Congratulations to Kyla Magee, Recipient of the Ferguson Women in the Mechanical Industry Scholarship

June 17, 2024
Pictured: Brian Helm (JRGF President), Todd Young (Ferguson Vice President), Gina Carnovale (Recipient), Kyla Magee (Recipient), Bill Tavenner (Ferguson Director), Stacy Johnson (WiMI Committee Chair & Auburn Mechanical President), Wendy Glauber (WiMI Committee Vice Chair & John W. Danforth Company Human Resources & General Counsel), and Robert Beck (MCAA President)

Kyla Magee is one of two recipients of the Ferguson – Women in the Mechanical Industry (WiMI) Scholarship. Annually, the two scholarship recipients are invited to attend the WiMI Conference with complimentary registration. This year, the conference was held June 10-12 in Cleveland, OH.

Kyla anticipates graduating from the University of Nebraska in December 2025 with a degree in Construction Engineering. She is currently serving her chapter as the Student Chapter President and has previously held the roles of Community Service Chair and Vice President. She previously interned with Ray Martin Company and is interning this summer with MMC Contractors. Both companies are MCAA members.

“At first glance, my favorite thing about mechanical construction is the construction part itself. I think plumbing, hydronic piping, and HVAC are so interesting and so complex in how they are designed and manufactured. There is still so much about mechanical construction that I don’t know and I am so eager to learn. I think the most appealing part of mechanical is the community aspect. I think because it is a specialty that the people in this industry have much more of a community with each other, even across the country. Through my experience with MCA-Omaha and at MCAA events, people have been so welcoming and so open to teaching me new things. I think compared to a GC, mechanical has so much more of a personal feeling. I remember at my first GreatFutures Forum, it was explained that a building is just a shell without mechanical construction and that mechanical is the heart of a building. I thought that was so cool and so true (and still do)!

When I first joined my student chapter, I didn’t realize how much it would matter to me. I needed to join a club at the time for my scholarship and figured it would turn into one of those things where you meet once a month and never really talk to anyone. I couldn’t have been more wrong once I realized how much of a community there is inside of MCAA, MCA-Omaha, and especially within our student chapter in Nebraska. I’ve built so many friendships and relationships with industry professionals that I recognize and feel comfortable talking to. Besides that, I’ve been able to hold multiple leadership positions in which I’ve been able to help influence my fellow students to pursue mechanical as a career. I’ve learned so much locally and every time I get to attend a national conference, I feel grateful to learn about everyone else’s experiences as well. After graduation, I plan to stay involved with my local student chapter by becoming a mentor and of course, working for an MCAA contractor.”

MCAA and the John R. Gentille Foundation congratulate Kyla on this prestigious scholarship and thank Ferguson for their commitment to supporting students interested in pursuing a career in the mechanical contracting industry.

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