Important MCAA 2021 Convention Update

September 28, 2020

September 28, 2020

Good afternoon,

I hope this email finds everyone safe and healthy. This year has certainly challenged us all. COVID-19 has forced us all to change and adapt, to re-invent the way we provide services and resources and change the way we learn. Thanks to your MCAA Officers, Board of Directors and dedicated national staff, MCAA has not skipped a beat. Considering the safety of MCAA members, the association and our industry partners, it was decided that the MCAA 2021 Annual Convention will be cancelled due to the impacts of COVID-19.

What does this mean for MCAA members and our industry partners? Instead, MCAA will hold the first MCAA Virtual Education Conference. This conference will feature top quality education seminars, a virtual trade show/exhibit, our annual business meeting, student chapter competition, safety awards and scholarship presentations and the annual changing of the guard. The MCAA Virtual Education Conference will be held March 22-25, 2021.

This four-day educational experience is not a substitute for our convention as nothing can compare to actually being together. Until we can be together, safely, the MCAA Virtual Education Conference will provide MCAA members with what they have come to expect, top quality education that will aid and enhance their businesses. Keep an eye out for more information during the next few months as the plan and vision come together. I hope that everyone and their families stay safe and healthy. I look forward to when we can all get back together and celebrate our MCAA family in person.

Take care,

Timothy J. Brink

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