The Hill Group Earns Top MCAA/CNA Safety Award

May 22, 2023

The Hill Group was recently recognized as the MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Awards winner for 2022 in Size Category 5, 1,000,000+ Work Hours. The Hill Group’s robust safety culture represents their commitment to their most important asset – their people.

Safety is the primary goal at The Hill Group, and this requires focused effort from everyone in the organization to achieve. They believe the choices that we as individuals make could very well prevent injuries, or even save a life. That is why The Hill Group has invested their entire leadership in safety, implementing BluePoint emergency response solutions and a customizable mobile app.

The MCAA/CNA Safety Excellence Awards began in the 1990s when MCAA partnered with CNA Insurance. It is a fiercely competitive program in which only the best of the best compete for the awards.

This is one of the most competitive safety awards programs in the country and winners are highly regarded among their peers.

The award focuses on safety and health programs, safety innovations and achievements in safety to reach a high degree of safety and health excellence. Companies are divided into five categories by number of hours worked and winners are selected by a committee of their peers.

Participants are required to describe their safety programs in detail, including how they achieved safety excellence and why they believe they deserve the award. The Safety Awards Selection Taskforce, which is led by CNA, carefully evaluates each submission looking for safety leadership, an advanced safety culture, effective leading indicators of safety performance, and innovative safety initiatives that helped the company achieve an exceptionally high degree of safety excellence.

MCAA and CNA congratulate The Hill Group for achieving such a high degree of safety excellence in 2022.

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