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MCAA’s WiMI Mentor/Mentee Program Introduces Jill and Hannah!

Hannah Inman has an infectious energy that she brings to her role as Program Manager with the Mechanical Contractors Association of Metropolitan Washington (MCAMW). Hannah has been with MCAMW for almost 4 years and has been involved with WiMI since the inaugural conference held in Chicago in 2019.

Jill McCall, Executive Vice President of MCA Chicago, has 20 years of association experience and has been in the construction industry for five of those years. Jill was one of the original committee members who kicked off the WiMI initiative back in 2018. She has a strong passion for the program and women’s issues even outside of the construction industry.

The pair bonded instantly, and their communication has only grown throughout the past year. As things slowed down due to the pandemic, they realized how important it was to check in with each other, even just to see how they were doing. With Hannah having a lot on her plate; newly engaged, finishing a degree and establishing new projects at work, the check ins were even more important! They both agree that it is nice to have a person to bounce challenges and new ideas off of, especially during a time where there is so much unknown in the industry as well as the world.

Hannah shared how much she values Jill’s mentorship, especially with not having any prior experience to this industry. “My self-confidence in my role here at MCAMW has improved. I’m learning how to better self-advocate, professionally. Also, my knowledge and communication skills have evolved, creating an advantage in my credibility within my network.”

Hannah recommends this program to all women in the industry – sharing, “as a female, especially a younger female, in a male-dominated industry, there can be challenges that arise which can be hard to navigate or receive appropriate support and/or feedback on. As the industry evolves in today’s world, certain aspects have unfortunately lagged behind others. This program, the support, resources, and its collaborative efforts, have brought aid to its progression, which I have found to be invaluable for both myself and to our association.”

Hannah came into this program with some goals already in place, including enhancing her professional experience and overall development, learning more about the industry, and receiving expert guidance and support. With that, her mentor, Jill, helped her create goals that included checking-in with each other once a month, enhance her efforts with their local WiMI chapter and workforce development, as well as striving to earn her CMP Certification.

Jill signed up for the mentorship role because “mentoring is one of the most powerful ways to help people grow.  It works both ways, too!” She encourages all females in the industry to be role models for new women entering the industry. The frequent check ins have benefited Jill as well, as the two have brainstormed new ideas and ways to improve both their local WiMI chapters and the national chapter.

“It’s the little things,” Jill shares when asked what her most memorable moment of being a woman in the industry has been, “Hearing a speaker adjust the introduction from brothers or gentlemen to brothers and sisters or ladies and gentlemen on the fly.” She has also been excited to see apparel at UA/MCAA events now offered in women’s sizes.  

Despite their busy schedules, the pair plans to continue their relationship beyond the initial six-month commitment and value and appreciate the time they can share and learn from each other.

“Jill is a cornucopia of knowledge and wisdom and I am thankful to have been matched with her, as I know our relationship has brought substantial value in my overall professional development,” Hannah concluded.

For more information visit the Women in the Mechanical Industry Initiative Page.

John W. Danforth Relies on Raken to Capture Detailed Productivity Data

John W. Danforth—a founding member of MCAA—is using Raken’s digital time cards and daily reporting to keep a record of all the impacts the pandemic has had on their productivity—so they can demonstrate what they have done and get paid for it. Construction companies have been forced to change the way they operate to ensure safety and compliance, and jobsite data are critical for contractors to maintain a record of productivity and streamline their workflows.


Looking for More Smart Solutions?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.


Congratulations to MCAA’s Emerging Student Chapter & Chapter of Excellence Grant Recipients

On behalf of the John R. Gentille Foundation and MCAA’s Career Development Committee, we are pleased to announce the following Student Chapters received a 2020 Emerging Chapter Grant: Bowling Green State University, Cypress College, Northern Kentucky University, and Virginia Tech, Blacksburg Campus.

The Emerging Chapter Grant was created to assist new chapters in becoming more established or struggling chapters in overcoming a challenge or obstacle. The financial assistance this grant money provides has helped chapters build stronger and better programs that attract and interest more students.

The John R. Gentille Foundation and MCAA’s Career Development Committee are also pleased to share the following Student Chapters received a 2020 Chapter of Excellence Grant: Ball State University, California State University, Chico, California State University, East Bay, Fairleigh-Dickinson University, Ferris State, Kansas State University, Kent State University, Purdue University, the University of Maryland, the University of Missouri- Columbia, and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

This Chapter of Excellence award recognizes student chapters for their extraordinary performance and accomplishments during the prior year, as well as encourage their continued growth and development.

