School’s Out for Summer! 

May 26, 2023

Classes are officially finished for the year and student chapter members are on the hunt for new opportunities.  Now is an excellent time to post your Fall ’24 internships (or to catch a few stragglers still for summer employment).

How to Post an Entry-Level Job or Internship

  • Login with an MCAA username and password
  • Click on the job board within the Career Development page
  • Click Manage My Jobs and Add a Job to create your posting
  • Jobs remain active for 1 month to ensure postings stay fresh
  • When the job is set to expire, a reminder will be sent for you to either “mark as filled” or “duplicate” and repost for another month
  • Interested students can view postings and submit their contact information and resume
  • Your office will be notified via email when interested students submit their resume
  • From there, your office is encouraged to continue with your company’s application and interview process

Tell Us About Your MCAA23 Intern & New Hire Successes

Did you successfully hire an intern or full-time new hire in 2023? We’d love to hear about it! Reach out to MCAA’s Michele Hoffman at

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