Local affiliated association executives and MCAA staff came together July 28-31, 2019 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to educate, network and share industry best practices and experiences. The conference kicked off with an update from MCAA CEO John Gentille, MCAA President Brian Helm, MCAA COO Tim Brink and MCAA Executive Director, Executive & Conference Services Melissa Funyak. UA Assistant General President Mike Pleasant shared a UA update along with information on the UA/MCAA Joint Strategic Planning Committee with Co-Chair Mark Rogers.
Jim Estabrook of Lindabury, McCormick, Estabrook & Cooper, P.C., explained how to use the Industry Funds Operation Guide and LMCC Funds to help ensure trusts are operating properly. He explained best practices and uses of funds, as well as questionable practices.
Our partner with Ice Miller, Ryan Poor, and Ed Kommers, MCA of Western Washington, reviewed MCAA’s Collective Bargaining Guide, a value-added tool and resource available to all members free as a benefit of membership. Additionally, Scott Strawbridge, Mechanical Contractors Council of Central CA, explained what happens when bargaining between labor and management hits an impasse.
Additional education sessions covered MCAA’s Career Development and Women in the Mechanical Industry initiatives, MCERF, IFEBP services, technology, association management best practices, and the changing cultural makeup of today’s workforce and how innovation evolves from multiple viewpoints. Beyond the sessions, executives had time to explore MILWAUKEE TOOL headquarters.
The conference concluded with current AEC Chair, Tony Saporito (MCA of New York) stepping down and the introduction of Ed Kommers (MCA of Western Washington) as the new AEC Chair, Rick Lundvall (MCA of Rockford) as the Vice Chair and Chip Martin (CPMCA) as the new Program Chair.
The executives were proud to present John Gentille, MCAA CEO, with the first-ever John R. Gentille Excellence in Leadership Award, highlighting the members’ appreciation for the leadership he has provided.
The next AEC Best Practices Conference will be held on July 26-29, 2020.