which is the final payment of a $25,000 pledge made in 2012. But they were not content to stop there; they immediately made a new pledge for $30,000 which they they will pay in $6,000 installments for the next five years. This new pledge brings the association’s total MCERF contributions to $136,000.
Thomas J. Wanner, Executive Director of the MCA of Cleveland, said that, “We have a long standing commitment to the Foundation and we appreciate all of the work it does for our industry.”
Mark Rogers, President of MCERF, extended sincere thanks to the MCA of Cleveland, its Board, and all its members for their extreme generosity and for their long-term support of the Foundation and its industry goals.
For more information about MCERF contact Dennis Langley.