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As We Embrace the Arrival of 2021, MCAA Thanks You For All We’ve Accomplished, Together, in 2020. Take a Look Back at the Highlights!

As we, the MCAA family, look back on 2020 we see a year that has forced us all to change, to adapt and to overcome some of the biggest challenges to face our industry in decades. MCAA with its volunteer leadership, led by President Brian Helm and the rest of the Executive Committee, the MCAA Board of Directors, our contractor members, our manufacturer/supplier members and partners, local affiliates, volunteers who sit on our committees and Foundation and the national staff have taken the COVID-19 challenge head on. Sharing vision, talent and expertise the MCAA family has come together during 2020 to help each other like never before. Together we:

  • Delivered ideas and innovation at the annual MCAA Technology Conference with help from our Technology committee, our title sponsor, Trimble, and our event sponsors: Autodesk, DEWALT and Rhumbix.
  • Partnered with Dodge Data & Analytics to produce the Prefabrication and Modular Construction SmartMarket Report.
  • Hosted a record number of attendees at the 17th MCAA’s Safety Directors’ Conference thanks to the Safety & Health committee, as well as our conference sponsors, CNA and MILWAUKEE TOOL.
  • Launched and led five virtual AEC best practices sessions with the guidance and leadership from the Association Executives Council.
  • Connected with industry improvement fund trustees and local association executives at the Industry Improvement Funds Virtual Seminar thanks to the Industry Improvement Funds Committee.
  • Partnered with the MCA of Northwest Ohio to produce the Field Leaders Conference in Toledo. Special thanks to presenters Greg Fuller, Mark Rogers, Chris Haslinger, John Koontz, Kevin Dougherty and Mark Breslin.
  • Wrapped up classes 75 and 76 of the Institute for Project Management (IPM) with 113 graduates and our 16th Advanced IPM Class (AIPM) with help from the PMEC committee.
  • Added five new courses to the NEI seminars list with our new instructors Greg Fuller and Mark Rogers.
  • Organized, with the guidance from the MSCA Board of Managers, the ongoing Best from MSCA series where MSCA members share novel ideas and innovations.
  • Presented the MSCA’s Sales Reboot virtual program, Strategies for Navigating Change and Elevating Performance in the New Economy with presenter Seth Mattison to over 450 attendees.
  • Transformed the MSCA Dispatchers Professional Development Training Program to a virtual course thanks to the name sponsor, MILWAUKEE TOOL.
  • Held the PCA Virtual Education Series on Plumbing Service hosted by JPG Plumbing & Mechanical Service, Inc. which included seven hour-long module and panel discussions with a total of 281 live attendees. Special thanks to the Plumbing Contractors of America Board of Directors, JPG Plumbing & Mechanical and Bradford White for their contributions.
  • Paired 25 seasoned professionals in the mechanical industry with 25 females new to or looking to join the industry in the ongoing WiMI Mentor/Mentee Program with help from the Women in the Mechanical Industry Steering Committee.
  • Introduced the new Preparatory Institute for Project Management (PIPM) as a 12-week online curriculum and congratulated 192 graduates in the first year due to the recommendation and guidance from the Project Managers Education Committee.
  • Hosted the GreatFutures Virtual Fall Program with 333 registered attendees and 17 webinars because of the planning and recommendations from the Career Development Committee.
  • Received 19 submissions for the MCAA Annual Student Chapter Competition which was generously provided by West Chester Mechanical Contractors in Aston, PA.
  • Offered 604 registered members a virtual tour of Modern Companies’ fabrication operations, which uses MSUITE’s FabPro in the MCAA Virtual Fab Mini
  • Launched the Sponsor Spotlight series of interviews as a way for our contractor members to learn more about the Manufacturer/Supplier Council (M/SC) Governing Board including their products, relationships with MCAA and what being a member of the M/SC Governing Board means to them. Thanks to our M/SC Governing Board and the MCAA Executive Committee for their participation and time.