Congratulations to all recipients and many thanks for your continued interest and participation in MCAA’s Student Chapter program.

Beyond the Classroom Video Series: The Benefit of Connecting with Industry Professionals

University of Missouri-Columbia mechanical engineering major Kylie Nedelka first learned about the MCAA GreatFutures program after hearing the association president speak to her class a few years ago. It was here Kylie realized the many benefits of being involved with the program.

“Networking is by far the best thing you can do in your career,” Kylie said while stressing the importance of building a professional network. Using her networking skills, she has landed two internships with SIEMENS, a member of the MCAA Manufacturer/Supplier Council. Kylie landed her first internship opportunity at the 2018 GreatFutures Forum while riding on a bus to Disneyland, where she shared a seat and struck up a conversation with Kristin Junia, Program Manager at SIEMENS. The following day, Kylie made sure to stop by the SIEMENS booth at the forum’s career fair. This is where she could talk more in-depth with Kristin about her education and internship interests and was offered an internship on the spot.

We hope Kylie’s story inspires other students to put themselves out there and not be afraid to talk to and connect with people within the industry, as you never know where it will lead!

You can read more of Kylie’s story here.

National Service and Maintenance Agreement Survey

The MSCA is requesting all companies that have signed up to be a part of the National Service and Maintenance Agreement to take a few moments to complete a brief survey.  Respondents feedback and recommendations will add to the value of the Agreement by helping them maintain and grow their service market share. It will also improve and enhance their competitiveness as well as help guide the MSCA Labor Committee as they begin negotiations later this year. All responses are anonymous, only the compiled results will be utilized. The survey will close on November, 20th 2020.

To access the survey, please click the link:

Download the full agreement

WiMI is Looking for New Mentors

The MCAA Women in the Mechanical Industry’s Mentor/Mentee program is a great opportunity for seasoned professionals in the industry interested in serving as advisors to those new to the industry or be a role model to students looking to join the industry.  The relationships built in this program help to guide our industry into the future with a diverse, exciting group of women who may have never connected otherwise. It also enables women from all spectrums of the mechanical and HVACR service industry to connect, support, guide and counsel each other.

Our recent webinar demonstrated just how beneficial a mentor/mentee partnership can be, watch webinar here.

We are always open for both mentors and mentees. To join our program, please complete the form below and send to

Mentor Form
Mentee Form

Learn more about the program!

With eSUB Software, Braconier Cuts Payroll Processing Down to Minutes

Braconier adopted eSUB’s comprehensive software platform to standardize project management and operations, cutting processes such as timecard inputting and payroll processing from a full day down to minutes. The platform also helps Braconier document every aspect of their projects, which helps keep things running smoothly.


Looking for More Smart Solutions?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.


Kori Gormley-Huppert Featured in Maker Month Profile

Kori Gormley-Huppert, president of MCAA member Gormley Plumbing + Mechanical and chair of MCAA’s Women in the Mechanical Industry Steering Committee, is among those profiled as part of Stanley Black & Decker’s Maker Month Campaign. The campaign is designed to empower makers and tradespeople around the world. Stanley Black & Decker is the parent company of DEWALT and LENOX, both MCAA members.

In the interview-style profile, Kori talks about her company, her career and the mechanical industry. She also offers advice to those who are just getting started thanks to perspective gained from her own experience and her work on MCAA’s Career Development Committee.

In addition to profiles spotlighting a diverse range of makers and creators from tradespeople and engineers to philanthropists and innovators throughout the industry, the campaign shines a light on the trade skills gap, which is one of the biggest issues facing the workforce today.

“To help solve for the vast skills gap today, an issue made worse by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, businesses need to showcase and celebrate the wide variety of opportunities people can pursue across the skilled trades,” said Jim Loree, President & CEO of Stanley Black & Decker. He added “Maker Month is our contribution to this effort, helping to highlight the vast potential these careers offer.”

Get Precise, Consistent Joints with Laser Welding

Many types of welding have been proven performers for a long time. Welding is, at its core, simply a way of joining two materials. While there are other ways to join metal (e.g., riveting, brazing, or soldering), welding has become the method of choice for its availability, high performance, and high strength. NIBCO INC. highlights the benefits of laser welding, including strength and efficiency. NIBCO INC. is an MCAA major sponsor.


