How to Support Student Chapter Recruitment

September 2, 2024

The MCAA Career Development Committee recently rolled out a new eight-part Recruitment Guide that includes tailored resources for everyone to help pitch in and support our student chapters with their recruitment efforts on campus this fall. 

In addition to a flyer and PowerPoint template for our students to use, four guides are available with content created specifically for Faculty Advisors, Local Association Executives and MCAA Members.


Student Chapter Recruitment Best Practices – For MCAA Members

  • Create Facetime Opportunities
  • Be Side by Side with your Local Association
  • Raffles & Swag – Who Doesn’t Love Free Stuff?
  • Competition Support
  • Fundraising Support
  • Community Service Partnerships
  • Communications & Publications – Their Success is Your Success!
  • Keep Up on MCAA Opportunities
  • Play the Long Game

Browse the Recruitment Guide today and reach out to your local student chapter to offer your assistance with recruiting efforts!

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