In addition to our education programs, MCAA was dedicated to providing more than 500 business resources, COVID-19-related and not, free as a benefit of membership, including:

Thank you to all 55 individuals who donated to the MCAA PAC, including the time our Government Affairs Committee worked tirelessly meeting with countless Congressional and Senate office’s as well as our sister associations and our labor partners at the UA to push our agenda forward. We will continue to be your voice in the nation’s capital! If you would like to donate yourself, please visit the MCAA website.

Thank you for the 52 donations to the John R. Gentille Foundation (JRGF) so we can continue to provide funding to students, faculty and MCAA student chapters. Your donations also mean that JRGF can develop innovative resources to help you work smarter and more efficiently. If you would like to see the full list of those who supported the Foundation from January 1, 2020 – December 21, 2020, or donate yourself, visit the JRGF website.

At our core, MCAA’s mission is to help the industry advance and adapt to change. 2020 has challenged us to do just that. With the constant changes and unknowns this year has brought, MCAA recommits to the core mission – we are committed to supporting you and your business as we grow the industry and overcome challenges together. As we reflect on this past year, we hope that you – our members, our family, find our resources and achievements valuable. We look forward to a new year full of more challenges and opportunities to help you!

Murphy Company Cuts Project Installation Time with Sioux Chief Products

Using a range of Sioux Chief Manufacturing Company products, Murphy Company dramatically cut down its installation time of plumbing products for a new high-rise in St. Louis. Murphy also turned to Sioux Chief for custom products, which were rapidly produced in nearby Kansas City, MO, ensuring the project stayed on schedule.


Looking for More Smart Solutions?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.


CDC Issues New Guidance on Quarantine of Individuals Exposed to Persons with COVID-19

December 4, 2020|by Kathleen M. Connelly

Until now, the CDC recommended a 14-day quarantine for individuals who might have had “close contact” with a person who has or is suspected of having COVID-19.[1]  This quarantine was longer than the 10-day recommendation for those who test positive, as the longer quarantine period is based on estimates of the upper boundaries of the viral incubation period. However, in its new guidance issued December 2, 2020, the CDC acknowledged three adverse consequences of the 14-day quarantine:

  • It can impose personal burdens that may affect physical and mental health as well as economic hardship that may reduce compliance.
  • It may pose additional burdens on public health systems and communities, especially when cases are rising and the need to impose quarantines are rapidly rising.
  • It may dissuade recently diagnosed persons from naming contacts and dissuade contacts from responding to contact tracer outreach if they perceive the duration of the quarantine is too onerous.

New Shorter Quarantine Options. In an effort to reduce these burdens and increase community compliance, the CDC has announced the following shorter quarantine alternatives to the 14-day quarantine.

  1. 10-Day Quarantine Option. Under this option, quarantine can end after day 10 without testing and if no symptoms have been reported during this period.
  2. 7-Day Quarantine Option. If diagnostic testing resources are available, quarantine can end after day 7 if i) the test results are negative and ii) no symptoms are reported during this period.  The testing specimen may be collected and tested within 48 hours of the expiration of the 7-day period (or before the planned end of quarantine in the event of testing delays).

Quarantine may only be discontinued under either option if these additional criteria are met:

  • no clinical evidence of COVID-19 was elicited via daily symptom monitoring during the entirety of the quarantine;
  • daily symptom monitoring continues through day 14; and
  • persons are counseled regarding the need to strictly adhere through day 14 to all recommended non-pharmaceutical mitigation strategies, and advised to immediately contact local health officials or their healthcare provider and self-isolate should symptoms develop.

Of course, individuals can continue to quarantine for the longer 14-day period without testing in accordance with the preexisting recommendations, which maximally reduces the risk of post-quarantine transmission.

Persons Who Must Quarantine Together, Such as Households. The CDC further recommends that when housing is shared (e.g., families, incarcerated persons, students), every effort should be made to physically separate the quarantined individual from others through such measures as having the quarantined individual residing alone in a separate closed room with exclusive use of their own bathroom and implementation of other mitigating strategies.  If any co-housed person is diagnosed with COVID-19, all co-housed persons will require evaluation as contacts.

[1] The CDC defines “close contact” as being within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated.

