Hire Me October – Internship Guide Resources

October 27, 2023

The MCAA Career Development Committee recently released a set of resources focused on internships. Ever wonder when the best time is to hire an intern? Quick answer – NOW! 

Of course, any time of year is a great time when you find the perfect candidate, but the most practical time to hone in on your search and devote additional resources to hiring strategies is during the month of October, especially for summer internships.

Check out the full MCAA Internship Guide and pay special attention to the Hire Me October segment, which highlights four unique ideas that could spark inspiration for the next out-of-the-box hiring strategy at your company.  

Not sure where to begin with an intern? Start with the Internship Best Practices Guide for a timeline of events, and then consider creating an Industry Orientation Day. Finally, once you have your intern identified, meet them where they are in skills using the Hot Sauce Guide

The first step – finding an intern!  Post your internship or entry-level job today on the MCAA GreatFutures Job Board.

How to Post an Entry-Level Job or Internship

  • Login with an MCAA username and password
  • Click on the job board within the Career Development page
  • Click Manage My Jobs and Add a Job to create your posting
  • Jobs remain active for 1 month to ensure postings stay fresh
  • When the job is set to expire, a reminder will be sent for you to either “mark as filled” or “duplicate” and repost for another month
  • Interested students can view postings and submit their contact information and resume
  • Your office will be notified via email when interested students submit their resume
  • From there, your office is encouraged to continue with your company’s application and interview process

* New jobs are highlighted every two weeks on the mcaagreatfutures Instagram page.

Have Questions or Need Assistance? Contact MCAA’s Michele Hoffman.

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