Share Your Insights With Dodge Construction Network in NEW Jobsite Safety Report

May 19, 2023

MCAA is partnering with Dodge Construction Network on a new study on jobsite safety, and your participation is vital to its success. The purpose is to track trends in safety practices in the U.S. construction industry. This survey should take approximately 12 minutes to complete. 

In return for qualifying for, completing and submitting the survey, you will have the option to have a summary report of the survey findings emailed to you.

The findings will be released in a SmartMarket Report that will examine the prevalence of safety practices such as pre-task planning and dealing with heat exposure, the use of technology to enhance safety programs, understanding industry engagement with safety training and mentoring, examining the degree to which companies are addressing challenges with mental health and addiction, and exploring the best ways to communicate about safety. 

Your answers are strictly confidential and will not be associated with your name or the name of your company in any way. Your answers will be combined with others and only presented as averages or percentages, or by visual means that cannot be linked back to individual answers. Your answers are stored in a password protected database that can only be accessed by analysts at Dodge Construction Network. Your participation in this survey is completely voluntary.

Thank you for helping the industry to continue to prioritize and improve safety.

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