Looking for More Smart Solutions?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.


Beyond the Classroom Video Series: The Power of Networking

In this month’s Beyond the Classroom video, hear about the power of networking from former Wentworth Institute of Technology student, Nolan Rochler. 

Nolan is now a Project Engineer at J.C. Higgins and credits his learning and growth in the industry to those he had met at networking events through his student chapter. Upon graduating, he found this network to be quite useful. “You have people who are there to help you. They help you find endless opportunities. By coming to these events, you are able to build such a strong network and basically go anywhere,” Nolan shared. 

Participating in MCAA’s Annual Student Chapter Competition was also an invaluable experience for Nolan. He says really learning, understanding and dissecting a real-life project, is unlike any other learning process. Nolan reminds current students to take these learning and networking opportunities and “make it whatever you want to make it.” People in this industry welcome you in, respect you, and give you the opportunity to learn and grow. Use them to help set you up for success–Nolan certainly has!

Upcoming Beyond the Classroom videos will continue to showcase opportunities available to MCAA student chapter members and MCAA members alike who choose careers in the mechanical industry.

WiMI Mentors and Mentees Share Their Experiences and Advice In Encouraging Panel Discussion–Watch Now!

Yesterday, Women in the Mechanical Industry (WiMI) Chair, Kori Gormley-Huppert led a lively discussion with mentor and mentees who are currently participating in the initiative’s Mentor/Mentee Program. Pattie Krippendorf, Vice President of the Service Division at Helm Group and a mentor in the program, shared her industry and life experiences, as well as offered her best advice to those newly navigating the industry. Mentees, Ali Brown, a student at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Madelyn Conway, a project engineer at BMWC Constructors, Inc. and Michelle Mays, a Sales Operations Coordinator at Crockett Facilities Services, spoke to the value of being involved in this program, and how invaluable they have found the assistance from their mentors, women with years of experience in the mechanical industry, in career planning, networking and goal setting.

The WiMI initiative was created to enable women in the mechanical industry to further enrich their careers through networking, educational, mentoring and career development opportunities. Interested and want to get involved?

WiMI Mentee Questionnaire

WiMI Mentor Questionnaire

MCAA’s Annual Student Chapter Competition Projects Due Monday, December 7th!

MCAA has recently made the difficult decision to cancel our 2021 Annual Convention and hold MCAA’s first ever Virtual Education Conference. This conference will feature all traditional, highly anticipated MCAA events including, top notch education seminars, our virtual trade show/exhibit, and of course, the impressive Annual Student Chapter Competition. While this will be a new format, MCAA is committed to setting each of the Final Four teams up for success as they prepare to present their projects. Below is a timeline that provides an overview of how the Annual Student Competition will run for 2021. 

Monday, December 7th, all student chapter competition projects are due in Procore. All student chapters will be provided with their project results on Friday, January 15thMCAA will then work with each of the Final Four teams to prepare for the Final Four presentations, including a technology requirement review and a thorough rehearsal. Final Four presentations will follow the standard time, twelve minutes per presentation, with ten minutes for Q&A. These presentations will be recorded then released to MCAA’s membership on Monday, March 22nd to kick-off MCAA’s Virtual Education Conference. 

We understand this is new, but MCAA’s Career Development Committee will be there every step of the way. Stay tuned for more information and registration details. If you have any questions, please reach out to MCAA’s Director of Career Development, Megan Walsh at

Week 7 of MCAA’s GreatFutures Virtual Fall Program Will Focus on BIM & Highlight the WiMI Mentor/Mentee Program

The GreatFutures Virtual Fall Program has completed the sixth week with two presentations on safety and project risks. We have also covered a variety of topics including estimating, which highlighted MCAA’s WebLEM+Plus resource; project management, that covered how to properly staff and schedule projects; and fabrication, which emphasized the importance of how and why fabrication is used. All presentations are easily accessible on the GreatFutures Virtual Fall Program website for registered students to watch anytime if they are unable to attend the live presentations.

