Congratulations to Gina Carnovale, Recipient of the Ferguson Women in the Mechanical Industry Scholarship

June 10, 2024
Pictured: Brian Helm (JRGF President), Todd Young (Ferguson Vice President), Gina Carnovale (Recipient), Kyla Magee (Recipient), Todd Young (Ferguson Director), Stacy Johnson (WiMI Committee Chair & Auburn Mechanical President), Wendy Glauber (WiMI Committee Vice Chair & John W. Danforth Company Human Resources & General Counsel), and Robert Beck (MCAA President)

This is the seventh year for the Ferguson Women in the Mechanical Industry (WiMI) Scholarship, which was presented at the Awards of Excellence Breakfast during the MCAA Convention to two high-achieving female students working toward a degree relative to the mechanical industry. Both recipients were invited to attend the 2024 WiMI Conference in Cleveland, OH, as honored attendees with complimentary registration.

Gina is a Construction Management major at Kent State University with an anticipated graduation of May 2025. She is an active member of her student chapter and has served as the competition chair lead and secretary. Last summer she interned with MCAA Member, Southland Industries.

“Before becoming involved with Kent State’s MCAA student chapter, I had limited knowledge of what a career in construction entailed, let alone mechanical contracting. Joining the organization marked a pivotal moment in my academic journey as it has provided me with countless opportunities. The Student Chapter Competition was the baseline of my knowledge and I used the knowledge I gained from this experience and the Job Fair at the 2022 GreatFutures Forum to land my first internship (Southland Industries). This has since launched my passion for the industry and has inspired me to create bigger career goals for myself.

My favorite aspect of MCAA as a future professional is its ability to transform the construction industry into a closely-knit community, encouraging collaboration among companies nationwide. Through MCAA, I have made professional connections that I believe will be valuable throughout my entire career. Moreover, my involvement in MCAA has allowed me to assume leadership roles within our student chapter, enhancing not only my technical skills, but also my soft skills, such as communication and teamwork.

Looking forward, I hope to further enhance my leadership abilities through continued involvement with MCAA after graduation by working for a company deeply involved in the national organization. It would be incredibly rewarding to give back to an organization that has offered me so much. Since my first MCAA conference, I have considered what it may be like to potentially be a panel member someday, sharing my own story. My goal is to share my experiences through MCAA, inspiring other college students to consider the mechanical industry and explore the opportunities it holds.”

MCAA and the John R. Gentille Foundation congratulate Gina on this prestigious scholarship and thank Ferguson for their commitment to supporting students interested in pursuing a career in the mechanical contracting industry.

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