Is There A Way to Reduce Healthcare Costs, Increase Productivity and Improve the Overall Culture and Bottom Line? Register for Beverly Holcomb’s Session at MCAA’s Virtual Education Conference, March 22–25!

February 26, 2021

As part of our Virtual Education Conference (VEC) Essential Learning for Unconventional Times, you will hear from long-term health coach, Beverly Holcomb

What if there was a systematic way to significantly affect you and your organization’s health and vitality while reducing healthcare costs, increasing productivity and improving the overall culture and bottom line? The real ROI is investing in YOU—first! Join us for Beverly Holcomb’s session, “You Know Your Company’s ROI – What’s Your Body’s ROI?”

In this seminar, you will learn which “4 Pillars” affect virtually all areas of health: nutrition, movement, recovery, integration; and how having one or more of these areas out of balance can contribute to—or cause—most of the top diseases we face today (i.e., obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic pain, Alzheimer’s and more). 

Beverly is the Co-Founder of “The SATAURA Project,” a comprehensive online educational platform that focuses on all areas of human health and potential. She has an extensive background in the design and facilitation of Integrative Corporate Wellness Programs. She has merged her expertise and passion into the development of live and online programs for corporations; with a laser focus on the long-term health and well-being of their employees. Her programs massively improve the overall culture, community, productivity, and bottom line, with a measurable R.O.I. for the organization.  

Register today and join your MCAA friends and colleagues online at MCAA’s first Virtual Education Conference (VEC) Essential Learning for Unconventional Times, March 22 – 25, 2021. 

Registration is available for individuals and for companies (up to 10 registrants per company registration). Questions can be directed to We look forward to seeing you in March! 

Thank you, Ferguson for sponsoring this session and your continued support of MCAA. 


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