Congratulations to Adam Kuschewski, Recipient of the ATP Inspiring Future Leaders Scholarship

June 3, 2024
Pictured: Brian Helm (JRGF President), Peter Zurlis (ATP Group, Inc., President), Adam Kuschewski (Recipient), Carl Hansen (ATP Learning Solutions, Director of Product Development) and Robert Beck (MCAA President)

Adam Kuschewski is the recipient of the ATP Inspiring Future Leaders Scholarship. This scholarship was established in 2023 to recognize, support and inspire students in the mechanical industry.

Adam is studying Mechanical Engineering at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and is anticipating to graduate in May 2027. This past year was his first in the student chapter and he is planning on interning this summer with MCAA Member, CT Mechanical.

“I have not been a part of the SIUE MCAA Chapter for that long, granted it has only been a chapter for 2 years now (Chartered at MCAA23), but I have learned a lot this past year. Such as how the bidding process goes about, how to work as a team, what the field is like, and the vast opportunities that await me in the mechanical construction industry. I hope to have a lasting relationship with my school’s MCAA student chapter after I graduate by assisting new members with the bidding process and showing them what MCAA is all about.

I love solving problems and helping others. I seem to have talent in math, logic and reasoning, so I figured mechanical construction would be a great way to apply those skills in a meaningful way to better the world. After college, I can see myself working hard within a mechanical contracting company.”

MCAA and the John R. Gentille Foundation congratulate Adam on this prestigious scholarship and thank ATP for their commitment to supporting students interested in pursuing a career in the mechanical contracting industry.

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