Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs)


The new NCPWB Welding Procedure Specification numbering system clearly defines the type of metals to be welded, the welding process used and allows for identification of variations in a process. This numbering system will be used on all Welding Procedure Specifications revised or developed in the future. The following describes the new numbering system:

Welding Procedure Specification Number Format

  • X-Y-Z
  • (for a P-number Base Metal Welded to Itself)
  • X1:X2-Y-Z
  • (for Two Different P-number Metals Welded to Each Other)

In This Numbering System

  • X is the P-Number of the Base Metal (or Metals)
  • Y is the Welding Process Number Based on the Table below:
    • 1) SMAW using F-3 Electrodes (E6010, E7010-A1, E6011, etc.)
    • 2) SMAW using other than F-3 Electrodes (E7018, E308-16, etc.)
    • 3) GTAW without Consumable Insert
    • 4) GTAW with Consumable Insert
    • 5) GMAW-S (Short Circuiting Transfer Mode)
    • 6) GMAW (Globular, Spray or Pulsed Transfer Mode)
    • 7) FCAW (Fluxcored Wire Variation of GMAW)
    • 8) SAW
    • 9) OFW
  • Z - Identifies a Variation on a Process - Please note that the Z values will be assigned in simple chronological sequence - identifying a variation of a process using the same base metals with no consistent meaning from procedure to procedure.


  • WPS 1-12-1 (said as: WPS one dash twelve dash one) - This WPS would be Carbon Steel (P-1) to itself using an F-3 classification electrode followed by an electrode which is not an F-3 classification.
  • WPS 4:1-42-2 (said as: WPS four to one dash forty-two dash two) - This WPS is for welding Cr-Mo Steels from P-Number 4 to Carbon Steel from P-Number 1 using GTAW with Consumable Insert followed by SMAW using an electrode which is not F-3.

Procedure Specifications For Pipe Welding/Brazing

The Procedure Specifications listed below are the results of research. They have been developed by members or through technical representatives of the members of NCPWB and the costs thereof have been defrayed through the dues and contributions of members of NCPWB. They are thus available to and for the use of NCPWB members only.

