MCAA President Robert Beck Rolls Out MCAA’s 2023-2024 Initiatives

June 16, 2023

MCAA President Robert Beck rolled out the association’s 2023-2024 initiatives in a series of conference calls with MCAA committee chairs, local association executives, and MCAA staff. MCAA has been working towards these goals already, and now we are going to show how it all ties together and is being supported by MCAA leadership.

The initiatives are:

Member Engagement – We are a member-driven organization. We are going to motivate more of you, our world-class members, to engage by getting involved with local and national committees and boards.

  • Energize committees & boards
  • Align staff, chairs and Local Association Execs
  • Recruit and motivate member participation
  • Formalize the mission, time commitment expectations, and term expectations for each committee

Resource Awareness – We will find more avenues to connect our member companies with our vast resources available to assist with every aspect of business. Our mission is to be a partner, and help our member companies to improve, reduce risk, and maximize profitability.

Industry Improvement – We must work together to find new and better ways to stay ahead of the curve by reinventing how we provide value and conduct business in an industry that no longer looks like it did yesterday – and that will undoubtedly look very different tomorrow.

Watch for changes as MCAA implements these initiatives. We look forward to your continued involvement.

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