Next week, we will learn about Building Information Modeling (BIM) and why more and more mechanical contractors are utilizing the process. To understand why, we will look at the difference between Computer Assisted Design (CAD) and Virtual Design Construction (VDC). On Thursday, October 29, we have a special panel presentation highlighting MCAA’s Women in the Mechanical Industry (WiMI) Mentor/Mentee Program. Join us to hear from current mentors and mentees about why and how they got involved with the program and learn how you can get involved too. Mentees will speak to how valuable they have found the assistance from their mentors, women with years of experience in the mechanical industry, in career planning, networking and goal setting. Our mentors will share their experiences and offer their best advice as you navigate through studying and working in the industry!

Register for access to any of these upcoming sessions or to check out any of the previous presentations in the GreatFutures Virtual Fall Program. View the full schedule and register today!


Those who are already registered can visit the GreatFutures Fall Virtual Program website to catch up on any programs they may have missed.

Postler & Jaeckle Corporation Recognized for Safety Excellence

MCAA and CNA are pleased to announce that Postler & Jaeckle Corporation earned the association’s top safety award for 2019 in Size Category 4, 450,001 – 1 Million Work Hours. Postler & Jaeckle’s successful Service Specific Safety Committee set the company apart.

Recognizing that its long-standing safety committee could not adequately address both construction and service safety issues, Postler & Jaeckle established a service specific committee to fully understand and address service-specific safety issues. The new committee expands employee ownership of the safety program, with representatives from each service group location attending quarterly committee meetings. These meetings allow the group to collaboratively determine the most urgent service safety issues, prioritize them, and establish effective plans to address them. The initiative has been very successful and continues to help protect mechanical service technicians from workplace hazards.

The MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Awards Program began in the 1990s when MCAA partnered with CNA Insurance. It is a fiercely competitive program in which only the best of the best compete for the awards.

Participants are required to describe their safety programs in detail, including how they achieved safety excellence and why they believe they deserve the award. The Safety Awards Selection Taskforce, which is led by CNA, carefully evaluates each submission looking for safety leadership, an advanced safety culture, effective leading indicators of safety performance, and innovative safety initiatives that helped the company achieve an exceptionally high degree of safety excellence.

MCAA and CNA congratulate Postler & Jaeckle Corporation for earning such a high degree of safety excellence in 2019.

Beyond the Classroom Video Series: Opportunities in the Mechanical Contracting Industry

Meet Marie. California State University, Chico Faculty Advisor and MCAA Career Development Committee member, Marie Patterson, shares how she got her start in the Mechanical Contracting Industry and what excites her about still working in the industry today, in this month’s Beyond the Classroom video.

Marie emphasizes there are endless opportunities for students who hope to work in the Mechanical Contracting industry, highlighting fun, cool, everyday venues and structures such as wineries and breweries, as mechanical construction. Marie likes to put her efforts to working on a pharmaceutical product, or a mechanical contracting project, that she knows at the end of the day will save or improve people’s lives. 

Upcoming Beyond the Classroom videos will continue to showcase opportunities available to MCAA student chapter members and MCAA members alike who choose careers in the mechanical industry.

P1 Group, Inc. Recognized for Safety Excellence

MCAA and CNA are pleased to announce that P1 Group, Inc. earned the association’s top safety award for 2019 in Size Category 5, More Than 1 Million Work Hours. P1’s successful “Why Not Zero” campaign set the company apart.

P1 presented employees with a single small goal: going accident free as a company one day at a time. Each morning started with the same small goal presented during a Daily Safety Checklist. The goal was further reinforced in safety training sessions and on employee T-shirts with the Why Not Zero logo.

The MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Awards Program began in the 1990s when MCAA partnered with CNA Insurance. It is a fiercely competitive program in which only the best of the best compete for the awards.

Participants are required to describe their safety programs in detail, including how they achieved safety excellence and why they believe they deserve the award. The Safety Awards Selection Taskforce, which is led by CNA, carefully evaluates each submission looking for safety leadership, an advanced safety culture, effective leading indicators of safety performance, and innovative safety initiatives that helped the company achieve an exceptionally high degree of safety excellence.

MCAA and CNA congratulate P1 Group for earning such a high degree of safety excellence in 2019.

