The Power of Your Peers: How Contractor Case Studies Drive the MEP Innovation Conference

December 8, 2023
In today's ever-changing MEP industry, innovation is key. The MEP Innovation Conference is the go-to event for professionals looking to stay up-to-date. Amidst the conference's buzz, it's the contractors' practical experiences and insights that lead the way to innovation. We'll explore how contractor case studies drive progress and collaboration among peers, making this event a hub for groundbreaking solutions in the construction industry for MEP contractors. Join us in sunny Orlando, Florida, from January 29 – 31, as we bring together the best innovators in the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing industry. Register today!

In today’s ever-changing MEP industry, innovation is key. The MEP Innovation Conference is the go-to event for professionals looking to stay up-to-date. Amidst the conference’s buzz, it’s the contractors’ practical experiences and insights that lead the way to innovation. We’ll explore how contractor case studies drive progress and collaboration among peers, making this event a hub for groundbreaking solutions in the construction industry for MEP contractors. Join us in sunny Orlando, Florida, from January 29 – 31, as we bring together the best innovators in the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing industry. Register today!

At the MEP Innovation Conference, we’ll explore how professionals, including plumbing, mechanical, and service contractors, harness these technologies for efficiency and collaboration in construction. The conference serves as a platform where experts from various disciplines come together, transforming the way construction projects are conceived, designed, and executed through digital tools. The main difference with this conference is that the presentations are almost entirely led by contractors, sharing real life case studies of their success and failure.

The conference will take place in Orlando, Florida from January 29th to January 31st. This event is exclusively for members of MCAA, NECA, and SMACNA and is forecasting its largest registration of over 650 attendees. Registration is still available, but the conference has sold out every year. Don’t delay, learn more and register today!

For more information, please visit the conference website.

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