Ready, Redeploy and Respond with Colonel (Ret.) Tom Magness at MSCA19

June 13, 2019

Leaders charged with building and maintaining high performance teams have a unique challenge to keep the well-oiled machine communicating, creating and achieving.  To achieve and sustain this level of performance from both the team and the leader, Colonel (Ret.) Tom Magness, embraces the notion that daily training builds confidence and competence, while providing essential skills and knowledge—resulting in readiness.

Join us October 13-16, 2019 in Colorado Springs, CO for the MSCA19 Education Conference. This special bonus session will be led by Colonel Magness on Sunday, October 13, prior to the start of MSCA19, and will help you gain a better understanding and elevate your organization’s purpose resulting in a common shared vision of success or end-state. The session will draw on examples from military, sports and corporate America to highlight the value and best practices in communicating leader’s intent and how two-way communication develops ownership of the mission as well as future team empowerment. Discussion will also focus on the significance of early leader development and how to motivate developing leaders. Participants engage in hands-on practical exercises, small group discussion and lively dialogue spotlighting critical issues identified by the client hoping to elevate their teams to this level.

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