Imagine what you could accomplish if you could decode the mystery of human behavior and truly understand what makes people do what they do and say what they say (including yourself!) Award-winning author of seven books and human relations expert Connie Podesta will join us in Huntington Beach, CA at the MSCA18 educational conference and show why #1 key to SUCCESS is the ability to get along with other people both at work and at home. Her message will both challenge and empower you with the knowledge you need to get along better with all the people in your life.
Connie’s emphasis on the value of long term results rather than more quick fixes will help you implement strategies that will make a lasting impact on your daily interactions with others. She will take participants right inside the minds and personalities of the people they encounter every day–bosses, colleagues, partners, customers, friends, and family– so you can act, rather than react, to whatever life throws your way!