2023 is Coming to a Close – Submit Your Internship Grants

December 8, 2023

All 2023 internship grant applications must be submitted by January 31, 2024. Part 1 internship grant applications are $1,000 for 1 intern or up to $2,000 for 2+ interns. Then once you hire an intern full-time, come back and submit a Part 2 internship grant for a $500 gift card to present to your new hire. Keep in mind, the more interns you submit for Part 1, the more you’ll have eligible for Part 2 once they graduate. We want to hear about ALL of your interns, not just 2!

Part 1:
• Submit an application for each intern (Interns must be listed on a Part 1 application to be eligible for Part 2)
• Applications are accepted on a rolling basis
• Companies with one intern are eligible for a $1,000 grant OR companies with two or more interns may receive a $2,000 grant

Part 1: Internship Grant Application

Part 2:
For companies successfully converting an intern from their Part 1 list to a full-time new hire, a $500 gift card will be mailed to the company to present to their new hire. New hire conversions are unlimited, but the name must be included on a Part 1 list from an MCAA member company. Submit the form below to notify MCAA of a new hire conversion.
• Part 2 application may not be submitted until after the full-time start date.

Part 2: Internship Grant Application

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