Help Your Field Leaders Improve Communication…and Your Company’s Image at the 2024 Field Leaders Conference

May 13, 2024

June 17 – June 19, 2024 | Philadelphia, PA

MCAA’s Field Leaders Conference is where field leaders realize their importance and value as professionals and members of the management team. When your field leaders join us in June, they will learn the skills they need to be business, and results, oriented managers focused on growing company profits and brand. Register them today!


Building Relationships: Communication on the Jobsite
with Kevin Dougherty, Leading Construction Industry Consultant

Your field leaders are the face of your company. Are they prepared to communicate effectively, bridge conflict and personality clashes and protect your company’s image? Kevin Dougherty’s presentation at the Field Leaders Conference provides the tricks and tactics they need to get even the most difficult people eating out of their hands, plus other ideas for improving communication with crews, other subs, management and owners.

Kevin Dougherty, a leading construction industry consultant, has been guiding organizations as they adapt to a changing industry. He provides realistic, open-minded tangible solutions to today’s problems. Kevin is based in Sarasota, FL, and frequently speaks to construction industry organizations who welcome his engaging, enthusiastic manner.

Financial Assistance Opportunities

The United Association’s (UA) International Training Fund (ITF) is offering $5,500 grants for UA/MCAA foreman administrators who attend one of the 2024 MCAA Field Leaders Conferences. These are UA members who have completed the UA Education and Training Department’s Foreman Certification Course 2012 and are responsible for proctoring and maintaining the integrity and security of the UA Foreman Certification Examination at their local union training center. Find additional information about these grants and learn how to apply in this article.

The conference will be offered again November 11 – November 13, 2024 in Atlanta, GA for those who can’t make it to the June conference. Watch the MCAA website and MCAA’s National Update for details as the event gets closer.

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