Looking for practical, proven approaches to protecting your company’s bottom line? Paul Stynchcomb and Doug Patin will provide them at MCAA18. Their insights and advice will help you maintain your company’s profitably regardless of unforeseen circumstances.
Proactive Construction Management: How to Protect Your Bottom Line
You know it’s going to happen: At some point during a project, someone will want to make a change that could prove costly, thereby justifying a claim. This session will provide practical, proven approaches to managing claims that will help you ensure a profit on the job. You’ll learn about:
- Proactive management of your contract or subcontract
- The project schedule and how it affects your company
- On-going reviews of project progress and issues that affect your bottom-line
Managing the Subcontract Disputes Resolution Process
Although we would like to have every project progress smoothly from contract negotiation to the day of completion, that’s rarely the case. This session offers insights and advice on how to manage and resolve subcontract disputes.
Paul Stynchcomb is the Principal of Vero Construction Consultants Corporation. He is an expert in CPM scheduling, construction management, contract and subcontract administration, delay and cost impact analysis, and loss of labor productivity in federal and state courts.
Doug Patin is a partner in the Construction & Procurement Practice Group at Bradley Arant Boult Cummings in Washington, DC. He has specialized expertise in builder’s risk and liability insurance disputes, bid protests, take-over surety issues, and complex litigation.
Want More Information to Help You Weather Job Challenges?
The 2018 Edition of MCAA’s Change Orders, Productivity, Overtime features new material that clarifies the process of selecting labor inefficiency factors. A new chapter devoted to the subject of concurrent delay has also been added. This resource is a must-have for mechanical and other specialty contractors, attorneys in construction practices, and consultants.