1-1-1 SMAW using E6010 and uphill progression without PWHT
1-1-2 SMAW using E6010 and downhill progression without PWHT
1-1-3 SMAW using E6011 with AC Current without PWHT
1-12-1 SMAW using E6010 followed by E7018
1-12-2 SMAW using E6010 followed by E7018 with PWHT
1-2-1 SMAW using E7018 without PWHT
1-3-1 GTAW using ER70S-2 without PWHT
1-32-1 GTAW followed by SMAW using E7018 with or without PWHT
1-37-1 GTAW followed by GMAW-FC manual/semi-automatic and with or without PWHT
1-38-1 GTAW followed by SAW without supplemental filler metal
1-4-1 GTAW using INMs-1/ER70S-2 with insert and without PWHT
1-42-1 GTAW with insert followed by SMAW using E7018 with or without PWHT
1-47-1 GTAW followed by GMAW-FC with consumable insert and with or without PWHT
1-48-1 GTAW followed by SAW with consumable insert
1-5-1 GMAW Short Circuiting Transfer using ER70S-6, CO2 Shielding Gas without PWHT
1-5-2 GMAW Short Circuiting Transfer using ER80S-D2, CO2 Shielding Gas Without PWHT
1-5-3 GMAW Short Circuiting Transfer using ER70S-2, 75% Argon, 25% CO2 Shielding Gas without PWHT
1-52-1 GMAW Short Circuiting Transfer followed by SMAW without PWHT
1-52-2 GMAAW Short Circuiting Transfer followed by SMAW with PWHT
1-56-1 GMAW Short Circuiting Transfer followed by GMAW Spray Transfer Mode
1-57-1 GMAW-S followed by GMAW-FC with or without PWHT
1-58-1 GMAW Short Circuiting Transfer followed by SAW semi-automatic/machine without PWHT
1-7-1 GMAW-FC with and without PWHT
1-8-1 SAW - Submerged Arc Welding
1-9-1 OFW-Oxyfuel Gas Welding
3-12-1 SMAW using E7010-A1 followed by E7018-A1 without PWHT
3:1-12-1 SMAW using E7010-A1 followed by E7018-A1 without PWHT
4-2-1 SMAW using E8018-B2 with PWHT
4-2-2 SMAW using E8018-B2 without PWHT
4-3-1 GTAW using ER80S-B2 with PWHT
4-3-2 GTAW using ER80S-B2 without PWHT
4-32-1 GTAW using ER80S-B2 followed by SMAW using E8018-B2 with PWHT
4-32-2 GTAW using ER80S-B2 followed by SMAW using E8018-B2 without PWHT
4-42-1 GTAW with IN-515 insert and ER80S-B2 followed by SMAW using E8018-B2 with PWHT
4-42-2 GTAW with IN-515 insert and ER80S-B2 followed by SMAW using E8018-B2 without PWHT
4:X-2-1 SMAW using E8018-B2 with PWHT
4:X-2-2 SMAW using E8018-B2 without PWHT
4:X-3-1 GTAW using ER80S-B2 with PWHT
4:X-3-2 GTAW using ER80S-B2 without PWHT
4:X-32-1 GTAW with ER80S-B2 followed by SMAW using E8018-B2 with PWHT
4:X-32-2 GTAW with ER80S-B2 followed by SMAW using E8018-B2 without PWHT
4:X-42-1 GTAW with IN-515 insert and ER80S-B2 followed by SMAW using E8018-B2 with PWHT
4:X-42-2 GTAW with IN-515 insert and ER80S-B2 followed by SMAW using E8018-B2 without PWHT
5A-2-1 SMAW using E9018-B3 with PWHT
5A-2-2 SMAW using E9018-B3 without PWHT
5-2-3 SMAW using E502-16 with PWHT
5A-3-1 GTAW using ER90S-B3 with PWHT
5A-3-2 GTAW using ER90S-B3 without PWHT
5A-7-1 GMAW-FC using E91T1-B3 or E90T1-B3
5-3-3 GTAW using ER502 filler metal with PWHT
5A-32-1 GTAW using ER90S-B3 followed by SMAW using E9018-B3 with PWHT
5A-32-2 GTAW using ER90S-B3 followed by SMAW using E9018-B3 without PWHT
5-32-3 GTAW using ER502 followed by SMAW using E502-16 with PWHT
5A-42-1 GTAW with IN-521 insert and ER90S-B3 followed by SMAW using E9018-B3 with PWHT
5A-42-2 GTAW with IN-521 insert and ER90S-B3 followed by SMAW using E9018-B3 without PWHT
5A:X-2-1 SMAW using E9018-B3 with PWHT
5A:X-2-2 SMAW using E9018-B3 without PWHT
5:1-2-3 SMAW using E502-16 with PWHT
5A:X-3-1 GTAW using ER90S-B3 with PWHT
5A:X-3-2 GTAW using ER90S-B3 without PWHT
5A:X-32-1 GTAW with ER90S-B3 followed by SMAW using E9018-B3 with PWHT
5A:X-32-2 GTAW with ER90S-B3 followed by SMAW using E9018-B3 without PWHT
5:1-32-3 GTAW with ER502 followed by SMAW using E502-16 with PWHT
5A:X-42-1 GTAW with IN-521 insert and ER90S-B3 followed by SMAW using E9018-B3 with PWHT
5A:X-42-2 GTAW with IN-521 insert and ER90S-B3 followed by SMAW using E9018-B3 without PWHT