As always Lindabury’s Labor & Employment team is vigilantly monitoring the legislative and regulatory developments in response to the coronavirus outbreak. Stay up to date with the latest information by visiting the Lindabury COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Resource Center. If you have any questions, please contact Lindabury.

John W. Danforth Relies on Raken to Capture Detailed Productivity Data

John W. Danforth—a founding member of MCAA—is using Raken’s digital time cards and daily reporting to keep a record of all the impacts the pandemic has had on their productivity—so they can demonstrate what they have done and get paid for it. Construction companies have been forced to change the way they operate to ensure safety and compliance, and jobsite data are critical for contractors to maintain a record of productivity and streamline their workflows.


Looking for More Smart Solutions?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.


With eSUB Software, Braconier Cuts Payroll Processing Down to Minutes

Braconier adopted eSUB’s comprehensive software platform to standardize project management and operations, cutting processes such as timecard inputting and payroll processing from a full day down to minutes. The platform also helps Braconier document every aspect of their projects, which helps keep things running smoothly.


Looking for More Smart Solutions?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.


H.L. Moe Company, Inc. Recognized for Safety Excellence

MCAA and CNA are pleased to announce that H.L. Moe Company, Inc. earned the association’s top safety award for 2019 in Size Category 2, 100,001 – 250,000 work hours. H.L. Moe Company’s successful “Cart Mounted Vise” program to address ergonomics set the company apart.

The program outfits each worker with a “Cart Mounted Vise.” The vise eliminates the need to bend down to perform the work. Instead, the vise lifts the work up to the employees. With the implementation of the cart vises, which include a fire extinguisher mounted on each of them, the company virtually eliminated one-handed cutting of pipe, bending over, soldering on unsecured surfaces, and performing hot work without a fire extinguisher nearby.

The MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Awards Program began in the 1990s when MCAA partnered with CNA Insurance. It is a fiercely competitive program in which only the best of the best compete for the awards.

Participants are required to describe their safety programs in detail, including how they achieved safety excellence and why they believe they deserve the award. The Safety Awards Selection Taskforce, which is led by CNA, carefully evaluates each submission looking for safety leadership, an advanced safety culture, effective leading indicators of safety performance, and innovative safety initiatives that helped the company achieve an exceptionally high degree of safety excellence.

MCAA and CNA congratulate H.L. Moe Company, Inc. for earning such a high degree of safety excellence in 2019.

Kori Gormley-Huppert Featured in Maker Month Profile

Kori Gormley-Huppert, president of MCAA member Gormley Plumbing + Mechanical and chair of MCAA’s Women in the Mechanical Industry Steering Committee, is among those profiled as part of Stanley Black & Decker’s Maker Month Campaign. The campaign is designed to empower makers and tradespeople around the world. Stanley Black & Decker is the parent company of DEWALT and LENOX, both MCAA members.

In the interview-style profile, Kori talks about her company, her career and the mechanical industry. She also offers advice to those who are just getting started thanks to perspective gained from her own experience and her work on MCAA’s Career Development Committee.

In addition to profiles spotlighting a diverse range of makers and creators from tradespeople and engineers to philanthropists and innovators throughout the industry, the campaign shines a light on the trade skills gap, which is one of the biggest issues facing the workforce today.

“To help solve for the vast skills gap today, an issue made worse by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, businesses need to showcase and celebrate the wide variety of opportunities people can pursue across the skilled trades,” said Jim Loree, President & CEO of Stanley Black & Decker. He added “Maker Month is our contribution to this effort, helping to highlight the vast potential these careers offer.”

Get Precise, Consistent Joints with Laser Welding

Many types of welding have been proven performers for a long time. Welding is, at its core, simply a way of joining two materials. While there are other ways to join metal (e.g., riveting, brazing, or soldering), welding has become the method of choice for its availability, high performance, and high strength. NIBCO INC. highlights the benefits of laser welding, including strength and efficiency. NIBCO INC. is an MCAA major sponsor.


Looking for More Smart Solutions?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.