Withum COVID-19 Bill Update – 10/12/2020

As the very public debate in Congress regarding another stimulus bill rolls on, Withum wanted to share an update issued late last week by the SBA, in conjunction with the Department of Treasury. With lobbying groups, lenders, and borrowers long-since advocating for a more simple forgiveness process, specifically for smaller loans, the SBA took this into their own hands late last week, as they released a new interim final rule (“IFR”). Because they are required to work within the confines of the current statutes, the consequences of this interim final rule are not as far reaching as proponents for a simpler forgiveness process would like, but it’s certainly a movement in the right direction. Here are the highlights:

New Application Form and Simplification for Loans under $50,000: In the release of the IFR, the SBA granted a de minimus exemption that all borrowers who have loans under $50,000 (provided that they do not, with affiliates, exceed $2M) would be exempt from any reductions in the loan forgiveness amount based on reductions in full-time equivalents or reductions in salaries/wages. This is welcomed news to these borrowers. The SBA also released the Form 3508S, a much more simple version of the Form EZ previously issued, which just asks the borrower for the bare minimum of requirements – loan information, forgiveness amount, and for the borrower to sign the certifications. While this is welcomed news to borrowers, the statutes of the CARES Act still require that forgiveness is not to be issued unless supporting documentation supporting the expenditures is provided, and there was no change to this rule offered by the SBA. Borrowers who utilize this form are still required to submit the supporting documentation for their expenditures, ultimately supporting the amount claimed for forgiveness. Further, the IFR clarifies that lenders are required to complete the following when in receipt of such application: 1) confirm receipt of the certifications, 2) confirm receipt of the documentation required to be submitted. It clearly indicates that the borrower is responsible to provide an accurate calculation of the loan forgiveness amount. 

With 3.57 million outstanding PPP loans totaling $62 billion in funds, this is set to simplify the process for about 12% of the PPP funds distributed. Withum expects that lending institutions will need some time to update their systems to allow for these applications, so borrowers who fit this mold will likely need to wait a couple more weeks to apply for forgiveness if they desire to use the new form.

Changes to the Lender Review Process for All Loans: In addition to the above, the IFR also amended lender responsibility with respect to reviewing documentation from submitted borrowers. In response to what appears to be an overwhelming number of borrowers submitting applications with documentation of eligible payroll and non-payroll costs in excess of the loan amount, lenders responsibilities are now adjusted such that they are only required to confirm the borrower’s calculation and review the required documentation up to the amount of the request forgiveness amount. Although we cannot be sure how each lender will approach/implement this guidance, it stands to increase the speed with which loans are being processed if utilized. 

What Else is Going on in Congress? Since the IRS published Notice 2020-32, disallowing deductions for expenses that were forgiven under the PPP, Congress members have spoken publicly about how this notice was not in line with the intentions of the CARES Act. On October 1, the House passed an updated Heroes Act which contained language allowing such deductions, marking the first time we have seen any legislation overturning the IRS notice make any headway. Based on what has transpired since that date, we know that the Heroes Act, in it’s current form, is very unlikely to be signed into law, however inclusion of language in this regard is encouraging nonetheless. 

Also at the forefront of these discussions are additional appropriations for the PPP funds. At the very least, the White House has signaled that they would be amenable to redeploying the nearly $130B of unused appropriations for the PPP, and Congress members on both sides of the aisle have indicated they are favor of a PPP v2. The most solid proposal we have seen to date is within the updated Heroes Act, which includes a second round of loans, utilizing the same formula as the first round, to eligible ‘smaller businesses’ of 200 employees or less who can also demonstrate a 25% reduction in revenues in either Q1, Q2 or Q3 as compared to last year. The maximum size loan under this proposal would be $2M. Eligibility under alternative size standards and how the affiliation rules would be applied are not clear at this time.

With HDPE Pipe and Victaulic Couplings, Shoemaker Mechanical Makes Light Work of Cooling Tower Replacement

By using high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe rather than carbon steel and pairing it with Victaulic’s HDPE pipe joining system, Shoemaker Mechanical replaced a cooling tower in less time than planned, with fewer people than expected, and avoided potential weather delays. Tulsa Community College’s (TCC’s) system has performed with no issues since it was installed. Victaulic is an MCAA major sponsor.


Looking for More Smart Solutions?

Visit the Smart Solutions Case Studies area of our website! You’ll see how other mechanical contractors found their win-win with productivity-enhancing and cost-saving applications from members of MCAA’s Manufacturer/Supplier Council.

Plus, you’ll find tips and ideas on other ways you and your company can save money and enhance your productivity.