MCAA Board Partners Support Local Charity at Convention

April 1, 2024
During the recent convention, MCAA's Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and President Advisory Council Partners teamed up for a charity activity to support One Heart for Women and Children, a local charity aiding struggling families in Central Florida and beyond.

During the recent convention, MCAA’s Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and President Advisory Council Partners teamed up for a charity activity to support One Heart for Women and Children, a local charity aiding struggling families in Central Florida and beyond.

Under the guidance of First Lady Elise Beck, partners assembled a significant number of resources for the charity. Within a couple of hours, they prepared 1,100 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, along with 500 snack bags and 500 personal care bags. These items were promptly distributed to those facing daily hardships.

This initiative underscores MCAA’s commitment to community service and solidarity. By supporting One Heart for Women and Children, MCAA members demonstrated their dedication to making a positive impact on the lives of others, especially those in need.

These provisions serve as more than just essentials; they symbolize hope and compassion for those experiencing adversity. Through collective action, these MCAA members exemplify the potential for positive change in their communities.

As we recognize this meaningful endeavor, we extend our appreciation to all who participated. Your contributions have made a tangible difference in the lives of many, reflecting the power of unity and compassion.

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