If your professional recruiting efforts could use a boost, then plan to show off your company and its attributes during Future Fest, the kick-off event for MCAA’s 2017 GreatFutures Forum in Indianapolis, IN, September 28-30.
Future Fest (September 28) brings MCAA members—the champions of the construction industry—together with students from across the U.S. and Canada majoring in construction management, engineering, architectural engineering and other disciplines related to our industry to explore potential full-time employment or internship opportunities. There’s no fee to exhibit, and each company’s booth will be equipped with a draped table, chairs and electrical power, if needed.
That’s not all! For every student hired, MCAA members may apply for a $1,000 Student Internship Grant from the Mechanical Contracting Education & Research Foundation (MCERF); the two-grants-per company limit for 2017 will be waived. And, MCAA members who hire students for either a full-time position or an internship during the Forum will receive a $500 gift card.
Students get a hiring bonus too! Once they land either an internship or a full-time position at the Forum, they will receive a $500 gift card.
To further support members’ and students’ career development efforts, an interviewing area will be available throughout the Forum for more private employment discussions.
Plan now to take part in this excellent recruiting opportunity. More details are coming soon, but get a head-start by asking Harlee Gallo to add your company’s name to the list of exhibitors.