5:1-42-3 GTAW with IN-502 insert and ER502 followed by SMAW using E502-16 with PWHT
5B:1-32-1 GTAW using ER80S-B6 followed by SMAW using E8018-B3 with PWHT (5% Cr-0.5% Mo)
5B:1-32-2 GTAW using ER90S-B3 followed by SMAW using E9018-B6 with PWHT (Grade 91 Cr-Mo)
5B:1-42-1 GTAW using ER80S-B6 followed by SMAW using E8018-B6 with PWHT (5% Cr-0.5% Mo)
5B-32-1 GTAW using ER80S-B6 followed by SMAW using E8018-B6 with PWHT (5% Cr-0.5% Mo)
5B-32-2 GTAW using ER80S-B8 followed by SMAW using E8018-B8 with PWHT (9% Cr-0.5% Mo)
5B-32-3 GTAW using ER80S-B9 followed by SMAW using E9015-B9 with PWHT (Grade 91 Cr-Mo)
5B-32-4 GTAW using ER90S-B9 followed by SMAW using E9018-B9 with PWHT (Grade 91 Cr-Mo)
8-2-1 SMAW using EXXX-16 filler metal without PWHT
8-3-1 GTAW using ERXXX filler metal without PWHT
8-3-2 GTAW of thin wall pipe without consumable insert
8-3-3 Automatic Orbital GTAW Welding-Single Pass with no forward travel during high current pulses
8-3-4 Automatic Orbital GTAW Welding-Single Pass and continuous forward travel
8-32-1 GTAW with ERXXX followed by SMAW using EXXX-16 filler metal without PWHT
8-4-1 GTAW of thin wall pipe with consumable insert
8-42-1 GTAW with IN-XXX insert and ER-XXX followed by SMAW using EXXX-16 filler metal without PWHT
8-5-1 GMAW Short Circuiting Transfer, using He/Ar/CO2 shielding gas and Ar gas backing
8-5-2 GMAW Short Circuiting Transfer, using He/Ar/Co2 Shielding gas with no Backing gas
8-37-1 GTAW using EXXX followed by GMAW-FC using EXXT-1 without PWHT
8-57-1 GMAW Short Circuiting Transfer, using EXXX, Followed by GMAW-FC using EXXT-1 without PWHT
8:1-2-1 SMAW using E309-16 electrodes without PWHT
8:1-2-2 SMAW using ENiCrFe-3 electrodes without PWHT
8:1-3-1 GTAW using ER309 filler metal
8:1-32-1 GTAW with ER309 followed by SMAW using E309-16 without PWHT
8:1-32-2 GTAW with ERNiCr-3 followed by SMAW using ENiCrFe-3 without PWHT
8:1-4-1 GTAW with consumable insert followed by ER309
8:1-42-1 GTAW with consumable insert and ER309 followed by SMAW using E309-16
8:4-2-1 SMAW using E309-16 without PWHT
8:5-2-1 SMAW using ENiCrFe-3 without PWHT
8:5-32-1 GTAW with ERNiCr-3 followed by SMAW using ENiCrFe-3 filler metal
21-3-1 GTAW of Aluminum pipe using ER1100
41-2-1 SMAW of Nickel 200 Pipe using ENi-1 without shielding gas
41-3-1 GTAW of Nickel 200 Pipe using ERNi-1 with shielding gas
41-32-1 GTAW of Nickel pipe followed by SMAW using ERNi/ENi filler metal
42-3-1 GTAW of Nickel Copper Alloy (MONEL) using ERNiCu-7 filler metal
43-2-1 SMAW of Nickel Alloy 600 and 601 using ERNiCrFe-3 without shielding gas
43-3-1 GTAW of Nickel Alloy 600 and 601 using ERNiCr-3 with shielding gas
43-32-1 GTAW followed by SMAW of Nickel Alloy 600 and 601 using ERNiCr-3-1/EniCrFe-3
filler metal Hastelloy
43-32-2 GTAW of Nickel Alloy C-276 followed by SMAW using ERNiCrMo-4 filler metal (N10276)
43:8-3-1 GTAW of P-43 Nickel Alloy to P8 Stainless Steel using ERNiCr-3 filler metal
45-3-1 GTAW of Nickel Alloy [UNS N08366(AL6-X) & N08367 (AL6-XN)] using ERNiCrMo-3, without PWHT
45-32-1 GTAW followed by SMAW of Nickel Alloy 20 (UNS N08020) using ER320 and ER320-16 filler metal
45-32-2 GTAW followed by SMAW of Nickel Alloy 20 (UNS N08020) using ERNiCr Mo-4 filler metal
45-32-3 GTAW of Nickel Alloy (800&800HT) using ERNiCr-3 followed by SMAW using ENiCrFe-2,
without PWHT
51-3-1 GTAW of P-51 Titanium using ERTi-2 filler metal
107-1 Torch Brazing of Cu Alloys 102, 120, 122, 142, 192 using BCuP-3 through 7 filler metal
without flux
107-2 Torch Brazing of Cu Alloy 107 using BAg-7 filler metal with AWS 3A Type flux
107:101-1 Torch Brazing of Cu Alloy 107 to P/S No. 101 Carbon Steel using BAg-7
filler metal with AWS 3A Type flux
107A-1 Torch Brazing of P/S No. 107 Metals per NFPA-99, 1995 Edition using BCuP-3 through 7 filler metal without flux