Xcel Mechanical Systems, Inc. Recognized for Safety Excellence

MCAA and CNA are pleased to announce that Xcel Mechanical Systems, Inc. earned the association’s top safety award for 2019 in Size Category 3, 250,001 – 450,000 work hours. Xcel Mechanical’s successful “Safety Champion” recognition award for company foremen set the company apart.

The “Safety Champion” recognition award provides superintendents and/or company executives with an avenue for recognizing foremen who go “above and beyond” in establishing and managing a safe jobsite. It further recognizes those who take personal responsibility for the safety of their project partners and field teams, especially new hires.

When a new craftsman joins the company, they move through a mandatory new-hire orientation. Following orientation, they are outfitted in a bright green vest and a matching strap that wraps around their hardhat. Once they are assigned to a foreman’s field team, it becomes that foreman’s responsibility to partner the new hire with a more experienced craftsman, and to monitor their acclimation onto the team. Company superintendents visit jobsites and observe how the foremen are doing then complete and submit report cards to the company’s Safety Director and VP of Operations.

The MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Awards Program began in the 1990s when MCAA partnered with CNA Insurance. It is a fiercely competitive program in which only the best of the best compete for the awards.

Participants are required to describe their safety programs in detail, including how they achieved safety excellence and why they believe they deserve the award. The Safety Awards Selection Taskforce, which is led by CNA, carefully evaluates each submission looking for safety leadership, an advanced safety culture, effective leading indicators of safety performance, and innovative safety initiatives that helped the company achieve an exceptionally high degree of safety excellence.

MCAA and CNA congratulate Xcel Mechanical Systems, Inc. for earning such a high degree of safety excellence in 2019.

Postler & Jaeckle Corporation Recognized for Safety Excellence

MCAA and CNA are pleased to announce that Postler & Jaeckle Corporation earned the association’s top safety award for 2019 in Size Category 4, 450,001 – 1 Million Work Hours. Postler & Jaeckle’s successful Service Specific Safety Committee set the company apart.

Recognizing that its long-standing safety committee could not adequately address both construction and service safety issues, Postler & Jaeckle established a service specific committee to fully understand and address service-specific safety issues. The new committee expands employee ownership of the safety program, with representatives from each service group location attending quarterly committee meetings. These meetings allow the group to collaboratively determine the most urgent service safety issues, prioritize them, and establish effective plans to address them. The initiative has been very successful and continues to help protect mechanical service technicians from workplace hazards.

The MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Awards Program began in the 1990s when MCAA partnered with CNA Insurance. It is a fiercely competitive program in which only the best of the best compete for the awards.

Participants are required to describe their safety programs in detail, including how they achieved safety excellence and why they believe they deserve the award. The Safety Awards Selection Taskforce, which is led by CNA, carefully evaluates each submission looking for safety leadership, an advanced safety culture, effective leading indicators of safety performance, and innovative safety initiatives that helped the company achieve an exceptionally high degree of safety excellence.

MCAA and CNA congratulate Postler & Jaeckle Corporation for earning such a high degree of safety excellence in 2019.

Holmberg Mechanical Saves Time, Meets Regulatory Requirements With Help From Anvil International

Holmberg Mechanical knew Anvil International’s Gruvlok® products would help them meet the quick turnaround time required for the new Colman Dock in Seattle, WA, which will service the largest ferry system in North America. But the job posed another challenge. Because the dock is a publicly funded project (with a price tag of $455 million), Holmberg Mechanical had to comply with Buy America Act (BAA) standards. They needed to secure the right materials on time and with the proper BAA certification. Anvil is an MCAA major sponsor.


Looking for More Smart Solutions?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.


