Every company should have plans to deal with emergencies and disasters. Well-executed plans can save lives, minimize the loss of assets, and even save the entire business. MCAA’s Disaster Recovery: Getting Your Business Back in Operation After a Disaster provides tips to help you develop and manage your company’s emergency response so that a disaster does not result in catastrophic losses for your business. It’s just one of MCAA’s educational resources that are free to MCAA members as a benefit of membership.
The bulletin covers:
- The differences between emergency response, crisis management and disaster recovery plans and what each type of plan includes
- Pandemic response planning
- The disaster recovery process
- Six areas important in recovering resources to maintain business strength in the face of disaster
- Minimizing information loss and data recovery
- Tools to continue operations
- Alternative workspace
- Documenting, rehearsing, and maintaining the plan
- Funding the recovery effort
- How to develop a quick plan
- How to improve an existing plan
For a full list of available Management Methods Bulletins, visit the Management Methods Bulletins page.
Have Questions or Need Personal Assistance?
Contact MCAA’s Frank Wall.
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