Congratulations to Shelby Gustafson, First Recipient of the Donald V. Brown, Sr. Memorial Scholarship

May 16, 2024
Pictured: Brian Helm (JRGF President), Shelby Gustafson (Recipient), Omar Abdallah (D.V. Brown COO), George Sisson (D.V. Brown Senior Project Executive), and Robert Beck (MCAA President)

D.V. Brown & Associates, Inc., a charter member of MCAA, has established a new scholarship to commemorate the memory of its founder, Donald V. Brown, Senior. Congratulations to the first recipient – Shelby Gustafson!

Shelby is a Construction Management major at California State University, Chico with an anticipated graduation of May 2027. She is an active member of her student chapter and served as Vice President. Last summer she interned with MCAA Member, ACCO Engineered Systems and plans on returning to ACCO for the summer of 2024 to continue her internship experience.

“While working at ACCO, I have noticed that everyone there gives 100% commitment and effort constantly. This is important to me when thinking about a future career because I always give 100% to all of my projects and commitments as well. Being on a team with a mirrored mindset is super important to me because it allows me to reach my full potential. Seeing that everyone is a tight knit family is also notable because with the stress and competitive market of the industry it is nice to know that there is a supportive group backing me no matter what. Being able to reach out for help, especially in the beginning years, is especially valuable because it is vital to have people to rely on.

Through my student chapter, I have gained not only knowledge in the industry, but also a solid group of friends. The competition allowed me to expand my public speaking skills as well as get a better understanding of high-level mechanical scheduling and estimating. Without my chapter, I wouldn’t have been offered as many internship experiences and I will be forever grateful for it. I’ll be sure to keep a lookout on student outreach programs in my future company and of course I would make the drive to Chico to help support the program in the future.”

MCAA and the John R. Gentille Foundation congratulate Shelby on this prestigious scholarship and thank D.V. Brown & Associates, Inc. for their commitment to supporting students interested in pursuing a career in the mechanical contracting industry.

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