MCAA, NECA, SMACNA & TAUC Sign Strategic Alliance Agreement

July 11, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a landmark event, the Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) along with the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA), and The Association of Union Constructors (TAUC) officially signed a strategic alliance agreement on July 10, 2024.

The importance of all four associations coming together emphasizes the combined commitment to collaboration and innovation through all facets of the construction and maintenance industry. The agreement solidifies a unified front among these prominent organizations to address industry challenges and leverage collective strengths. It also highlights the value of cohesive efforts in advocating for policies that support the growth and stability of the construction sector at national and regional levels.

By working together MCAA, NECA, SMACNA and TAUC aim to develop and promote best practices, enhance safety standards, and drive technological advancements across their respective sectors.

David Long, CEO of NECA said, “Today’s agreement represents a pivotal moment for our industry. By uniting four leading trade associations, we are reinforcing our dedication to collaboration and innovation across every aspect of the construction and maintenance sector. This enables us to address the complexities of modern construction more effectively and deliver unparalleled value to our members and their clients.”

Timothy J. Brink, CEO of MCAA, echoed this sentiment, stating, “MCAA is thrilled to enter into this Strategic Alliance Agreement with NECA, SMACNA, and TAUC. This collaboration represents a significant step forward in unifying our efforts to address the critical issues impacting the construction and maintenance industry. Together, we will drive innovation, enhance safety, and foster growth for our unionized contractor members, ensuring the continued leadership of America’s construction capabilities on the global stage.”

Aaron Hilger, CEO of SMACNA conveyed, “Trade associations set a high bar for what it means to work together for the benefit of everyone. SMACNA is pleased to formalize ways that we will collaborate with our colleagues to advance practices and procedures that will grow our professions and help the people dedicated to building a better America and world.”

Daniel Hogan, CEO of TAUC, added, “This agreement is a great step forward for the construction and maintenance industry, and formalizes something we have known for a long time – we are at our best when we work together. TAUC is all about collaboration, and bringing all of these associations together will benefit all of us in the industry for years to come.”

The strategic alliance is expected to deliver tangible benefits to the members of MCAA, NECA, SMACNA and TAUC by fostering a collaborative environment that encourages the sharing of knowledge and resources. This alliance is poised to set a new standard for industry cooperation and pave the way for future innovations.

About MCAA

In the intricate landscape of mechanical contracting, the Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) is a one-of-a-kind cornerstone of expertise and reliability. With a legacy that spans more than 130 years, MCAA is the trusted guide for over 2,700 firms in heating, air conditioning, refrigeration, plumbing, piping, mechanical systems and HVACR service. Through member-driven resources, comprehensive education, and strategic partnerships, MCAA empowers members to shape a future of unparalleled innovation and growth.

About NECA

NECA is the voice of the $225 billion electrical construction industry that brings power, light, and communication technology to buildings and communities across North America. NECA’s national office and 118 local chapters advance the industry through advocacy, education, research, and standards development. Go to for more information. 


SMACNA is an international trade association representing 3,500 contributing contractor firms and is a leader in promoting quality and excellence in the sheet metal and air conditioning industry. SMACNA members are responsible for effectively delivering the clean air Americans breathe in offices, homes, and hospitals; for many of the attractive facades you see on today’s stadiums and office buildings; and for the comfortable, healthy, and safe living environments in which our citizens live out their daily lives. SMACNA has national offices in Chantilly, Va., outside of Washington, D.C., and on Capitol Hill.

About TAUC

The Association of Union Constructors (TAUC) is the premier national trade association for the 21st century union construction and maintenance industry. TAUC’s mission is to act as an advocate in advancing and enhancing the value of union construction and a voice to the industry, government, and public.

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