Withum COVID-19 Bill Update – 10/12/2020

As the very public debate in Congress regarding another stimulus bill rolls on, Withum wanted to share an update issued late last week by the SBA, in conjunction with the Department of Treasury. With lobbying groups, lenders, and borrowers long-since advocating for a more simple forgiveness process, specifically for smaller loans, the SBA took this into their own hands late last week, as they released a new interim final rule (“IFR”). Because they are required to work within the confines of the current statutes, the consequences of this interim final rule are not as far reaching as proponents for a simpler forgiveness process would like, but it’s certainly a movement in the right direction. Here are the highlights:

New Application Form and Simplification for Loans under $50,000: In the release of the IFR, the SBA granted a de minimus exemption that all borrowers who have loans under $50,000 (provided that they do not, with affiliates, exceed $2M) would be exempt from any reductions in the loan forgiveness amount based on reductions in full-time equivalents or reductions in salaries/wages. This is welcomed news to these borrowers. The SBA also released the Form 3508S, a much more simple version of the Form EZ previously issued, which just asks the borrower for the bare minimum of requirements – loan information, forgiveness amount, and for the borrower to sign the certifications. While this is welcomed news to borrowers, the statutes of the CARES Act still require that forgiveness is not to be issued unless supporting documentation supporting the expenditures is provided, and there was no change to this rule offered by the SBA. Borrowers who utilize this form are still required to submit the supporting documentation for their expenditures, ultimately supporting the amount claimed for forgiveness. Further, the IFR clarifies that lenders are required to complete the following when in receipt of such application: 1) confirm receipt of the certifications, 2) confirm receipt of the documentation required to be submitted. It clearly indicates that the borrower is responsible to provide an accurate calculation of the loan forgiveness amount. 

With 3.57 million outstanding PPP loans totaling $62 billion in funds, this is set to simplify the process for about 12% of the PPP funds distributed. Withum expects that lending institutions will need some time to update their systems to allow for these applications, so borrowers who fit this mold will likely need to wait a couple more weeks to apply for forgiveness if they desire to use the new form.

Changes to the Lender Review Process for All Loans: In addition to the above, the IFR also amended lender responsibility with respect to reviewing documentation from submitted borrowers. In response to what appears to be an overwhelming number of borrowers submitting applications with documentation of eligible payroll and non-payroll costs in excess of the loan amount, lenders responsibilities are now adjusted such that they are only required to confirm the borrower’s calculation and review the required documentation up to the amount of the request forgiveness amount. Although we cannot be sure how each lender will approach/implement this guidance, it stands to increase the speed with which loans are being processed if utilized. 

What Else is Going on in Congress? Since the IRS published Notice 2020-32, disallowing deductions for expenses that were forgiven under the PPP, Congress members have spoken publicly about how this notice was not in line with the intentions of the CARES Act. On October 1, the House passed an updated Heroes Act which contained language allowing such deductions, marking the first time we have seen any legislation overturning the IRS notice make any headway. Based on what has transpired since that date, we know that the Heroes Act, in it’s current form, is very unlikely to be signed into law, however inclusion of language in this regard is encouraging nonetheless. 

Also at the forefront of these discussions are additional appropriations for the PPP funds. At the very least, the White House has signaled that they would be amenable to redeploying the nearly $130B of unused appropriations for the PPP, and Congress members on both sides of the aisle have indicated they are favor of a PPP v2. The most solid proposal we have seen to date is within the updated Heroes Act, which includes a second round of loans, utilizing the same formula as the first round, to eligible ‘smaller businesses’ of 200 employees or less who can also demonstrate a 25% reduction in revenues in either Q1, Q2 or Q3 as compared to last year. The maximum size loan under this proposal would be $2M. Eligibility under alternative size standards and how the affiliation rules would be applied are not clear at this time.

Protect Your Business from Risky Drivers

“Negligent entrustment” can stem from employees driving company-owned vehicles, their personal vehicles, or other vehicles on company business. Employers have a responsibility to know if an employee has something in his or her driving background that creates a risk to others. Negligent entrustment implies a company knew or should have known that it put an unsafe driver behind the wheel of a vehicle and allowed that employee to drive on behalf of the company. (CNA is an MCAA benefactor sponsor.)


Looking for More Smart Solutions?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.


