Help MCAA Promote Stronger Prevailing Wage Rules and Market Practices through Improved DOL Regulations – Take Our Survey by May 9

April 28, 2022

MCAA is conducting a membership survey to gather data to support our claims that improvements in the administration of the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Davis-Bacon rules will improve competitive conditions in the markets for those projects and overall project performance of the projects overall. Please take 10 minutes to support your association’s efforts in this important area of federal construction policy. Survey responses are due by May 9, 2022.

In an email to MCAA members earlier today, MCAA Government Affairs Committee Chairman James Gaffney and MCAA CEO Timothy J. Brink, said:

The Biden Administration is proposing sweeping and positive changes to the rules pertaining to Davis-Bacon Act and Davis-Bacon Related Acts – prevailing wage requirements – on direct federal and federally assisted construction projects and prime contracts and subcontracts on those projects.

MCAA’s Government Affairs Committee is working in a variety of ways to support that regulatory initiative and strengthen the regulatory record against the inevitable challenges in court and the legislature.

To those ends, we would like to strongly request each of you to spend 10 minutes reading and responding to this membership survey MCAA developed for MCAA and some of the other Construction Employers of America (CEA) groups.

Our aim in conducting this survey is to buttress and substantiate our claims that improvements in the administration of the Davis-Bacon rules will improve competitive conditions in the markets for those projects and performance of the projects overall.

Please take some few minutes to support your association’s efforts in this important area of federal construction policy.  Please respond by May 6th, as we need time to compile the responses and incorporate the summary into our comments on the regulatory proposal due by May 17th.

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