Category: Managing Your Business

MSCA 2022 Benchmark Survey

In 2022, MSCA conducted a comprehensive benchmark survey to obtain current data on key performance indicators (KPIs) in the HVACR and plumbing service industry. The results were very insightful and sure to be beneficial to all MSCA members. The full report is now available, results are presented in two formats, one is overall results and the second is broken down by company size which can provide specific insight relevant to your company.

Project-Specific Loss of Productivity Analysis Methodologies

There is no question the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the construction industry as a whole, including the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) trades. The Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA), National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA), and Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors’ National Association (SMACNA) have aligned the MEP trades in a collaborative effort to bring to you and the construction industry this white paper. Find the Change Orders publication referenced in this white paper here.

Change Orders, Productivity, Overtime—A Primer for the Construction Industry

This planning tool helps you determine the costs associated with unplanned events, circumstances and factors that may impact the outcome, productivity and schedule of construction projects. New for 2024: a chapter exploring the factors that contribute to BIM cost and time overruns. This resource is a must-have for mechanical and other specialty contractors, attorneys in construction practices, and consultants.

The Business Value of BIM for Mechanical and HVAC Construction SmartMarket Report

The use of BIM and related technologies and processes that leverage data from models is delivering meaningful impact to mechanical and HVAC contractors on a wide variety of measures, including cost and schedule improvements, enhanced productivity, better collaboration between stakeholders and better worker safety. This research report quantifies other benefits to users and the challenges related to leveraging BIM to increase industry understanding of which factors will most effectively drive growth and expand future use.

Prefabrication and Modular Construction 2020 SmartMarket Report

Improved productivity and quality are among the benefits driving interest in, and use of, prefabrication and modular construction today. This research report quantifies other benefits to users and the challenges related to each to increase industry understanding of which factors will most effectively drive growth and expand future use.

Retention of Professional Staff

This bulletin outlines specific strategies that contractors can implement to increase their ability to retain employees as well as metrics that can be used to measure the effectiveness of these initiatives.

Credit Card Payments

This bulletin reviews the advantages and disadvantages of making payments via credit card.

Unit Pricing

This bulletin provides an overview of the “Unit Price” basis for pricing changes. It also highlights the pitfalls a contractor can expect in the implementation of a unit price change or contract.