Withum COVID-19 Bill Update – 9/17/2020

PPP Loans – Disallowance of Expense Deductions: Withum is getting a lot of questions regarding the denial of tax deductions relating to PPP loan forgiveness. As you may recall, cancellation of debt relating to the PPP loan is not taxable income. While that is the case for the loan itself, the amount forgiven actually ends up being fully taxable because the IRS issued Notice 2020-32 to disallow the tax deductions (expenses) that gave rise to the loan forgiveness. Here is a link to a Withum article on the Taxation of PPP Loans and Loan Forgiveness. Thus, taxpayers should expect more taxable income as they will have less deductible expenses in 2020 than are reflected on their internal books and records.

This also has caused some fiscal year-end borrowers to consider whether they can choose which deductions to disallow so they can defer the taxation of the loan forgiveness amount until a later tax year. 

Consider this example: a borrower obtained a PPP loan 8 weeks before the end of its 2020 FYE. If it obtains loan forgiveness based on the first 8 weeks of covered expenses, then those expenses would be disallowed and the loan forgiveness amount would be taxable in 2020. If, however, the borrower can disregard the first 8 weeks of expenses and rely only on the last 16 weeks of covered expenses paid or incurred during the covered period, then it could defer the expense disallowance, and therefore the taxation of the loan forgiveness amount until 2021. There is no guidance on this issue from the IRS or from the SBA, and while there are reasonable arguments to be made both ways, we cannot recommend borrowers take this position because eligibility for loan forgiveness is based on “the sum of” the covered expenses paid and incurred during the covered period, according to section 1106(b) of the CARES Act.

Could Deductibility of PPP Expenses Change?  Many have speculated that denying tax deductions for PPP loan recipients was not the intent of the program.  Several members of Congress have indicated that they intend to pursue legislation that would allow for all PPP related expenses to be deductible in order to avoid having small businesses deal with an unexpected tax bill after such a difficult year.  Even though at least one bill to restore the deductions has been proposed, at this point no agreement has been reached, so taxpayers need to proceed assuming that no change is coming.  That said, it is possible that we could see this addressed in an upcoming stimulus bill ….stay tuned.

Reminder Section:  (what should I be doing):

  • Talk to your lender to find out when its PPP loan forgiveness application portal will be ready.
  • Talk to your payroll company about claiming the employer payroll tax deferral and employee retention credits (ERC) that were made available in the CARES Act.
  • Talk to your payroll company about claiming the qualified sick/family leave refundable tax credits (from FFCRA, passed prior to the CARES Act).

Baker Group Achieves 2.5 Million Hours Without Injury

Baker Group reached a remarkable safety milestone on August 18, 2020 when the company surpassed 2.5 million hours worked with no recordable or lost time injuries. “The successes of our employees and our projects are greatly dependent on doing work safely,” says BJ Baker, Chairman and CEO. “It’s a cornerstone of Baker Group culture.”

This milestone reflects both the high safety standards set by the company and its commitment to its clients, employees and the industries with which it connects.

This commitment shows in the awards and recognition the company has received for its safety initiatives. The two-time winner of MCAA’s highest safety award, the MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Award, has also received MCAA Certificates of Commendation for consistently earning exceptionally low occupational injury and illness incidence rates. The most recent of these was presented in 2020.

Earlier this month the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA) recognized Baker Group with two prestigious national awards for 2020. These included the Zero Injury Award and the Safety Excellence Award for the lowest injury/illness rate among association participants in its highest category (over 500,000 hours of operation).

“We focus on achieving the highest levels of safe job performance as part of our planning as well as our field team operations,” notes Tracy Haus, long-time Director of Safety. “We roll it into all levels of communication, education and follow-through.”

A Commitment to Safety Behind the Scenes

In addition to Tracy’s role leading Baker Group’s safety initiatives, he is co-chair of the MCAA Safety & Health Committee. As a member of the committee for the past 10 years, he has had an active role in the development of MCAA’s extensive library of safety and health resources.

He, BJ and the entire Baker Group team of safety professionals have been instrumental in the creation of MCAA’s safety training videos. In addition to hosting all of the video shoots, the company has gone to extraordinary lengths in both the planning and execution of the “accidents” and “incidents” portrayed in the videos, procuring materials, equipment and locations as well as dedicating their time to being sure that things went off flawlessly. For example, see the recent videos on excavation safety, aerial lift safety, and workplace violence prevention and protection.

Congratulations to the entire Baker Group team on this major safety milestone and thank you for everything that you have contributed to MCAA’s Safety Excellence Initiative.

8/17 Alston & Bird Coronavirus Flash Update

Alston & Bird have released their August 17 COVID-19 update, including the latest news on emergency funding, administrative and regulatory actions, workplace and home issues, and many other topics, as well as to links to all their past updates.

Withum COVID-19 Bill Update – 8/13/2020

Final PPP Statistics:  As many of you know the PPP loan program is officially closed, it is certainly possible that it can be extended via the next stimulus bill, however that has been delayed and it is unclear what changes to the PPP (if any) will come as a result of the bill and when. The SBA has been consistently publishing PPP loan statistics, and this link provides what is effectively the “final” results as we know them. Some general observations:

  • $133 billion of funds allocated to the program went unused.
  • NY, CA and TX were the largest recipients of loans.
  • Over 87% of the total loans issued were below $150k.
  • Chase, BOA and PNC were the top three lenders (by dollars).
  • Healthcare, professional services and tech were the top three beneficiaries (by dollars).

New Clarifications/FAQs on How to Calculate Forgiveness: The SBA released new FAQs recently, Withum has written an in-depth analysis on each one within this article. The FAQs do not present major shifts in how we view the mechanics of forgiveness but do help provide further detail and clarity on topics such as how to calculate the maximum forgivable salary for owner/employees based on entity type (LLC, S-Corp, C-Corp and how to account for benefits paid within and outside of the covered period among other topics. As borrowers begin working on their applications, understanding these nuances is important. 

PPP and M&A: Withum often gets questions regarding how the sale or a business or the acquisition of another entity may impact a borrowers PPP loan and ability to obtain forgiveness. Withum has put together an article addressing some of the complexity that may arise from these transactions, as well as how they impact the employee retention tax credit.

Reminder Section:  (what should I be doing):

  • Talk to your payroll company about claiming the employer payroll tax deferral and employee retention credits (ERC) that were made available in the CARES Act.
  • Talk to your payroll company about claiming the qualified sick/family leave refundable tax credits (from FFCRA, passed prior to the CARES Act).
  • Consider speaking with your lender to discuss changes to terms of existing debt facilities.
  • If you have already received a PPP loan, start forecasting how you intend to spend the funds and how you can qualify for the highest amount of loan forgiveness possible. If you are not forecasting 100% loan forgiveness, then most likely you should seek assistance regarding your particular situation. Withum believes the vast majority of borrowers should expect and plan to receive 100% loan forgiveness.

Withum Update – SBA Releases New FAQs on Loan Forgiveness

On August 4, 2020, the Small Business Administration (SBA), in conjunction with the Treasury Department, released 23 frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding loan forgiveness under the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).

The FAQs, released approximately one week ahead of the SBA’s opening its loan forgiveness application portal, covers general questions surrounding the process and the type and amount of costs that can be included in the loan forgiveness application. Some of the FAQs confirm previously-stated positions and represent logical extensions of prior guidance, and others contradict prior guidance.

This article focuses on the most salient points of the FAQs and highlights the departures from prior SBA guidance or prevailing interpretations.

General Loan Forgiveness FAQs

  • Sole proprietors, independent contractors and self-employed individuals with no employees can use the EZ loan application.
  • Borrowers are not required to make loan payments prior to their receipt of a decision on their loan forgiveness application, provided they the application is filed within 10 months of receipt of the loan. Interest accrues from the date of receipt of the loan, but only on the part of the loan that is not forgiven.

Payroll Cost FAQs

  • There is no change to the paid or incurred rule as applied to payroll costs.
    • Paid – payroll costs that are incurred prior to a borrower’s covered period (CP) but paid during the CP are includable.
    • Incurred – payroll costs that are incurred during the CP but paid on or before the next regular payroll date after the end of the CP are includable.
  • Cash compensation is determined using gross payroll amounts. For purposes of the $100,000 annualized limitation on cash compensation, all forms of cash compensation should be considered, including wages, tips, commissions, bonuses and hazard pay.
  • Employee group health care costs are includible to the extent paid by the employer during the CP for coverage during the CP, but not for coverage outside the CP. This narrowing of the “paid” rule contradicts prior SBA guidance and creates a difference in the treatment between cash compensation and employee group health care costs.
  • No forgiveness will be provided for retirement benefits accelerated from periods outside the CP. This too represents a narrowing of the “paid” rule and contradicts prior SBA guidance.
  • The FAQs confirmed prior guidance that the maximum owner compensation amount for a 24-week CP is $20,833 in total across all businesses, but it added that borrowers are free to choose how to allocate such amount among their businesses.
  • Changes were made to the calculation of the owner compensation limits by business type. Below are the new rules.
    • C Corporations: cash compensation relating to a C corporation’s shareholder/employees is limited to 2.5 months of their 2019 cash compensation (for a 24-week CP), subject to a cap of $20,833. The corporation also is eligible for forgiveness on its group health care costs, state/local employment taxes, and retirement contributions capped at 2.5 months of the 2019 retirement contribution amounts.
    • S Corporations: cash compensation relating to an S corporation’s shareholders/employees is limited to 2.5 months of their 2019 cash compensation (for a 24-week CP), subject to a cap of $20,833. The corporation also is eligible for forgiveness on its state/local employment taxes, retirement contributions capped at 2.5 months of the 2019 retirement contribution amount, and health care contributions for owners owning less than 2% of the stock of the S corporation (or family members of such owners). Group health care costs are not eligible for forgiveness for owners or for family members of owners holding at least 2% of the S corporation’s stock.
    • Self-Employed Schedule C (or Schedule F) Filers: forgiveness is capped at 2.5 months of 2019 net profit as reported on Schedule C, line 31. No forgiveness may be obtained for group health care costs, retirement contributions, or state/local employment taxes.
    • General Partners: forgiveness is capped at 2.5 months of 2019 net earnings from self-employment (on Schedule K-1, box 14a) multiplied by .9235, and payment of this amount must be made during the CP. No forgiveness may be obtained for group health care costs, retirement contributions, or state/local employment taxes. The partners’ 2019 Schedules K-1 must be submitted along with the partnership’s loan forgiveness application.

If you have any questions regarding the loan forgiveness process, please contact a member of Withum’s SBA Financial Assistance Services Group.

Nonpayroll Cost FAQs

  • There is no change to the paid or incurred rule as applied to nonpayroll (i.e., overhead) costs.
  • No change to the definition of a covered mortgage in the CARES Act, but the FAQs state that interest on an unsecured line of credit is not eligible for forgiveness because the loan is not secured by real or personal property.
  • The renewal of a lease that was in place prior to February 15, 2020, will not affect loan forgiveness for the rental payments on such renewed lease.
  • Additional color is provided to the previous guidance that “transportation” expenses include gasoline for a borrower’s vehicle. The FAQs provide that “transportation” expenses include transportation utility fees assessed by state and local government.

Headcount and Wage Reduction FAQs

  • The SBA previously announced a safe harbor with regard to headcount reductions where the employer made an offer of reemployment that was rejected by an employee. The FAQs add that borrowers must demonstrate both an inability to hire similarly-qualified individuals on or before December 31, 2020, and that they informed the relevant state unemployment office of the offer within 30 days of the employee’s rejection of the offer.
  • With regard to salary/wage reductions, the FAQs reiterate that the borrower should only take into consideration decreases in salaries and wages, and not additional compensation such as bonuses, commissions, etc.

The FAQs provide additional guidance for borrowers, but hopefully Congress acts to further limit the loan forgiveness process either by eliminating the requirement to apply for certain loan sizes or by further streamlining the application process. Unless it does, the SBA plans to open its loan forgiveness application portal in the next few days. To the extent borrowers are left to make reasonable assumptions about the operative rules, we continue to encourage full disclosure as part of the loan forgiveness application process.